Title: Iterative Detection and Decoding for Wireless Communications
1Iterative Detection and Decoding for Wireless
- Matthew Valenti
- Dissertation Defense
- July 8, 1999
- Advisor Dr. Brian D. Woerner
- Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group
- Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering - Virginia Tech
- Blacksburg, Virginia
- Introduction and background
- Turbo codes
- Iterative decoding algorithms
- Turbo codes for the wireless channel
- Performance over fading channels
- Receiver/system design for time-varying channels
- Multiuser detection for coded multiple-access
networks - Distributed multiuser detection
- Turbo-MUD iterative multiuser detection and
error correction - Cooperative decoding for TDMA networks
3Error Correction Coding
- Channel coding adds structured redundancy to a
transmission. - The input message m is composed of K info bits.
- The output code word x is composed of N code
bits. - Since N gt K there is redundancy in the output.
- The code rate is r K/N.
- (Hamming) weight
- Number of ones in the message m
- For linear codes, high weight code words are
desired - Minimum distance dmin limits performance
Channel Encoder
4Power Efficiency of Coding Standards
BPSK Capacity Bound
Uncoded BPSK
Iridium 1998
Shannon Capacity Bound
Pioneer 1968-72
Spectral Efficiency
Code Rate r
Turbo Code 1993
Globalstar 1999
Odenwalder Convolutional Codes 1976
Voyager 1977
GalileoBVD 1992
GalileoLGA 1996
Mariner 1969
Eb/No in dB
5Convolutional Codes
- A convolutional encoder encodes a stream of data.
- The size of the code word is unbounded.
- The encoder is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
filter. - k binary inputs
- n binary outputs
- Kc -1 delay elements
- All operations over GF(2)
- Addition XOR
- Multiplier coefficients are either 1 or 0
Constraint Length Kc 3
6Recursive Systematic Convolutional Encoding
- An RSC encoder is constructed from a standard
convolutional encoder by feeding back one of the
outputs. - An RSC code is systematic.
- The input bits appear directly in the output.
- An RSC encoder is an Infinite Impulse Response
(IIR) Filter. - Many low weight inputs produce high weight
outputs. - Some inputs will cause low weight outputs.
Systematic output
Parity output
7Turbo Codes Parallel Concatenated Codeswith
Nonuniform Interleaving
- A stronger code can be created by encoding in
parallel. - A nonuniform interleaver changes the ordering of
bits at the input of the second encoder. - It is very unlikely that both encoders produce
low weight code words. - MUX increases code rate from 1/3 to 1/2.
Systematic Output
Encoder 1
Parity Output
Encoder 2
Nonuniform Interleaver
8Turbo code performance
- Coding dilemma
- All codes are good, except those that we can
think of. - Random coding argument
- Truly random codes approach capacity, but are not
feasible. - Turbo codes appear random, yet have enough
structure to allow practical decoding. - Distance spectrum argument
- Traditional code design focused on maximizing the
minimum distance. - dmin determines performance at high SNR
- With turbo codes, the goal is to reduce the
multiplicity of low weight code words. - Even with small dmin, remarkable performance can
be achieved at low SNR.
9Minimum-distance Asymptote
- For convolutional code
- For turbo code
10Performance for various frame/interleaver sizes
- Kc 5
- Rate r 1/2
- 18 decoder iterations
- Log-MAP decoder
- AWGN Channel
11The Turbo-Principle
- Turbo codes get their name because the decoder
uses feedback, like a turbo engine.
12Iterative Decoding
Extrinsic Information
Extrinsic Information
Decoder 1
Decoder 2
systematic data
hard bit decisions
parity data
- There is one decoder for each elementary encoder.
- Estimates the a posteriori probability (APP) of
each data bit. - Extrinsic Information is derived from the APP.
- The Extrinsic Information is used as a priori
information by the other decoder. - Decoding continues for a set number of
iterations. - Obeys law of diminishing returns
13Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO)Decoding Algorithms
Trellis-Based Estimation Algorithms
- Viterbi algorithm
- 1967 Viterbi
- 1989 Hagenauer/Hoeher
- Improved SOVA
- 1996 Papke/Robertson/Villebrun
- MAP algorithm
- 1974 Bahl/Cocke/Jelinek/Raviv
- max-log-MAP
- 1990 Koch and Baier
- log-MAP
- 1994 Villebrun
Viterbi Algorithm
MAP Algorithm
Improved SOVA
Sequence Estimation
Symbol-by-symbol Estimation
14Performance as a Function of Number of Iterations
- Kc 5
- r 1/2
- K 65,536
- Log-MAP algorithm
15Summary of Performance Factors and Tradeoffs
- Latency vs. performance
- Frame/interleaver size
- Complexity vs. performance
- Decoding algorithm
- Number of iterations
- Encoder constraint length
- Spectral efficiency vs. performance
- Overall code rate
- Other factors
- Interleaver design
- Puncture pattern
- Trellis termination
16Turbo Codes for Fading Channels
- Many channels of interest can be modeled as a
frequency-flat fading channel. - Fading channel is time-varying
- Flat all frequencies experience same attenuation
- Because of the time-varying nature of the
channel, it is necessary to estimate and track
the channel. - Channel estimation is difficult for turbo codes
because they operate at low SNR. - Questions
- How do turbo codes perform over fading channels?
- How can the channel be estimated in a turbo coded
system? - Goal is to develop channel estimation techniques
that take into account the iterative nature of
the decoder.
17System Model
turbo encoder
channel interleaver
symbol mapper
pulse shaping filter
Input data
matched filter
channel estimator
Decoded data
channel deinterl.
turbo decoder
symbol demapper
18Fading Channel Types
- .
- X(t), Y(t) are Gaussian random processes.
- Represents the scattering component
- Autocorrelation Rc(?)
- A is a constant.
- Represents the direct LOS component
- Types of channels
- AWGN Aconstant and X(t)Y(t)0
- Rayleigh fading A0
- Rician fading A gt 0, ?A2/2?2
- Correlated fading
- Fully-interleaved fading
19Effect of Channel Correlation
- Channel
- Rayleigh fading
- Correlated
- Channel interleaver
- Depth 32 symbols
- Perfect Estimates
- Turbo code
- Rate 1/2
- KC3
- K1024
- Decoder
- Improved SOVA
- 8 iterations
20Effect of Fading Distribution
- Channel
- Correlated fading
- fdTs .005
- Channel interleaving
- Depth 32 symbols
- Perfect Estimates
- Turbo code
- Rate 1/2
- KC4
- K1024
- 8 decoder iterations
- Log-MAP
- Improved SOVA
21Channel Estimationfor Turbo Codes
- The turbo decoding algorithm requires accurate
estimates of channel parameters. - Branch metric
- Noise variance
- Fading amplitude
- Phase (required for coherent
detection) - Because turbo codes operate at low SNR,
conventional methods for channel estimation often
fail. - Therefore channel estimation and tracking is a
critical issue with turbo codes.
22Case 1Known Phase
- Assume that the receiver is able to obtain
accurate estimates of the carrier phase ?n - PLL Phase locked loop
- Costas loop
- The amplitude can be estimated using a Wiener
filter - The noise variance can be estimated as
23Channel Estimation with Known Phase
- Turbo Code Parameters
- r1/2, Kc4, L1024
- 8 decoder iterations
- Rayleigh flat-fading
- FdTs .005
- Channel interleaver depth 32
- Wiener filter w/ Nc 30
24Case 2Unknown Phase
- Now assume that the receiver is unable to obtain
accurate estimates of the phase ?n. - Because turbo codes operate at low SNR, the PLL
often breaks down. - Because of the phase ambiguity, we no longer can
use the previous approach. - Coherent detection over Rayleigh fading channels
requires a pilot. - Pilot tone
- TTIB Transparent Tone in Band
- 1984 McGeehan and Bateman
- Pilot symbols
- PSAM Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation
- 1987 Lodge and Moher 1991 Cavers
25Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation (PSAM)
- Pilot symbols
- Known values that are periodically inserted into
the transmitted code stream. - Used to assist the operation of a channel
estimator at the receiver. - Allow for coherent detection over channels that
are unknown and time varying.
segment 1
segment 2
symbol 1
symbol Mp
symbol 1
symbol Mp
pilot symbol
pilot symbol
symbol 1
symbol Mp
symbol 1
symbol Mp
pilot symbols added here
26Pilot Symbol Assisted Decoding
- Pilot symbols are used to obtain initial channel
estimates. - After each iteration of turbo decoding, the bit
estimates are used to obtain new channel
estimates. - Decision-directed estimation.
- Channel estimator uses either a Wiener filter or
Moving average.
Tentative estimates of the code bits
channel estimator
matched filter
channel interleaver
symbol mapper
symbol demapper
channel deinterl.
turbo decoder
Final estimates of the data
27Performance of Pilot Symbol Assisted Decoding
- Simulation parameters
- Rayleigh flat-fading
- Correlated fdTs .005
- channel interleaving depth 32
- Turbo code
- r1/2, Kc 4
- 1024 bit random interleaver
- 8 iterations of log-MAP
- Pilot symbol spacing Mp 8
- Wiener filtering Nc 30
- At Pb 10-5
- Noncoherent reception degrades performance by 4.7
dB. - Estimation prior to decoding degrades performance
by 1.9 dB. - Estimation during decoding only degrades
performance by 0.8 dB.
28Performance Factors for Pilot Symbol Assisted
- Performance is more sensitive to errors in
estimates of the fading process than estimates in
noise variance. - Pilot symbol spacing
- Want symbols close enough to track the channel.
- However, using pilot symbols reduces the energy
available for the traffic bits. - Type of channel estimation filter
- Wiener filter provides optimal solution.
- However, for small fd, a moving average is
acceptable. - Size of channel estimation filter
- Window size of filter should contain about 4
pilot symbols.
29Improving the Bandwidth Efficiency of PSAM
- Conventional PSAM requires a bandwidth expansion.
- Previous example required 12.5 more BW.
- This is because all code and pilot symbols are
transmitted. - Instead, could replace code symbols with pilot
symbols. - Parity-symbol stealing
- Simulation Parameters
- Rayleigh fading
- fdTs .005
- Turbo code
- Kc 4, r 1/2
- L4140 bit iterleaver
30Performance in Rapid Fading
- Rayleigh fading channel
- fdTs .02
- Turbo code
- Kc 4, r 1/2
- L4140 bit interleaver
31Other Applications of the Turbo Principle
- The turbo-principle is more general than merely
its application to the decoding of turbo codes. - Other applications of the turbo principle
include - Decoding serially concatenated codes.
- Combined equalization and error correction
decoding. - Combined multiuser detection and error correction
decoding. - (Spatial) diversity combining for coded systems
in the presence of MAI or ISI.
32Serial Concatenated Codes
n(t) AWGN
Inner Convolutional Encoder
Outer Convolutional Encoder
Extrinsic Information
Turbo Decoder
Inner Decoder
Outer Decoder
Estimated Data
33Turbo Equalization
Can model intersymbol interference channel as an
FIR filter
n(t) AWGN
(Outer) Convolutional Encoder
ISI Channel
Extrinsic Information
Turbo Equalizer
(Outer) SISO Decoder
SISO Equalizer
Estimated Data
34Turbo Multiuser Detection
Time-varying FIR filter
multiuser interleaver
Convolutional Encoder 1
interleaver 1
MAI Channel Model
Parallel to Serial
n(t) AWGN
Convolutional Encoder K
interleaver K
Turbo MUD
Extrinsic Info
multiuser interleaver
Bank of K SISO Decoders
multiuser deinterleaver
Estimated Data
35Direct Sequence CDMA
- CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
- The users are assigned distinct waveforms.
- Spreading/signature sequences
- All users transmit at same time/frequency.
- Use a wide bandwidth signal
- Processing gain Ns
- Ratio of bandwidth after spreading to bandwidth
before - MUD for CDMA
- The resolvable MAI originates from the same cell.
- Intracell interference.
- MUD uses observations from only one base station.
36Performance of Turbo-MUD for CDMA in AWGN
- K 5 users
- Spreading gain Ns 7
- Convolutional code Kc 3, r1/2
37Performance of Turbo-MUD for CDMA in Rayleigh
- K 5 users
- Fully-interleaved fading
38Time Division Multiple Access
- TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
- Users are assigned unique time slots
- All users transmit at same frequency
- All users have the same waveform, g(t)
- TDMA can be considered a special case of CDMA,
with gk(t) g(t) for all cochannel k. - MUD for TDMA
- Usually there is only one user per time-slot per
cell. - The interference comes from nearby cells.
- Intercell interference.
- Observations from only one base station might
not be sufficient. - Performance is improved by combining outputs from
multiple base stations.
39Performance of Turbo-MUD for TDMA in AWGN
- K 3 users
- Convolutional code Kc 3, r1/2
- Observations at 1 base station
40Performance of Turbo-MUD for TDMA in Rayleigh
- K 3 users
- Fully-interleaved fading
41Extension Multiuser Detection for TDMA Networks
- Each base station has a multiuser detector.
- Sum the LLR outputs from M base stations.
- Pass through a bank of SISO channel decoder.
- Feed back LLR outputs of the decoders to the
Extrinsic Info
Multiuser Detector 1
Bank of K SISO Channel Decoders
Estimated Data
Multiuser Detector M
42Distributed Multiuser Detection
- First, consider the case where each user is
uncoded. - Each base station has a multiuser detector.
- Implemented with the Log-MAP algorithm.
- Produces LLR estimates of the users symbols.
- Sum the LLR outputs of each MUD.
Multiuser Detector 1
Multiuser Detector M
43Cellular Network Topology
- Alternative layout
- 120 degree sectorized antennas
- Located in 3 corners of cell
- Frequency reuse factor 3
- Conventional layout
- Isotropic antennas in cell center
- Frequency reuse factor 7
44Performance of Distributed MUD
- With diversity combining.
- M3 base stations
- Mobiles randomly placed in cell.
- Exponential path loss, ne 3.
- Without diversity combining.
- Fully-interleaved Rayleigh fading
- Output from BS closest to the mobile used to make
45Performance of Distributed MUD
- Eb/No 20 dB
- 1 ? K ? 9
- For conventional receiver
- Performance degrades quickly with increasing K.
- Only small benefit to using observations from
multiple BS. - With multiuser detection
- Performance degrades very slowly with increasing
K. - Order of magnitude decrease in BER by using
multiple observations. - Now multiple cochannel users per cell are
46Cooperative Decoding for the TDMA Uplink
- Now consider the coded case.
- The outputs of the MUDs are summed and passed
through a bank of decoders. - The SISO decoder outputs are fed back to the
multiuser detectors to be used as a priori
Extrinsic Info
Multiuser Detector 1
Bank of K SISO Channel Decoders
Estimated Data
Multiuser Detector M
47Performance of Cooperative Decoding
- K 3 transmitters
- Randomly placed in cell.
- M 3 receivers (BSs)
- Corners of cell
- path loss ne 3
- Fully-interleaved Rayleigh flat-fading
- Convolutional code
- Kc 3, r 1/2
48Performance of Cooperative Decoding
- Eb/No 5 dB
- 1 ? K ? 9
- Randomly placed in cell.
- M 3 receivers
- For conventional receiver
- Performance degrades quickly with increasing K.
- Only small benefit to using observations from
multiple BS. - With multiuser detection
- Performance degrades gracefully with increasing
K. - No benefit after third iteration.
- Could allow an increase in TDMA system capacity.
- Turbo code advantages
- Remarkable power efficiency in AWGN and
flat-fading channels for moderately low BER. - Turbo code disadvantages
- Long latency due to large frame sizes.
- Less beneficial at high SNR.
- Because turbo codes operate at very low SNR,
channel estimation and tracking is a critical
issue. - The principle of iterative or turbo processing
can be applied to other problems. - Turbo-multiuser detection can improve performance
of coded multiple-access systems. - When applied to TDMA networks, can allow multiple
users per time/frequency slot.
50Future Work
- Turbo codes for wireless communications.
- We have addressed the issue of carrier
synchronization. - Multiple-symbol DPSK could be a viable
alternative. - Symbol and frame synchronization should also be
considered. - Adaptive turbo codes
- ARQ schemes for turbo codes.
- Distributed multiuser detection.
- Reduced complexity implementations.
- Methods for performing channel estimation.
- Study the impact on network architecture/control.
- Multiuser detection at a network level.
- Turbo codes for the wireless channel
- Use of pilot symbols for channel estimation
- Combined pilot symbol-assisted and
decision-directed decoding - Performance curves for Rician channels
- Wireless multimedia applications
- Valenti and Woerner, Refined channel estimation
for coherent detection of turbo codes over
flat-fading channels, IEE Electronics Letters,
Aug. 1998. - Valenti and Woerner, Pilot symbol assisted
detection of turbo codes over flat-fading
channels," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, in review. - Valenti and Woerner, A bandwidth efficient pilot
symbol technique for coherent detection of turbo
codes over fading channels, in Proc. MILCOM,
Atlantic City, Oct./Nov. 1999, to appear. - Valenti, Turbo codes and iterative processing,
in Proc. IEEE New Zealand Wireless Communications
Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 1998,
invited paper. - Valenti and Woerner, Performance of turbo codes
in interleaved flat fading channels with
estimated channel state information, in Proc.,
IEEE VTC, Ottawa, Canada, May 1998. - Valenti and Woerner, Variable latency
Turbo-codes for wireless multimedia
applications, in Proc. International Symposium
of Turbo Codes and Related Topics, Brest, France,
Sept. 1997.
- Multiuser detection for coded multiple-access
networks - Log-MAP multiuser detection algorithm.
- Distributed multiuser detection using
observations from multiple receivers. - Application to TDMA networks.
- Valenti and Woerner, Distributed multiuser
detection for the TDMA cellular uplink, IEE
Electronics Letters, in review. - Valenti and Woerner, Combined multiuser
detection and channel decoding with receiver
diversity, in Proc. GLOBECOM, Communications
Theory Mini-conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov.
1998. - M.C. Valenti and Woerner, Multiuser detection
with base station diversity, in Proc. ICUPC,
Florence, Italy, Oct. 1998. - M.C. Valenti and Woerner, Iterative multiuser
detection for convolutionally coded asynchronous
DS-CDMA, in Proc. PIMRC, Boston, MA, Sept. 1998.
- Valenti and Woerner, Performance of turbo codes
in interleaved flat fading channels with
estimated channel state information, in Proc.
VTC, Ottawa, Canada, May 1998.
53Web Page
- For more information visit
- http/www.ee.vt.edu/valenti/turbo.html
54Goals of Error Correction Coding
- When the channel induces an error, the decoder
chooses the closest code word. - Therefore distinct code words are desired.
- Hamming distance the number of bit positions
that two code words differ. - The Hamming distance between two code words
should be as large as possible. - Minimum distance smallest Hamming distance
between two code words. - Traditional code design seeks to maximize the
minimum distance. - (Hamming) weight the number of ones in a code
word. - In a linear code the minimum distance is the
smallest Hamming weight of all non-zero code
55Turbo Multiuser Detection
- The inner code of a serial concatenation could
be a multiple-access interference (MAI) channel. - MAI channel describes the interaction between K
nonorthogonal users sharing the same channel. - MAI channel can be interpreted as a time varying
ISI channel. - MAI channel is a rate 1 code with time-varying
coefficients over the field of real numbers. - The input to the MAI channel consists of the
encoded and interleaved sequences of all K users
in the system.
56Low Power Communications
- Goal for modern communication system design
- Reduce the minimum signal-to-noise power ratio
(SNR) required by the receiver - Benefits
- Allows more design flexibility
- The transmitted signal can be less powerful
- Extended battery life
- Allows use of smaller transmit antennas
- Produces less interference
- Reduced adverse biological effects
- More robust against noise, fading, and
interference - Increased range of transmission
- Allows use of smaller receive antennas
57How to Achieve Low Power Communications
- P EbRb
- Lower the data rate Rb
- Source coding
- Compression
- Compaction
- Vocoding
- Lower the energy per bit Eb required at the
receiver - Signal processing
- Equalization
- Multiuser detection
- Smart antennas
- Channel coding
58Random Codes
- Random codes achieve the best performance.
- Shannon showed that as N approaches infinity,
random codes require the theoretical minimum SNR. - However, random codes are not feasible.
- The code must contain enough structure so that
decoding can be realized with actual hardware. - Coding dilemma
- All codes are good, except those that we can
think of. - With turbo codes
- The codes appear random to the channel.
- Yet, they contain enough structure so that
decoding is feasible.
59Turbo Codes
- Background
- Turbo codes were proposed by Berrou and Glavieux
in the 1993 International Conference in
Communications. - Performance within 0.5 dB of the channel capacity
limit for BPSK was demonstrated. - Features of turbo codes
- Recursive convolutional encoders
- Parallel code concatenation
- Nonuniform or Pseudo-random interleaving
- Iterative decoding
60Performance Bounds for Linear Block Codes
- Union bound for maximum likelihood soft-decision
decoding - Or
- The minimum-distance asymptote is the first term
of the sum
61Performance of Turbo Equalizer
- M5 independent multipaths
- Symbol spaced paths
- Stationary channel
- Perfectly known channel.
- Convolutional code
- Kc5
- r1/2
- C. Douillard,et al Iterative Correction of
Intersymbol Interference Turbo-Equalization,
European Transactions on Telecommuications,
Sept./Oct. 97.
62Performance of Serial Concatenated Turbo Code
- Rate r1/3
- Interleaver size K 16,384
- Kc 3 encoders
- Serial concatenated codes do not seem to have a
bit error rate floor - S. Benedetto, et al Serial Concatenation of
Interleaved Codes Performance Analysis, Design,
and Iterative Decoding Proc., Int. Symp. on
Info. Theory, 1997.
63Performance of Turbo MUD
- Generic MAI system
- Ku 3 asynchronous users
- Identical pulse shapes
- Each user has its own interleaver
- Convolutionally coded
- Kc 3
- r 1/2
- Iterative decoder
- M. Moher, An iterative algorithm for
asynchronous coded multiuser detection, IEEE
Comm. Letters, Aug.1998.