Title: The Greenway Collaborative, Inc. www.greenwaycollab.com
1MSU Bicycle Facilities Plan
- Report Contents
- Plan Purpose and Overview
- Examples of Elements of the Plan and Recommended
Guidelines - Overview of Existing Conditions and Proposed Road
Construction - Bicycle Facilities Plan
- West Circle Alternatives
- South Shaw Lane Alternatives
Separate Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths at Farm
Lane Photo Credit Steve Troost, MSU Campus
Planning and Administration
A Campus Planning and Administration
Project DRAFT Plan March 22, 2007
2Plan Purpose
- To Provide Background on How Other Universities
and Communities Have Addressed Similar Challenges - To Provide Detailed Guidance on Proposed Bicycle
Facilities as Part of the Master Plan Update - To Provide Alternatives for Areas Such West
Circle and Shaw Lane Where The Master Plan Update
is Still in Flux
Pocket Bike Lane on West Circle Driver Near Abott
Entrance Photo Credit Steve Troost, MSU Campus
Planning and Administration
A project of Campus Planning and
Administration DRAFT Plan March 22, 2007
3Plan Overview
- Key Elements
- Incorporate Bicycle Lanes on Most Roadways
- Improved Bicycle Facilities At Intersections
- Provide Bike Paths on Key Corridors Away from
Roads - Improve Separation of Bicycles and Pedestrians on
Pathways - Underscore Pedestrians Right-of-Way
- Improved Long-term Bicycle Parking Options
Key Statement
MSU has the potential to become a national model
campus for Bicycle Transportation Systems with 5
4Why Bike Lanes
- Key Issues
- Motorists Are Not Looking Bicyclists On
Sidewalks, Especially When Bicyclists Are Going
Opposite of Traffic - Majority of Bicycle Crashes Occur When A Motorist
Hits a Sidewalk Bicyclist Crossing an
Intersecting Driveway or Street - Bicycles Are Vehicles and Need to Be Treated As
Such - They Require Time and Distance To Stop
- Typical Speeds Range From 8 to 20 MPH
Bike Lanes are Current Best Practices For Almost
All Scenarios.
5Bike Lane Guidelines
- Recommendation
- 5 Minimum Width as Measured from the Center of
the Edge Stripe to the Face of the Curb - A Minimum of 3 Wide Asphalt Riding Surface
- 6 Minimum Width Where Average Daily Traffic
Volumes are over 15,000 in the Adjacent Lane - 6 Wide White Edge Stripe
- Pavement Markings At Intersections As Shown
- Application
- Most Roadways
6Bicycle Lanes Next to Parking Examples
- Issues
- While Not Ideal, It Can Work
- Need to Get Cars to Park As Close to Curb as
Possible - Need to Address How to Encourage Inexperienced
Cyclists to Ride Outside of the Door Zone - Guidelines Call for 5 Minimum Bike Lane Width
Chicago Experienced Improved Bicycle Safety Over
No Bike Lanes Even with 5 Wide Bike Lanes
7Bicycle Lanes Next to Parking Examples
- Issues
- While Not Ideal, It Can Work
- Need to Get Cars to Park As Close to Curb as
Possible - Need to Address How to Encourage Inexperienced
Cyclists to Ride Outside of the Door Zone - Guidelines Call for 5 Minimum Bike Lane Width
Downtown Cambridge, Massachusetts
8Bicycle Lanes Next to Parking Examples
- Issues
- While Not Ideal, It Can Work
- Need to Get Cars to Park As Close to Curb as
Possible - Need to Address How to Encourage Inexperienced
Cyclists to Ride Outside of the Door Zone - Guidelines Call for 5 Minimum Bike Lane Width
Downtown Cambridge, Massachusetts
9Bicycle Lane Next to Parking Guidelines
- Recommendation
- 5 Minimum Total Bike Lane Width Where
Constrained for Space - 6 to 7 Recommended Total Bike Lane Width Where
Room Allows - 7 Wide (No Wider) For Parking Lane
- Cross Hatch Door Zone to Encourage Riding Outside
of Door Zone - Off-Set Arrow of Bike Lane Pavement Markings to
Indicate Correct Lane Placement
Cross Hatched Bike Lane on West Circle
10Contra-flow Bike Lane Examples
- Issues
- Used on One-Way Streets
- Bicycle Traffic is Permitted in Both Directions
in A Conventional Manor (Riding On the Right Hand
Side of the Road) - A Typical Double Yellow Line is Used to Delineate
the Bicycle Lane Flowing Opposite of Motor
Vehicle Traffic - A Bicycle Lane May or May Not be Used for Bike
Traffic Flowing the Same Direction as Motor
Vehicle Traffic - Bikes from An Unexpected Direction At
Contra-flow Bike Lanes Operate Like a Two-way
Street for Bicyclists and a One-way Street for
Motorists. They are Used to Avoid Excessive
Out-of-Direction Travel for Bicyclists
11Contra-flow Bike Lane Examples
- Issues
- Used on One-Way Streets
- Bicycle Traffic is Permitted in Both Directions
in A Conventional Manor (Riding On the Right Hand
Side of the Road) - A Typical Double Yellow Line is Used to Delineate
the Bicycle Lane Flowing Opposite of Motor
Vehicle Traffic - A Bicycle Lane May or May Not be Used for Bike
Traffic Flowing the Same Direction as Motor
Vehicle Traffic - Bikes from An Unexpected Direction At
Cambridge, Massachusetts
12Contra-flow Bike Lane Examples
- Issues
- Used on One-Way Streets
- Bicycle Traffic is Permitted in Both Directions
in A Conventional Manor (Riding On the Right Hand
Side of the Road) - A Typical Double Yellow Line is Used to Delineate
the Bicycle Lane Flowing Opposite of Motor
Vehicle Traffic - A Bicycle Lane May or May Not be Used for Bike
Traffic Flowing the Same Direction as Motor
Vehicle Traffic - Bikes from An Unexpected Direction At
Downtown Boulder, Colorado In This Case the
Contra-flow Bike Lane is Physically Separated
from the Roadway with a Planter
13Contra-flow Bike Lane Guidelines
- Use On One Way Streets With Few Intersecting
Streets or Driveways on the Side of the
Contra-flow Lane - Use Where Practical to Minimize Use of Bike Paths
and Shared-use Paths Parallel to Roadway - Do Not Use Adjacent to Angle Parking or High
Turn-over Parallel Parking - Use in Conjunction with a Standard Bike Lane
Where Possible to Minimize Bicyclists Using
Incorrect Bike Lane
14Advanced Bike Lane Stop Bar Guidelines
- Issue
- Right Turning Vehicles Conflict with Bicycles
Proceeding Straight Through the Intersection - Recommendation
- Advance the Stop Bar of the Bicycle Lane 6 So
That the Bicyclist is More Visible to Right
Turning Vehicles - Application
- All controlled intersections with Bike Lanes that
do not have a designated right-turn lane
Notes This application should only be used where
there are low volumes of right- turning vehicles.
Consider Using a Designated Right-turn Lane with
a Pocket Bike Lane with Higher Right-turn volumes
to reduce conflicts between bicyclists and
right-turning vehicles.
15Pocket Bike Lane Guidelines
- Issues
- A Through Bike Lane Must Be Placed to the Left of
a Right Turn Only Lane - Right-on-Red Turning Vehicles Often Advance
Beyond Other Stopped Vehicles to Improve Their
View of Traffic and Block The Crosswalk - Bicycle Visibility in Wide Intersections
- Recommendation
- Advance the Stop Bar for Right Turn Only and
Bicycle Lane - Application
- All Signalized Intersections with Designated
Right-turn Lanes
Notes Given the Inherent Conflict Between
Right-turning Vehicles and Straight Through
Bicyclists, Designed Right Turn Lanes Should be
Considered for Intersections with Fewer
Right-turning Vehicles than Would Typically Be
Seen Warranting A Right-turn Lane
16Pocket Bike Lane Transition Guidelines
- Issues
- Right Turning Vehicles and Through Bicyclists
Must Change Positions Prior to the Intersection - Motorists Must Yield to Bicyclists
- Recommendation
- Motorists Make A Deliberate Turning Movement in
Turn Lane - Dash Bike Lane Across Transition Zone
- Application
- All Intersections with Designated Right-turn Lanes
Key Statement
17Bike Lanes At Roundabout Guidelines
- Issues
- Not All Cyclists Feel Comfortable in Roundabouts
- Conflicts with Pedestrians On Sidewalks
- Recommendation
- Allow On or Off-Road Choices for Cyclists
- Dash End of Bike Lanes and Add Bike Warning Signs
- Bicyclists Yield to Pedestrians on Sidewalk
- Application
- All Roundabouts
18Bike Lanes At Roundabout Guidelines
- Issues
- Not All Cyclists Feel Comfortable in Roundabouts
- Conflicts with Pedestrians On Sidewalks
- Recommendation
- Allow On or Off-Road Choices for Cyclists
- Dash End of Bike Lanes and Add Bike Warning Signs
- Bicyclists Yield to Pedestrians on Sidewalk
- Application
- All Roundabouts
19Bicycle Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Making A Distinction Between A Bicycle Only Path
and A Typical Walkway or Pathway - Key Elements
- 10 Minimum Width with 2 Clear Zone
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wisconsin Bicycle Path Parallel to Pedestrian
Path. Both Paths Constructed of Asphalt.
20Bicycle Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Making A Distinction Between A Bicycle Only Path
and A Typical Walkway or Pathway - Key Elements
- 10 Minimum Width with 2 Clear Zone
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Detroit Riverfront, Windsor, Ontario Faster
Moving Bicycles Are Separated from a Pedestrian
Promenade. The Bicycle Path is Asphalt and the
Pedestrian Walkway is Concrete. Benches May Be
Placed Immediately Adjacent to a Walkway but must
be Set Back at Least 2 from a Bicycle Path or
Shared-use Path.
21Bicycle Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Making A Distinction Between A Bicycle Only Path
and A Typical Walkway or Pathway - Key Elements
- 10 Minimum Width with 2 Clear Zone
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wisconsin Pavement Markings Indicate Use and
22Bicycle Path Guidelines
- Recommendation
- 10 Wide Pathway
- Asphalt Construction
- 6 Wide White Edge Stripes
- 4 Wide Yellow Centerline
- Break Pathway Where Intersecting Walkways
- Place Pavement Markings at Intersections with
Pathways - Application
- High Demand Corridors Away from a Roadway Where
There is Room to for a Separate Bicycle Path
Non-slip Reflective Thermoplastic Pavement
Markings Should be Used Rather Than Paint. 8
Wide Pathways May be Considered Under Special
23Shared-Use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Photo Credit Kevin Krizek, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Photo Credit Kevin Krizek, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota A Shared-use Path with a
Typical Pavement Marking Scenario. Note that only
a white edge stripe is used to delineate the
bicycle portion of the path from the pedestrian
24Shared-use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wisconsin Shared Use Path with Pedestrian Area
Separated By Textured and Colored Asphalt. The
Colored Asphalt has faded in time is is barely
visible. Note that no edge striping is used.
25Shared-use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Cambridge, Massachusetts Pedestrian and Bicycle
Uses are Delineated Using Highly Contrasting
Pavement Materials Concrete for Pedestrian and
Asphalt for Bicyclists. Note that no edge
striping is used and the center line for the
bicycle portion of the path is a solid white
stripe (vs. a standard double yellow or dashed
yellow line).
26Shared-use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Cambridge, Massachusetts Pedestrian and Bicycle
Uses are Delineated Using Different Pavement
Materials Concrete for Pedestrian and Asphalt
for Bicyclists. Note that no edge striping is
used and the center line for the bicycle portion
of the path is a solid white stripe (vs. a
standard double yellow or dashed yellow line).
27Shared-use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Minneapolis, Minnesota Pedestrian and Bicycle
Uses are Delineated Using Different Pavement
Materials and signs between the pathways. Note
the numerous signs and other fixed objects within
the two-foot clear-zone of the bicycle portion of
the pathway. Such objects should be avoided for
bicyclists safety.
28Shared-use Path Examples
- Issues
- Conflicts Between Bicyclists and Pedestrians
- Conflicts Between Bicycles Going Opposite
Direction - Space Necessary to Operate a Bicycle
- Pedestrians with Vision Impairments Detecting
Edge of Pedestrian Path - Key Elements
- Separate Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Delineate Lanes and Travel Direction for Bicycle
Farm Lane Path Crossing The pedestrian activated
signal push button is located next to the bicycle
path. This encourages pedestrians to cross in
the bicycle portion of the crosswalk.
29Shared-use Path Guidelines
- Recommendation
- 12 to 18 Wide Pathway
- 8 to 10 Asphalt Bikeway
- 5 to 8 Concrete Walkway
- 6 Wide White Edge Stripes
- 4 Wide Yellow Centerline
- Provide Detectable Warning Between Pathways
- Textured Thermoplastic
- Imprinted Asphalt (mini rumble strip)
- Application
- High Demand Corridors Away from a Roadway Where
There is Not Room to for a Separate Bicycle Path
For pedestrians with vision impairments there
should be high contrast between the walkway
surfaces and some type of detectable warning
strip between the pedestrian walkway and the
bikeway. This strip should be unique from
standard Detectable Warnings used at the base of
sidewalk ramps but there currently no guidance.
The detectable warning should not be so roughly
textured as to cause a bicyclists to loose
control of their bicycle if they were to ride on
the surface.
30Addressing Conflict Areas Examples
- Issues
- There Will Be Areas Where Separation of
Pedestrians and Bicyclists is Impractical for A
Variety of Reasons - Pedestrians Should Typically Have the
Right-of-Way to Bicyclists - Key Elements
- Indicate the Shared Use Area
- Indicate ROW
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wisconsin Standard Bicycle Yield to Pedestrian
Signs are Used on High Volume Pathways Where Used
Can Not be Delineated with Lanes do to Space
31Addressing Conflict Areas Examples
- Issues
- There Will Be Areas Where Separation of
Pedestrians and Bicyclists is Impractical for A
Variety of Reasons - Pedestrians Should Typically Have the
Right-of-Way to Bicyclists - Key Elements
- Indicate the Shared Use Area
- Indicate ROW
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Where
multiple paths intersect a special pavement is
introduced in an attempt to convey without
signage that no one path has ROW and that this
condition is different than the one previous.
32Addressing Conflict Areas Examples
- Issues
- There Will Be Areas Where Separation of
Pedestrians and Bicyclists is Impractical for A
Variety of Reasons - Pedestrians Should Typically Have the
Right-of-Way to Bicyclists - Key Elements
- Indicate the Shared Use Area
- Indicate ROW
Cambridge, Massachusetts When a Bike Path
Approaches a Crosswalk, Pavement Markings are
Used to Delineate that Pedestrians Have the
Right-of-Way. Note that the Reverse Reading Text
is Used as On Highway Pavement Markings. This is
Unnecessary for the Speed of Bicycle Traffic and
May Be Confusing
33Addressing Conflict Areas Guidelines
- Recommendation
- Break Pathway Where Intersecting Walkways
- Place Pavement Markings That Indicate the
Bicyclists Must Yield to Pedestrians at
Intersections with Pathways - Application
- Bicycle Path and Shared-use Path Intersections
with Walkways
Non-slip Reflective Thermoplastic Pavement
Markings Should be Used Rather Than Paint.
34Addressing Conflict Areas Guidelines
- Recommendation
- Provide General Guidance on the Preferred Flow of
Pathway or Bridge Users - Use Standard Symbols with A Dark Background and
Highlighted Edge to Provide High Contrast
Markings on Light Colored Concrete - Application
- On Existing Facilities Where Lane Demarcations
Are Not Practical or Feasible - Typically Concrete Pavements
- These Markings May Also Be Used on Asphalt
Pavement. In Such Cases the Dark Backgrounds May
be Omitted.
35Addressing Conflict Areas Guidelines
- Recommendation
- Use Icons to Direct Bicyclists Toward Center of
the Bridge To Distance Themselves From Low Bridge
Railings and Pedestrians Viewing River - Application
- Pedestrian Icon May Be Used to Indicate
Pedestrian Only Use of Particular Walkway
Adjacent to Bike Paths - Bridges too Narrow for Lane Delineation
36Orientation Sign Examples and Guidelines
- Issue
- Need to Provide Visitors and New Faculty, Staff
and Students with Orientation - Need to Show How Campus Bicycle System Links Into
Surrounding Communities - Recommendation
- Provide Campus Bicycle Facilities Orientation
- Create in A Format the May Be Changed Quickly and
Inexpensively As Facilities Will Change Rapidly
Over the Next Five Years - Application
- Key Pathway Junctures
University of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin The
orientation signs use the same graphic as the
bicycle facilities map distributed to students.
It also includes an inset map of the surrounding
37Orientation Sign Examples and Guidelines
- Issue
- Need to Provide Visitors and New Faculty, Staff
and Students with Orientation - Need to Show How Campus Bicycle System Links Into
Surrounding Communities - Recommendation
- Provide Campus Bicycle Facilities Orientation
- Create in A Format the May Be Changed Quickly and
Inexpensively As Facilities Will Change Rapidly
Over the Next Five Years - Application
- Key Pathway Junctures
Riverfront, Minneapolis, Minnesota This
orientation map also includes a bulletin board
display case for changing information.
38Bike Parking Examples
- Issues
- Bicycles Stored Outside During the Winter Often
Rust and Are Abandoned in the Spring - Items Such as Lights, Bags, Seats and Front
Wheels Are Often Stolen From Locked Bicycles - Desire to Park Close to Destination
- Long-term and Short-term Parking Needs
- Some Bicycles Willing to Pay a Premium for Better
and More Secure Parking
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Almere, Netherlands Covered Bicycle Parking
39Bike Rack Example and Guidelines
- Recommendations
- Use for Short-term Parking
- Dispersed Locations Adjacent to Building
Entrances - Generally Uncovered but Ideally Covered
- Typically Hoop Style
- Coordinate Location with Bike Lanes, Bike Paths
and Shared-use Paths
40Bike Cage Example and Guidelines
- Recommendations
- Typically Part of a Parking Deck
- Maximize Space Via Racks and Hanging
- Generally Available on a First-come, First Served
Basis - Additional Security May Be Provided Through
- Controlled Access with Video Surveillance
- Restricted Access via a Personal Access Code
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Almere, Netherlands Covered Bicycle Cage
41Bike Locker Example and Guidelines
- Recommendations
- Used for Long-term Parking
- Geared Towards Individual Employees
- Typically Key Access with Yearly Rental (Around
60) - Many Potential Configurations
- Employee Surveys May be Used to Determine Best
Ann Arbor, Michigan An individually leased bike
locker with key access. An interior diagonal
divider and doors on both ends permit two bikes
per box. This box is located under the overhang
of a parking deck.
42Covered Bike Parking Example
- Issues
- Taller Structures Obstruct Views of Campus
- Items May Still Be Stolen From Locked Bicycles
- Key Elements
- Used for Long-term Parking
- Placed in Centralized Location
- Potential Green Roof Application
- Higher Security May Be Provided via Video
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden Green Roof
Bicycle Shed
43Bike Station Example and Guidelines
- Recommendations
- Use for Secure Centralized Covered Bike Parking
- Geared Towards Bicycle Commuters
- Place Adjacent to Existing IMs to Utilize
Existing Showers and Lockers - Provide Bicycle Rental Repair Potential
Future Location of MSU Bikes - Place Adjacent to Public Transit Stop
- Charge a Yearly Fee for Use
- Bike Storage Either Attended or Controlled
Through Card Access
New Bike Station Chicago, Illinois Bike Stations
are growing in popularity around the country and
overseas. Typically the most expensive aspect is
providing showers and lockers. By building
adjacent to an existing intramural facility a
Bike Station could be constructed rather
44Bike Shed Example
- Key Elements
- Open Bike Parking Areas
- Individually Keyed Bike Lockers
- Low Profile
- Green Roof
Photo Credit Ann Forsyth, used with permission
via University of Minnesotas Metropolitan Design
Houten, Netherlands Low Profile Bike Shed
45Bike Shed with Lockers Guidelines
- Recommendation
- Low Profile Bike Sheds
- Chain Link Fenced Single Bike Compartments
- Door Locks with Individuals Own Lock U Lock
Compatible - Green Roof
- Sides Constructed of Materials Complementing
Adjacent Structures and Landscape - Application
- Place Centralized Locations Near Dormitories and
Remote Parking Lots - Older Dorms Without Bike Rooms Are First Priority
The Proposed Bike Shed is a low profile structure
so as to not disrupt views of buildings and the
landscape. The Bike Shed has a green roof to
further minimize its visual impact as well as to
reduce impervious surfaces. The Bike Shed may
be constructed in many configurations. The Sheds
may be constructed back to back or in any
length. As the Bike Sheds will be premium
parking locations, their cost may be off-set by a
special yearly permit that must be clearly
visible when parked in the shed. Violators may
be easily impounded on site.
46Bike Shed with Lockers Guidelines
- Recommendation
- Low Profile Bike Sheds
- Chain Link Fenced Single Bike Compartments
- Door Locks with Individuals Own Lock U Lock
Compatible - Green Roof
- Sides Constructed of Materials Complementing
Adjacent Structures and Landscape - Application
- Place Centralized Locations Near Dormitories and
Remote Parking Lots - Older Dorms Without Bike Rooms Are First Priority
The Bike Shed should be placed approximately 5
back from a walkway. Landscaping may also be
used to further minimize the visual impact of the
Bike Shed. The type of green roof vegetation
may be varied to fit with the surrounding
landscape and or to evaluate various green roof
planting mixes.
47Existing Bike Lanes
- Issue
- Recommendation
- Application
48Existing and Proposed Bike Lanes
- Issue
- Recommendation
- Application
49Road Reconstruction Program
- Issue
- Recommendation
- Application
50Plan Overview
- Key Elements
- Incorporate Bicycle Lanes on most roadways
- Improved Bicycle Facilities At Intersections
- Provide Bike Paths on Key Corridors Away from
Roads - Improve Separation of Bicycles and Pedestrians on
Pathways - Underscore Pedestrians Right-of-Way
- Improved Long-term Bicycle Parking Options
Key Statement
55West Circle Potential Path Removals
- Recommendation
- The Existing Two-Track Bike Paths May Be Removed
- Additional Minor Walkways May Also Be Removed to
Minimize That Direct Pedestrians To Cross Roads
and Parking Lots at Poor Locations - Path Removals Off-Set Impact of Proposed Bicycle
56West Circle Drive Alternate A
- Key Elements
- Maintain Two-way Motor Vehicle Traffic from East
Circle to Beal Entrance and By Angle Parking Near
Music Building - Contra-flow Bike Lanes Where Feasible
- One-Way Bike Paths Where No Room for Contra-flow
Bike Lanes and to By-pass Angle Parking - Three Cross-Circle Bike Paths
- Remove Parallel Parking by Landon Hall and
Relocate Bike Lane to Accommodate Two Lanes of
Motor Vehicle Traffic
57West Circle Drive Alternate A
58West Circle Drive Overview Alt A
59West Circle Drive Overview Alt A
60West Circle Drive Overview Alt A
61West Circle Drive Overview Alt A
62West Circle Drive Overview Alt A
63West Circle Drive Alternate B
- Key Elements
- Maintain Two-way Motor Vehicle Traffic from East
Circle to Beal Entrance - Maintain Two-way Motor Vehicle Traffic By Angle
Parking Near Music Building - Limited Use of Contra-flow Bike Lanes
- Bike Paths and Shared-use Paths Used Primary
Means to Bike Across and Around West Circle - Existing Bike Lanes Removed
64West Circle Drive Alternate B
65West Circle Drive Alternate C
- Key Elements
- One Lane of Motor Vehicle Traffic on West Circle
- Remove All Angle Parking
- Parallel Parking By Landon Hall Remains
- Contra-flow Bike Lane Around West Circle
- Two Cross-Circle Bike Paths
- In Keeping With Original 2020 Plan
- Minimal Impact to Historic Landscape
- Safest Option for Cyclists, Pedestrians and
66West Circle Drive Alternate C
67Kalamazoo / West Circle Intersection
- Recommendations
- Provide Pocket Bike Turn Lane for Bicyclists
Continuing Straight Onto Bike Path and Turning
Left Onto Contra-flow Bike Lane - Split Bike Path At End to Align With Bike Lanes
On Opposite Side of Road
68Shaw Lane Alternate A
- Key Elements
- Alternate Assumes North and South Shaw Remain
Open To Traffic - Bike Lane Added to N and S Shaw Lane By Narrowing
Motor Vehicle Lanes
69Shaw Lane Alternate A
70Shaw Lane Alternate B
- Key Elements
- Alternate B Assumes North and South Shaw Are
Closed To Through Traffic - Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Directed Towards
Signals at Red Cedar River Bridge and S Shaw Lane - Path Alignments Are Conceptual But Reflect Desire
for Fairly Direct Links
71Shaw Lane Alternate B
72Plan Overview
- Key Elements
- Incorporate Bicycle Lanes on most roadways
- Improved Bicycle Facilities At Intersections
- Provide Bike Paths on Key Corridors Away from
Roads - Improve Separation of Bicycles and Pedestrians on
Pathways - Underscore Pedestrians Right-of-Way
- Improved Long-term Bicycle Parking Options
Key Statement