Title: Radio Paging Wireless Messaging Wireless Data
1Radio PagingWireless MessagingWireless Data
- Creating Business
- From Technology
by Brad Dye
2An Overview of thePaging Business
- The Past
- A Brief History of Paging
- The Present State of the Paging Business
- New Products and Services
- Problems
- Consolidation
- Convergence
- The Future
- Opportunities
- Risks and Competition
3A Brief History of Paging
- By type of Pager
- Tone Only
- Tone Voice
- Numeric Display
- Alphanumeric Display
- By Distribution
- Mostly Direct Sales
- By Market
- Business
- Doctor
- Plumber
- Electrician
- Personal Use
- Consumer Market
4The Present State of the Paging Business
- Consolidation
- Acquisitions
- Mergers
- Problems
- MobileMedia bankruptcy
- Conxus bankruptcy
- Risks
- Full Duplex Wireless Data Services
- Distribution
- Retail
- Resellers
- Strategic Alliances
- Convergence
- Paging has become Messaging
- The influence of the Internet
5New Products and Services
The Evolution of Paging
The Paging Value Chain
Asymmetrical Messaging
Full Two-way
Full Interactive
Advanced Paging
Subscriber Initiated
Canned Message Initiation
Subscriber Response
Single Packet Response
Improved Paging
Reliable Delivery
Automatic Roaming
Registration Only
Basic Paging
One-way Paging
6The Future of Paging
- The Future
- Opportunities
- Risks
- Competition
- Related Business Opportunities
- Information Content
- Web Clipping
- News
- Stock Quotations
- Message Dispatching Services
- Universal Access to Messaging Services
7The Paging businessis changing into
theWireless Data Business
- The Internet is the greatest development for the
dissemination of information to the masses since
Johann Gutenberg invented the Printing Press
8- According to Life Magazine, the most significant
event of the millennium is Johann Gutenbergs
printing of the Bible. On the eve of the
twenty-first century, Life, in its Top 100
Events of the Millennium, recently featured
those events that had the greatest impact on the
course of history in the past 2,000 years. - Among Life Magazines Top 100 Events are
- Checking accounts ( 84)
- The Icemaker ( 53)
- The Telephone ( 20)
- Henry Fords Model T ( 17)
- Americas Declaration of Independence ( 8)
- The discovery of the New World ( 2)
- It was Gutenbergs 1455 Bible, however, that Life
considers the most far-reaching of all the
technological achievements of the millennium.
According to Life, it was that achievement,
during a time when books were extremely expensive
and in short supply, which unleashed an
information epidemic that rages to this day. In
1455, there were fewer than 30,000 books in the
world. By 1500, there were over 9 million.
9The Growth of the Internet
Source NUA Internet Surveys
10The World Wide Web92 Million Surfers Strong
An eye-popping 92 million Americans and
Canadians, or 40 percent of the population over
the age of 16, report they use the Web, according
to the 1999 CommerceNet Nielsen Media Research
study. The report also shows growth in
e-commerce 55 million surfers shop online and
more than half of them are buying.
Source The Industry Standard
11Business WebExpenditures to Quintuple
Corporate investment in Web-enabling technology
will continue to grow both in the U.S. and
abroad. A new analysis from International Data
Corp. shows domestic spending of 174 billion in
1999 will be outpaced by that of foreign firms,
which is expected to hit 305 billion. By 2003,
companies will spend 2.2 trillion worldwide.
Source The Industry Standard
12Half of U.S. HomesNow Have PCs
Although analysts have declared the coming end to
the PC era, new research from ZD InfoBeads shows
another 6.4 million American households acquired
PCs in the past year. That brings the PC-owning
total to 52 million, or 50 percent of homes.
Lower-income households accounted for the
greatest percentage of new home PCs.
Source The Industry Standard
13Current Estimate of theNumber of Users on the
- World Total 179 million
- Africa 1.14 million
- Asia/Pacific 26.97 million
- Europe 42.69 million
- Middle East 0.88 million
- Canada USA 102.03 million
- Latin America 5.29 million
Nielsen Media Research Spring of 1999
estimated 92 million
Source NUA Internet Surveys
14The Wheel of Opportunity
The Wheel Of Fortune
The First Wheel
15The Wheel Of Fortune
PDAs Palm Pilot etc.
Electronic Parole
Commerce Interactive Web Auctions
Wireless Chat Conference
Business Group Calls
Individual Messaging
Advertising Graphics Text
GPS Location Tracking
1-way notification 2-way interactive
Web Clipping
Special Interest News
16Telemetry Services
- Automobile Interfaces
- Locate - Stolenbetter than LOJACK
- Start / Stop Motor
- Roll Up / Down Windows
- Lock / Unlock Doors
- Car Report - Problem to Dealer
- Security
- Home / Business
- Personal Security
- Ive fallen and cant get up
- Campus systems
- Wireless vs. WireRing of Protection
- Copy Machines
- Vending Machines
- Sprinklers Irrigation
- Flood Control
- Electrical Control
- Load Shedding
- Remote Switching
- Courier Drop Boxes
- Remote Monitoring
- Equipment Breakdown
- ManufacturingProduction Lines
- Interrogation
17Telemetry Products
CreataLinkControl Module
CreataLink 2XT
2-way DataTransceiver
For 1-way Paging
8 I/O ports
Serial Port for Electronic Signs
18Personal Digital Assistants
with wireless interface modules
- The Palm Pilot (and many others)
- One-way
- Two-way
- Automatic Schedule Routing
- Telephone Numbers
- Handwriting to Alphanumeric Paging
- Advertising
- Graphics
- Coupon Clipping
- Special Sales
19Wireless Chat or Conference
- Peer-To-Peer communications
- Executive conferences
- Emergency votes by Boards of Directors
- Meeting coordination and scheduling
- Better service than telephones can offer
- Wireless Surveys
20Individual Messaging
- Traditional Alphanumeric Text Messaging will
continue to be popular - The good has been the enemy of the best
(numeric vs. alphanumeric) - New methods of text entry into paging systems
will change this thanks to the Internet - Alphanumeric message dispatch centers
- Someday - Speech Recognition to text
21Advertisingwith Graphics Text
- The Motorola CP1250 Pager
- Graphics Capability - Company Logos
- Full Page
- 1/2 Page
- Optimized for Information Services
- 8 lines of text (zoom to 4 lines)
- 483,000 character memory
- Many maildrop options
- One-way Paging
- E-mail Notification - Summaries
- Two-way Paging
- Interactive E-mail - Send and Receive
- Filtering
- Content
- Length
- Subject
- Sender
23Special Interest News
- Sports
- Sport Specific
- Team Specific
- Specialized Industry News
- Stock Quotations
- News for any Special Interest
- Stamp Collecting, Boy Scouts, Bass Fishing, etc.
- Social, Religious, Fraternal Organizations
24Web Clipping
- Too much Data - not enough Information
- Air Time Concerns (bandwidth)
- The W_at_P protocol will give wireless devices
efficient access to the internet - Condensed Web Clipping
- New Internet Formats coming
- 90 of Wireless Handset Manufacturers have
adopted W_at_P
25GPS Location Tracking
- Emergency 911 position location
- Asset Tracking
- Alzheimer's Patients
- Surveillance
- Track Shipping
- Hazardous Materials
- Valuables
- Organ Transplants
- Lost Children
- Executives
26Business Group Calls
- Employee Benefits News
- Senior Executive Bulletins
- Corporate Security Response Teams
- Evacuation
- Fire / Flood
- Medical Emergencies
- Executive Protection
- Meetings
27Commerce Web Auctions
- Web Commerce is the largest and fastest-growing
business in history - Web Auctions Expected to render Classified
Advertising Obsolete by 2002 - On-line News will probably kill the newspaper by
2002 - Two-way Pagers offer the possibility of
Interactive Bidding
28Electronic Parole
- The tracking of people on parole is attracting
substantial interest in the law enforcement
29Miscellaneous Trivia
- More data is sent over the paging infrastructure
than by all other forms of mobile data
communications combined. - Paging is one of the fastest-growing segments of
the telecommunications industry. - One out of every seven people will carry a
wireless device by the year 2000. This prediction
is supported by the fact that today one in ten
paging subscribers is under age 18. - By the year 2000, the number of subscribers is
expected to grow to nearly 70 million. - Demand for alphanumeric messaging is growing at
twice the rate of numeric paging. A similar trend
is occurring in demand for increased coverage.
Demand for wide area coverage is growing at twice
the rate as local coverage. - One of the hottest emerging paging applications
is the wireless delivery of electronic mail.
Little wonder since nearly 75 percent of U.S.
professionals now spend more than 20 percent of
their time away from the office. - There are more than 600 paging companies
operating in the United States of that number,
the top 30 companies constitute 95 percent of the
30thank you