Title: How to Cheat Successfully and get away with it
1How to Cheat Successfully and get away with it!
- The University of Sunderland does not condone
cheating in any form and those found guilty will
be severely dealt with.
3Aims and Objectives
- Explain cheating
- To describe how to do it
- To explain how to get away with it
- To clarify what will happen if you get caught
4What is Cheating?
- To deceive or practice deceit especially for
ones own gain. - To obtain unfair advantage by trickery.
(Collins English Dictionary)
5University Regulations
- http//www.sunderland.ac.uk/wm0ase/infring.htm
6Different Types of Cheating
- Cheating (Exam)
- Collusion
- Falsifying
- Impersonating
- Plagiarism
7Penalties for Infringement
8Penalties for Infringement
- agree not to impose a penalty
9Penalties for Infringement
- deem the student to have failed in the specific
assessment in which the infringement occurred
10Penalties for Infringement
- deem the student to have failed in all the
assessments for the module, in which case the
student may be permitted to retake the module, at
cost, by referral or repeat with attendance
11Penalties for Infringement
- in the case of a student who is found to have
committed a grave infringement, or to have
infringed more than once, make a recommendation
about the student's progression to the Programme
Assessment Board, as it thinks appropriate
12Cheating Statistics
- How many people cheat each year on the Schools
Masters programmes? - 1
- 5
- 10
- 15
13Cheating Statistics
14Cheating Statistics
15The Most Common Cheat
- Plagiarism is the most common form of cheating
encountered. - The next eight pages are adapted from Earl
Babbies work at
16A Look At Plagiarism
- It has become common amongst University Lecturers
to arrive late for lectures on the grounds that
students normally arrive late and thus to start
teaching on time would be pointless.
17A Look At Plagiarism
- I feel it has become common amongst University
Lecturers to arrive late for lectures on the
grounds that students normally arrive late and
thus to start teaching on time would be pointless.
18A Look At Plagiarism
- I feel it has become the norm amongst University
Lecturers to arrive late for lectures on the
grounds that students usually arrive late and
thus to start teaching on time would be pointless.
19A Look At Plagiarism
- I feel it has become the norm amongst University
Lecturers to arrive late for lectures on the
grounds that students usually arrive quite late
and thus to start teaching on time would be
rather pointless.
20A Look At Plagiarism
- The majority of University teaching staff now
arrive late for classes because their students
arrive late and therefore to begin lecturing is a
waste of time.
21Proper Use
- It has become common amongst University
Lecturers to arrive late for lectures on the
grounds that students normally arrive late and
thus to start teaching on time would be
pointless. (S. C. Stobart, 2000)
22Proper Use
- Simon Stobart stated (2000) that It has become
common amongst University Lecturers to arrive
late for lectures on the grounds that students
normally arrive late and thus to start teaching
on time would be pointless.
23Reference Everything!
- Beware the Bibliography what is this for?.
- Reference everything
- especially when you make a statement.
24But Why Do Students Cheat?
- Lazy
- Very Lazy
- Foolish
- Both lazy and Foolish
25The BIG Problem
- Lazy students cannot be bothered to be good
cheats. - Foolish students are not clever enough to be good
- Only clever students are capable of cheating and
getting away with it.
27In Practice
- Few students
- Think that they are lazy.
- Think that they are foolish.
- Think that they will get away with cheating.
28Electronic Documents
- Its easy to cheat if you have an electronic copy
of a document. - Where can we get large numbers of electronic
documents from?
31E-Documents - Libraries
My Assignment
This paragraph has been taken directly from this
web page and pasted into the students document
without referencing the web page whatsoever. The
student hopes that the reader will never know
that this is not their own work.
This paragraph has been taken directly from this
web page and pasted into the students document
without referencing the web page whatsoever. The
student hopes that the reader will never know
that this is not their own work.
This paragraph has been taken directly from this
web page and pasted into the students document
without referencing the web page whatsoever. The
student hopes that the reader will never know
that this is not their own work.
This paragraph has been taken directly from this
web page and pasted into the students document
without referencing the web page whatsoever. The
student hopes that the reader will never know
that this is not their own work.
34E-Document Problems
- Compiled documents dont read right.
- Academic staff surf the WWW too.
- Easy to search for documents.
35Cheat Sites - OPPapers
36Cheat Sites
- For a fee you can
- Download whole papers
- Have experts write you a paper
37Cheat Site Problems
- They cost money.
- The quality of papers are poor.
- The papers are never exactly what is required.
- Limited number of papers.
- The papers tend to Americanized.
38It Gets Worse!
- Software is available to check assignments for
cheating. - Performed automatically.
- Produces detailed reports.
- Becoming more sophisticated.
39It Gets Worse!
- http//www.canexus.com/eve/index.shtml
- Dont cheat unless you are
- Cleverer than those assessing your work.
- Willing to put time and effort into cheating.
- If you are hard working then there is no need to