Title: The biggest mammals under the sea
1The biggest mammals under the sea
- By Jasmine Alcozer
- Sparta Elem.
2 Introduction There are only two kinds of
whalesbaleen and teeth.toothed are whales that
have teeth. Baleens are whales that have no
teeth. Baleen whales have two hole and toothed
whales only have one.whales are mammals.they
migrate .they have live babies and move their
tail up and down.they survive the long migration
because of its blubber whales dont have gills
The whales blowhole and tail can knock a diver
unconscious. They eat krill and plankton. The
males sing to attract female. Babies will cover
their moms blow hole to get there moms attention.
3Blue whale
A BLUE WHALE HAS TWO blow HOLES. IF A whale gets
beached you would put a wet blanket over it so it
doesnt get a bad sunburn . but dont cover its
blow hole you will suffocate it. The blue whale
is the biggest mammal on earth.A blue whale can
weigh 145 tons and a calves can weigh 2 tons
when its born .the blue whale is endangered when
the blue has its babies the mother pushes it out
up top of the surface for its first breath of
air its instincts it comes up to t5he surface to
breath and eat and it migrates
4Gray whale
The gray whale is a baleen whale.the gray whale
can stay under water3 to 5 minuets. The gray
whale is also endangered.when the gray whale eats
it stays under water for 15 minuets.it gets its
name from its patches on its skin.the gray whale
can grow up to 5 feet long. Its instincts it can
catches krill and it migrates.
In the Company of Whales
The beluga whale eats fish,squid,and octopuses.
Its 4-5 meters long.it is not endangered.they
dont chew there food, they swallow it whole they
have many different instincts they eat food
.catch fish,and they can swim
6Killer whale
A killer whale is also called an orca. A killer
whale can weigh up to 5 tons.killer whales also
kill other whales. to do that they swim in
pods(which is a group of eight) they are also
7Food chain
The sun gives energy to the phytoplankton the
phytoplankton gives energy to the little fish
the little fish gives energy to the big fish the
big fish gives energy to the beluga whale.
Blue whale Food chain
The sun gives energy to the phytoplankton the
phytoplankton gives energy to the zooplankton the
zooplankton gives energy to the blue whale.
8Work sited
www.acsonline.org.com/fact/pack www.toothedwhales
www.kidcyber www.whalesBC.com www.whale-web/dolphi
n/pails www.whale/instincts www.Baja.com