Title: Business Honors Recycling Project
1Business Honors Recycling Project
- Sheela Bhongir
- Elizabeth Clark
- Buddika Palihawadana
Faculty Advisor Professor Kurland
2Our Story
- Professor Kurland Professor Hussein
- Mentorship credits
- Interested in the environment
- Make a difference
3Our Purpose
- How can we increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of A.S. Recycling?
4Our Research
- Meetings with
- Cyndi Signett, A.S. Recycling Coordinator
- Adrian De La Rosa, former A.S. Recycling Field
Supervisor - Darryl Johnson, PPM Director
- CSUNs current waste reduction efforts
- Our visions
- Our ideas and suggestions
- Challenges unanswered questions
- Future directions
6 A.S. Recycling
- Started in 1991 with Cyndi Signett
- Mission Statement to implement a comprehensive
program to inform, educate, and encourage the
campus community to recycle - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vnfePAG-29YE
7A.S. Organization
Miguel Segura
David Crandall
Childrens Center
Recreation Sports
Recycling Services
Ticketing Services
8What A.S. Currently Recycles
- Campus Bottles Cans
- Cell Phone Inkjet
- Paper
- Laser Toner
- Cardboard
- Pallets
9Recycling Process
Valley Recycling Center Golden State Fibers
10- Recycling Locations
- Paper
- Campus UBC
- Housing UBC
- Pallets
- Cell Phones Inkjets
11CSUN has Made a Difference!
- From 2004 2006, CSUN has saved
- Beverage containers170.6 Trash Bins
- Cardboard..2,885.3 Trash Bins
- 3,055.9 Trash Bins
Dumpster volume 3 cubic yards
12Current Awareness
- America Recycles Day
- Earth Day
- Other events
- Website
- The Real Picture
- Justification
- Our Visions
- Ideas
- Challenges Unanswered Questions
14Current Waste Stream
Note Total Tonnage Diverted includes recycling
collections, composting of wood and lawn
clippings and demolition materials
15The Real Picture
- Legal
- AB 939 requires a 50 diversion rate
- Economical
- Increase A.S. Recycling revenue
- Saving energy natural resources
- Ethical
- Respect for the natural environment
- How much of our waste can our earth handle?
- Our landfill spaces are filling up
- Our trash does not get sorted
- Cultural
- Society is now becoming environmentally conscious
- An easy way to get involved
- The trend starts at CSUN
19Our Visions
- Long Term
- Towards zero waste
- Zero waste means a 100 diversion rate
- Recycling composting bins next to every trash
can - Manufacturing packaging reforms
- Short Term
- 50 diversion rate that does not include
20Our Ideas
- Raise Awareness
- Incentives
- Student Involvement
- Composting
- Efficient Recycling System
21Getting Involved
22 Raise Awareness
- Events
- -Room rental recycling requirement
- -Recycle at major events
- Recycling Bins
- -Increase visibility
- -Add bins
- In classrooms
- Inside buildings
- Outdoor
23Awareness Contd.
- Update A.S. website
- -10 steps to reduce your carbon footprint
- Departmental websites/ desktops
- Recycling tours
- Recycling film
- A.S. Recycling facebook
24Student Involvement
25Club Competitions
- Mini-Recycle Mania within CSUN
- Student clubs and orgs. collect recycle material
26Why would clubs participate?
- Yearly Recognition Award
- Individuals receive pins
- Semester Recognitions
- Monetary awards
- Free advertising-website/ Daily Sundial
- Pizza party
27Individual Involvement
- Bin design competition
- Recycled art competition
- Educational programs
- Recycle bank
- Composting would increase diversion rate
- Current eggs shells, coffee grinding
- Goals To see composting bins on campus
- Ernest Young Your World Your Vision student
- Efficiency is defined as increasing the speed
- at which the current recyclable waste stream
- gets recycled.
- Decrease Sort Time
- Decrease Pick Up Time
30Decrease sort time
- Current Sorting Area
- Weather
- Canopy
- Sink
- AC and heater
31Decrease Pick up Time
- Increase the variety and volume of products
picked up - Recycling Train
32Golf Cart Train
33Decrease Pick up Time
34Decrease Pick up Time
- Adding wheels to cardboard bins
35Decrease Pick up COST
- Cardboard baler
- Loose - 50 100 lbs/cy
- Baled - 600 1100 lbs / cy
36Our Current Cardboard Bin
Costs 140 per pick up x 1 pick up per week x 52
weeks 7,280 per year 61 ratio Costs 140 per
pick up x 9 pick ups per year 1,260 Savings
per year 6,020 Baler cost 15,000 It would
take 2.5 years to pay off the cost for the baler.
38Challenges Unanswered Questions
- Different Measurements
- Communication
- Dumpster Divers
- Tonnage Disposed
40Dumpster Divers
- Going into classrooms
- Territorial
- Illegal
- Student motivation
41Tonnage Disposed
- What does our trash consist of?
- This is a challenge because it would be hard to
make an estimate of how much earnings and
savings could be captured through recycling and
42Future Directions
- Goals for next semester year
- Composting at Earth Fair, April 22, 2009
- Mini-recycle mania competitions between student
clubs and organizations - Advertising
- Getting students involved
43Next 2-5 Years
- A.S. recycling expansion
- Apply for grants getting sponsors
- Composting implemented on a campus wide scale
- Indoor recycling bins
- Reach a diversion rate of 50
- Partnerships of University Corporation, PPM, and
A.S. Recycling towards common goal of zero waste - Talk in common metrics
- Continue towards zero waste at CSUN
- Win Recyclemania
- A.S. Recycling is doing a terrific job.
- More can be done.
- Its important we work together to accomplish
these goals. - We have provided a few ideas, and plan to
continue the project on into Spring 2009.
46Thank You
- Professor Kurland, Hussein, Vasishth
- Betsy Corrigan
- Darryl Johnson
- A.S. Student Employees
- Adrian De La Rosa
- Cyndi Signett