Title: Part 9: Traffic Controls for Bicycle Facilities
1Part 9 Traffic Controls for Bicycle Facilities
Millennium EditionSummary of Changes
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- This text has been deleted. Info can be found in
Part 1. - Section 9A
- Sections 9A-1, 9A-4, 9A-6, 9A-7, 9A-9
- Section 9A
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Designated Bicycle Lane. Replace term.
- Bicycle Trail. Replace term.
- Section 9A-3
- Bicycle Lane. This term is similar in
definition. - Shared Use Path. Definition expanded to
include wheelchair users, skaters, joggers, and
pedestrians - Section 9A.03
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
- Bicycle Route. Replace term.
- Section 9A-3
- Designated Bicycle Route. Similar definition
adding text on Appropriate directional
informational route markers. Bicycle Route
should establish a continuous routing. - Section 9A.03
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
5Uniform Vehicle Code
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Section 9A-8
- Section 9A-8
- Reference to Uniform Vehicle Code Model
Traffic Ordinance listed under STANDARD. - Section 9A.05
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
6Application Placement of Signs
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Section 9B-1 Application of Signs
- Section 9B-2 Location and Position
- Section 9B.01 Application Placement of Signs.
Combines discussion on application and location
of signs. - Section 9B.01
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
7Minimum / Maximum Mounting Heights
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Figure 9-1
- Minimum 4 ft
- Maximum 5ft
- Figure 9-1
- Mounting height for ground-mounted signs on
shared use paths shall be a min. of 1.2m (4ft)
and a max of 1.5m (5ft) - Section 9B.01 Figure 9B-1
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
8Minimum / Maximum Mounting Heights - Figure 9B-1
9Sign Sizes For Shared Use Paths
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Table 9B-1 Sign Sizes for Shared Use Paths.
- Table shows minimum dimensions for use on
shared-use paths. - Table 9B-1
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
10Table 9B-1Sign Sizes For Shared Use Paths
11Design of Bicycle Signs
- The sign sizes for shared-use paths shall be
those shown in Table 9B-1 - Option added Larger size signs may be used on
shared-use paths when appropriate. - Section 9B.02
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
12Stop Yield Signs
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Optional text added to allow use of larger
Stop/Yield signs when appropriate. - Guidance added on assignment of priority at path
/ roadway intersections. - Section 9B.03
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
13Section Title Changes
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Designated Lane Signs
- Travelpath Restriction Signs
- No Parking Signs
- Section 7B
- Bicycle Lane Signs 9B.04
- Shared-Use Path Restriction Sign 9B.10
- No Parking Bicycle Lane Signs 9B.08
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
14Section Title Changes
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Lane Use Control Signs
- Bicycle Restriction Signs
- Not in MUTCD
- Section 7B
- Begin Right turn Lane Yield to Bikes Sign 9B.05
- Bicycle Regulatory Signs 9B.09
- Other Regulatory Warning Signs 9B.11
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
15New Bike Lane Signs Text
- R3-16a R3-17a
- Bicycle Lanes Signs added. Text found in Sec
9B.04 addressing optional use of each sign. - Section 9B.04
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
16Preferential Lane (Diamond) Symbol
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- R3-16 R3-17 signs
- Section 9B-8
- Delete use of Preferential lane (Diamond) on
R3-16 R3-17 signs. - Appropriate figures signs modified.
- 5 year phase-in compliance period.
- Section 9B.04
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
17Preferential LaneR3-16 R3-17 signs.
18Begin Right Turn Lane Yield to Bikes Sign
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Reference R3-7 sign
- Merging maneuver
- Section 9B-12
- Delete ref to R3-7 sign.
- Where motor vehicles entering on exclusive
right-turn lane must weave across bicycle traffic
in Bicycle lanes - Section 9B.05
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
19No Parking Bicycle Lane Signs
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Where it is necessary to restrictshall be
used. - Section 9B-11
- Text in NPA modified to read If the installation
of signs is necessaryshall be used - Section 9B.08
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
20Bicycle Regulatory Signs
- Not in MUTCD
- Where bicyclists are expected to dismount
walk - Section 9B-7
- Option Where it is not intended f/ bicyclists
to be controlled by ped. signal indications the
R10-3 sign may be used. - Delete this text since state or UVC may not
require. - Section 9.09
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
21Intersection Warning Signs
- Intersection Warning signs are included
prevailing geometric pattern on bike trails where
connecting routes joins - Section 9B-17
- Option Inter Warning signs roadways, street, or
shared-use path in advance of an inter - Guidance Inter. Warning signs should not be
used when the path approach to the intersection
has a STOP, YIELD, or signal control. - Section 9B.13
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
22Bicycle Surface Condition Warning Sign
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Horizontal Condition Sign
- Not in MUTCD as plaque
- Section 9B.15
- Change term from Hazardous to Surface.
- Section 9B.14
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
23Bicycle Crossing Warning Sign
- Optional supplemental plaque with AHEAD or XX
FEET may be used with W11-1 sign. - Bicycle Crossing Warning Signs, when used at
location of crossing, shall be supplemental with
diagonal downward arrow (W16-7) plaque. - Section 9B.15
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
24Bicycle Crossing Warning SignW11-1 Sign With
W16-7 Diagonal Downward Arrow Plaque.
25Bicycle Crossing Warning Sign
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- 750 ft in advance where speeds are high a
distance of 250 ft where speeds are low. - Section 9B-14
- should be placed at a distance in advance of
the crossing location that conforms with Table
2C-4. - Section 9B.15
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
26Bicycle Crossing Warning Sign
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- 750 ft in advance where speeds are high a
distance of 250 ft where speeds are low. - Section 9B-14
- should be placed at a distance in advance of
the crossing location that conforms with Table
2C-4. - Section 9B.15
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
27Fluorescent Yellow-Green Crossing Signs
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Optional Use of FYG for Bicycle Crossing Warning
signs. - Guidance statement added that addresses
systematic approach for use of FYG. - Section 9B.15
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
28Share the Road Plaque
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- In situations where there is a need to warn
drivers, the Share the Road plaque (W16-1) MAY be
used in conjunction with W11-1 sign. - Section 9B.16
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
29Share the Road Plaque W16-1 Used in Conjunction
With W11-1 Sign
30Bicycle Route Markers
- Bicycle Route Markers (M1-8) SHOULD be used to
establish a unique designation. - Section 9B-21
- To establish a unique identification (route
designation)...the Bike Route Marker (M1-8) MAY
be used. - Section 9B.18
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
31Bicycle Route Markers M1-9
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Route number shown below bicycle symbol
- Section 9B-21
- Marker modified to reflect design found in SHS
book w/ route number above the bicycle symbol. - Section 9B-18
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
32Destination Arrow/Supplemental Plaque
- Shall have white arrow on green background.
- Section 9B.22
- Discussion of color of M7-1 M7-7 signs stated
as Standard instead of Guidance in NPA. - Section 9B.19
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
33Destination Arrow/Supplemental Plaque M7-1 M7-7
34Figure 9B-2 Typical Signing for the Beginning
and End of a Bicycle Route
- Slight modifications based on docket comments.
- Figure 9B-2
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
35Figure 9B-2Typical Signing for the Beginning
and End of a Bicycle Route
36MarkingsGeneral Principles
- should be used bicycle lane on a highway
facility. - Not in MUTCD
- Section 9C-2
- Bikeway design guides should be used for
bicycle facilities. - Consideration SHOULD be given to selecting
pavement - Section 9C.02
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
37Markings-General Principles
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- The frequent use of symbols and word messages
stenciled in bike lanes IS a desirable method. - Section 9C-2
- Pavement marking symbols and/or word messages
SHOULD be used in the bicycle lanes. - Section 9C.02
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Figure 9C-3 Typical Signing for Beginning / End
of Pref. Bike Lane
- Deleted Figure 9B-3 from MUTCD. Replaced with new
Figure 9B-3 which combines signing markings for
shared-use paths.
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
39Marking Patterns and Color
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- On shared-use paths, a solid white line may be
used to separate different types of users. - Section 9C.03
- A solid white line should be used to mark this
separation of path use.
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
40Markings For Bicycle Lanes
- Markings for Bicycle Lanes.
- Signs SHALL be used with the preferential lane
symbols. - bicycle lane symbol shall be placed immediately
after but not closer than 20m (65 ft) from
crossroad - Section 9C.04
- Marking of Designated Bikeways
- Not in MUTCD
- Not in MUTCD
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
41Markings For Bicycle Lanes
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Not in MUTCD
- Diamond Shaped Preferential Use Symbol
- ADD GUIDANCE Longitudinal pavement markings
should be used to define bicycle lanes. - Delete symbol due to confusion as HOV lane
symbol. - Section 9C.04
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
42New Figures Installation of Pavement Marking
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Figure 9C-1 Typical Intersection Pavement
Markings-Designated Bicycle Lane - Figure 9C-3 Typical Bicycle Lane Treatment at
Right Turn Only Lane. - Section 9C
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
43New Figures
- Figure 9C-4 Typical Bicycle Lane Treatment at
Parking Lane Into a Right Turn Only Lane - Figure 9C-5 Typical Pavement Markings for
Bicycle Lanes on a 2-way Street - Section 9C
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
44Figure 9C-1New Figure
45Figure 9C-3New Figure
46Figure 9C-4New Figure
47Figure 9C-5New Figure
48Object Markers
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Object Markers on Bicycle Trails
- Not in MUTCD
- Section 9C-6
- Object Markers on Shared-Use Paths
- Text added to be consistent with Section 3C.02.
- Section 9C.06
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
49Pavement Markings for Obstructions
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Text found under Object Markings on Bicycle
Trails - Not in MUTCD
- Separate Section Pavement Markings for
Obstructions - Guidance addressing obstructions other than drain
grates and the appropriate markings. - 9C.07 Figure 9C-7
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
50Figure 9C-7Pavement Markings for Obstructions
51Visibility Requirements and Signal Operations
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- 9D-2 Visibility Requirements
- 9D-3 Signal Operation for Bicycles
- Section 9D-2 9D-3
- 9D-02 Signal Operations for Bicycles
- Combine discussion on visibility requirements
with discussion on signal operations for
bicycles. - Section 9D.02
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
52Visibility Requirements and Signal Operations
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- On bikeways, the needs of bicyclists SHALL be
considered - Visibility-Limited Signal Faces
- Section 9D.02
- Not in MUTCD
- Programmed Signals
- Sections 9D-2 9D-3
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
53Revised Figure
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Figure 9-6 Word Symbol pavement markings for
bike facilities.
- Divided into 2 figures.
- Top 2 renumbered Figure 9B-3.
- Bottom right figure is deleted.
- Bottom 2 figures numbered Figure 9C-6
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
54Figure 9B-3Revised Figure
55Figure 9C-6Revised Figure
56New Figure
1988 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD
- Figure 9C-2 Center Line Markings for Shared-Use
Paths - Depicts Centerline Obstruction Markings
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard
57Figure 9C-2New Figure
58Figure 9C-7 Typical Obstruction Pavement Marking
- Figure 9-9 Typical Marking in Advance of Storm
Drain Grate
- Replaced with Figure 9C-7 showing marking details
and taper rates
Yellow Text Denotes a Standard