Title: 25.2 Acid Rain
125.2 Acid Rain
- Unit 8 Chapter 25
- CPO Science
- Courtney Lewis
- Stapley Junior High School
225.2 Acid Rain Acid Rain signs of acid
rain effects of acid rain
rainfall snowfall naturally acidic, pH around
5.6 (probably) def precipitation with pH lt
5.6 gases sulfur dioxide (SO2) sulfur
trioxide (SO3) nitrogen oxide (NO) nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) these compounds come from burning
fossil fuels damages buildings, statues,
monuments etc. Lowers pH of lakes and streams ?
fish and plant life dying
3reactions good things from burning fossil
fuels ways to reduce
SO2 H2O2 ? H2SO4 (acid) 4NO2 2H2O O2 ?
4HNO3 (acid) Transportation Electricity to
create new medicines diagnose disease provide
heat and a/c entertainment technology alterna
tive forms of transportation turn off lights
when not using them conserve energy more
efficient cars power plants