Title: Welcome to the Partnership Recognition Program
1(No Transcript)
2Welcome to the Partnership Recognition Program
3Cameron University Advanced Systems
Technology, Inc.
4Carl Albert State College Eastern Oklahoma
Medical Center
5Connors State College Armstrong Bank
6East Central University The Chickasaw Nation
7Eastern Oklahoma State College McAlester
Regional Health Center
8Murray State College Chickasaw Nation Governor
Bill Anoatubby
9Northeastern Oklahoma AM College Vicki
Cossairt, Director of Human Resources for
Integris Grove General Hospital
10Northeastern State University State Farm
11Northern Oklahoma College Mercury/MerCruiser
12Northwestern Oklahoma State University Enid
Integris Bass Baptist Health Center/St. Marys
Regional Medical Center/Northern Oklahoma College
13Oklahoma City Community College The Greater
Oklahoma City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
14Oklahoma Panhandle State University Tri-County
Electric Cooperative
15Oklahoma State University Williams
16Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City OGE
Energy Corporation
17Redlands Community College Integris Canadian
Valley Regional Hospital
18Rogers State University Claremore Regional
19Rose State College Midwest Regional Medical
20Seminole State College The Seminole Nation
21Southeastern Oklahoma State University Medical
Center of Southeastern Oklahoma
22Southwestern Oklahoma State University WestOak
Industries, Inc.
23Tulsa Community College UAW1895 Ford/ACH Tulsa
Glass Plant
24Western Oklahoma State College Great Plains
Regional Medical Center/Jackson County Memorial
Hospital/Comanche County Memorial Hospital/
Southwestern Medical Center/Duncan Regional
Hospital/Memorial Hospital Physician Group
25A special thank you to our sponsors The
Oklahoma Department of Commerce Ross Feed and
26Thank you for supporting higher education and
economic development in your community!