Title: PCard Tips
1PCard Tips
- University of West Florida
- PCard Program
2Youve printed the PCard Reconciliation Reports
for all the accounts youre responsible for, and
matched each charge with the appropriate
transaction documentation. Youre done with the
reconciliation, right?
- What does the Reference Guide say?
- You should also verify the transactions on the GE
Capital statement for each account, to make sure
there arent any additional charges that didnt
post correctly on Banner.
3You should also verify the transactions on the GE
Capital statement for each account, to make sure
there arent any additional charges that didnt
post correctly on Banner.
- Why?
- Its not likely that a charge could be made and
not posted to Banner, but it is possible. To be
on the safe side, its a good practice to verify
that whats on the GE Capital statement matches
whats in Banner. That way you know youre not
paying for any bogus transactions.
4You should also verify the transactions on the GE
Capital statement for each account, to make sure
there arent any additional charges that didnt
post correctly on Banner.
- How?
- Just take a few minutes to match up the two
statements. You may have charges on the GE
Capital statement that post to Banner in two
different months. If thats the case, and you
need to hold onto the GE Capital statement, make
sure its kept in a locked file, because it
displays the whole PCard account number, which
needs to be safeguarded.
5You should also verify the transactions on the GE
Capital statement for each account, to make sure
there arent any additional charges that didnt
post correctly on Banner.
- Thank you for making sure our Pcard program is
managed in the best, safest and most effective