Title: Recyclemania
- Promoting Waste Reduction and Recycling on
College Campuses
California Resource Recovery Association Californi
a Collegiate Recycling Council Burlingame, CA
August 6, 2008
2Recycle Who?
- National collegiate recycling competition
- Project of NRC and US EPA Waste Wise
- Weight-based ranking system
- Online reporting system
- Runs 10 weeks, late January early April
- Schools choose to participate in any of 8
categories - -Overall diversion rate
- -Total per capita recycling
- -Total overall recycling
- -Lowest overall waste generation
- -Targeted materials on per capita basis
4Participating Schools
5Doubling Participation
6Goals of Recyclemania
- Have a fair and friendly recycling competition.
- Increase recycling participation by students and
staff. - Heighten awareness of schools' waste management
and recycling programs. - Expand economic opportunities while addressing
environmental issues in a positive way. - Lower waste generated on-campus by reducing,
reusing and recycling. - Organize this event successfully so it can be
repeated and possibly expanded to other campuses
in the future.
7Propose Changes This Year
- Competition Trials Period
- Reorganized Division System
- Competitive Division
- Benchmark Division
- Tracking and Reporting Standards
8Why Participant?
- Harness competitive spirit to reach
non-environmental audiences - Framework for organizing campus education efforts
- Benchmark own recycling program against other
schools - Increase community awareness of waste reduction
efforts - Flexible to schools needs
- Organizing point for CA collegiate recycling
efforts - Winners recognized nationally
- Increase recycling and conserve natural
9Other Benefits
- Baseline data
- Increase visibility/awareness
- Locally and beyond
- Builds bridges with others networking
- On campus
- Off campus
- Increase recycling main goal
- Learning about campus
10- g. Participate in the Waste Minimization
component of the national RecycleMania
competition, and adopt 3 or more associated
measures to reduce waste.
- Listserv for coordinators
- Technical support hotline
- Archive of sample promotional materials
- Promotional strategies
- Sample case studies
- MySpace networking site
- Professionally designed outreach materials
16School Promotions
- Dorm competitions
- Trash Recycling tabling displays
- Fairs, dances, live bands, pizza parties
- MySpace, Facebook
- Media outreach newspaper stories, websites,
radio PSAs, banners, meeting groups, flyers,
By recycling, you help to   create jobs  Â
spur investment from the private sector  Â
promote economic growth and   support
innovation. All that, just by Recycling.
- How can I
- save energy
- reduce pollution
- help prevent global warming
- reduce waste
- and
- still get my work done at Stanford?
- Â Recycle!Â
19More Emails
- Im busy.
- Yes, but
- We need you to recycle.
- What now?
- Your plastic bottles.
- Okay.
- Which ones?
- Look for a number 1 through 7
- Inside a recycling symbol
- On the bottom.
- Need help?
- Contact us.
Lots of times useful things from Stanford end up
in the trash. Â Can we give them a second
chance? Â Reuse. Its waste prevention.
20Tips for Competing
- Bring in your rival to focus on as the one to
beat - Start preparing early
- Register your school
- Use RecycleMania and WasteWise resources
- Recyclemaniacs.org
- See what other schools are doing dont be
bashful - Identify who on your campus can help
21The Main Thing Is.
- Level of effort you put in is up to you
- Make it work for you
- Have fun
- Compete with who you want to compete with
- Focus on PA Schools, Conference, Rival, Peer
School - Establish simple goals
22Climate Impacts
- The 58.6 million pounds of material recycled
during RecycleMania 2008 prevented greenhouse gas
emissions of 25,342 metric tons of carbon
equivalent (MTCE) from entering the atmosphere.
This equates to a reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions that is approximately equivalent to - 15,439 passenger cars not driven for one year
- 9,568,241 gallons of gasoline
- 196,038 barrels of oil
- 11,165 household electricity use for one year
(number of households) - 588 acres of forest preserved from deforestation
- 2,161,441 tree seedlings grown for 10 years
- Come Play With Me!
- Stanford won the Gorilla Prize in 2008
24You Recycle, We Win!
For game strategies and technique email or call
Julie Muir PSSI/Stanford Recycling Juliem_at_pssi.st
anford.edu 650-321-4236