Title: Ontology Tools
1Ontology Tools
Ontology Tools
- http//protege.stanford.edu/
- http//www.co-ode.org/resources/tutorials/ProtegeO
WLTutorial.pdf - A nice resources for learning how to build
ontologies - http//www.co-Aode.org/resources/tutorials/Protege
4Jambalya QuickViews
5OWL Doc
6OWL Abstract Syntax
Class(owlThing partial) ObjectProperty(ahasPet
domain(aPetOwner) range(aAnimal))
Class(aPetOwner partial restriction(ahasPet
allValuesFrom(aAnimal)) owlThing)
Class(aAnimal partial) Class(aCat partial
aAnimal) Class(aDog partial aAnimal)
DisjointClasses(aCat aDog)
Individual(aFluffy type(aCat))
Individual(aMuffy type(aCat))
Individual(aTuffy type(aDog))
Individual(aScruffy type(aDog))
7Abstract Syntax Continued
Class(aCatLover partial restriction(ahasPet
allValuesFrom(aCat)) aPetOwner)
Class(aDogLiker partial restriction(ahasPet
someValuesFrom(aDog)) aPetOwner)
Class(aDogLover partial restriction(ahasPet
allValuesFrom(aDog)) aPetOwner)
Individual(aBill type(aDogLiker)
value(ahasPet aFluffy) value(ahasPet
aScruffy)) Individual(aRaj type(aDogLiker)
value(ahasPet aTuffy)) Individual(aFang
type(aCatLover) value(ahasPet aMuffy))
Individual(aGilles type(aDogLover)
value(ahasPet aTuffy)) Individual(aMei
- Example command line
- "C\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\bin\java" -jar
c/myfiles/pellet/pellet-1.5/lib/pellet.jar -if
PetProject.owl -classify tree realize
owlThing ontology1186577852PetOwner
ontology1186577852DogLover - (ontology1186577852
Mei, ontology1186577852Gilles)
ontology1186577852DogLiker - (ontology1186577852
Raj, ontology1186577852Bill)
ontology1186577852CatLover - (ontology1186577852
Fang) ontology1186577852Animal
ontology1186577852Dog - (ontology1186577852Tuffy
, ontology1186577852Scruffy)
ontology1186577852Cat - (ontology1186577852Fluff
y, ontology1186577852Muffy)
9OwlSight Lightweight Browser
- http//pellet.owldl.com/ontology-browser/
10Violating Constraints
- If you change Tuffy from a Dog to a Cat,
- ltCat rdfID"Tuffy"/gt
- and then load PetProject.owl, you get this
message - Consistent No
- Reason Individual http//www.owl-ontologies.com/O
ntology1186577852.owlTuffy is forced to belong
to class http//www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology118
6577852.owlDog and its complement
- java -jar lib/pellet.jar -if PetProject.owl
-queryString - "select ?x ?y ?z WHERE ?x ?y ?z "
- "prefix rdf lthttp//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syn
tax-nsgt select ?x ?z WHERE ?x rdftype ?z " - "prefix owl lthttp//www.w3.org/2002/07/owlgt
select ?x ?z WHERE ?x owldisjointWith ?z " - "prefix rdfslthttp//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema
gt select ?x ?z WHERE ?x rdfssubClassOf ?z "