Title: Reasons for increased human deaths from fungus diseases
1March 11 Mycoses Fungus Diseases of Animals
- Including YOU! But first.
2Reasons for increased human deaths from fungus
- Increased awareness of diagnosticians
- Improved diagnostic tests
- Increased international travel
- Other medical procedures lower effectiveness of
immune system - AIDS
3Classifying Human Mycoses
- Localized, superficial, site specific
- (Dermatomycoses)
- Athletes foot
- Ringworm
- Jock Itch
4Classifying Human Mycoses
- Localized, superficial, site specific
- (Dermatomycoses)
- Athletes foot
- Ringworm
- Jock Itch
- Localized, subcutaneous, not site specific
- Sporotrichosis
5Sporotrichosis Caused by Sporotrichum schenkii
6Classifying Human Mycoses
- Localized, superficial, site specific
- (Dermatomycoses)
- Athletes foot
- Ringworm
- Jock Itch
- Localized, subcutaneous, not site specific
- Sporotrichosis
- Systemic
- Candidiasis
- Histoplasmosis
- Coccidioidomycosis
- Mucormycosis
- Aspergillosis
7CANDIDIASIS Caused by Candida albicans -----------
A dimorphic fungus C. albicans is a normal
inhabitant of the human digestive tract, and
apparently becomes a pathogen when body
chemistry is unusually favorable for its
growth causing yeast infections in women,
thrush in infants and elderly, and other
diseases in people who are predisposed with
altered immune systems. May become systemic.
8Candida albicans Cause of yeast infections
9Candida albicans Cause of yeast infections
This is a dimorphic fungus because it can grow In
a yeast-like form or as a filamentous fungus
10HISTOPLASMOSIS Caused by Histoplasma
capsulatum ---------------------------------------
A respiratory pathogen cause by a Fungus that
grows on bird droppings. Infections start in
lungs, but may Become systemic and cause
problems With other organs and tissues.
11COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS Caused by Coccidiomyces
immitis ------------------------------------------
A pathogen that begins in the Respiratory tract,
but can become Systemic, causing disease
anywhere In the body. The fungus grows on rodent
droppings In soils of the southwest U.S.
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14Mushroom endocarditis Coprinus cinearus
15Podaxis pistillaris, The Desert Inky Cap A human
pathogen? See http//www.erols.com/strange1/first
16Management of Mycoses
- Drug therapy
- Griseofluvin
- Amphotericin
- (a.k.a. Ampho the Terrible)
- Nystatin
- Sterol biosynthesis inhibitors
- Ketoconazole
- Cilofungi
17Management of Mycoses
- Drug therapy
- Griseofluvin
- Amphotericin
- (a.k.a. Ampho the Terrible)
- Nystatin
- Sterol biosynthesis inhibitors
- Ketoconazole
- Cilofungi
- Avoid or minimize exposure to potential pathogens
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