Lab 7 - Carnivores - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lab 7 - Carnivores


Food: large herbivores, will take mice, squirrels and rabbits during lean times ... Food: Mice, rabbits, carrion, other vertebrates, some vegetation, and trash ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lab 7 - Carnivores

Lab 7 - Carnivores
  • Things with Big Teeth

Order Carnivora
  • Family Canidae
  • Family Felidae
  • Family Mephitidae
  • Family Mustelidae
  • Family Otariidae
  • Family Procyonidae
  • Family Ursidae

Family Canidae
  • Canis
  • Urocyon
  • Vulpes

Canis latrans
  • Coyote
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat grasslands, brush, and farmlands across
    North America from Alaska to Nicaragua
  • Food variety of small birds and mammals, some
    fruits and berries consumed
  • Reproduction Mate in late winter, gestate 58-63
    days, and have 5-10 pups per litter. Males help
    raise pups.
  • Trivia coydogs are coyote/dog hybrids. Used to
    be more common when coyotes were rare, but as
    their numbers increased, the need to breed with
    dogs declined.

Canis lupus
  • Grey Wolf
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat broken, open country historically
    throughout much of western North America
  • Food large herbivores, will take mice, squirrels
    and rabbits during lean times
  • Reproduction Mate for life. Breed in Dec-Feb,
    gestate 63 days, and have 4-46 pups per litter.
    Males help raise pups.
  • Trivia Attempts are being made to re-introduce
    this animal across its range, but it tends to
    face local resistance.

Canis familiaris
  • Domestic or Feral Dog
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat Cosmopolitan with humans, found in
    homes, dumps, abandoned structures, o heavy
  • Food Mice, rabbits, carrion, other vertebrates,
    some vegetation, and trash
  • Reproduction Can breed twice a year, once in
    early spring and fall. Heat last 12 day,
    producing 3-10 pups per litter after 63 day
  • Trivia Feral dogs can form packs and be
    territorial. There are about 1 million dog
    attacks each year in the US, with about 18 of
    these resulting in death.

Urocyon cinereoargenteus
  • Grey fox
  • Dental formula 3/3/ 1/1/ 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat Woodlands from the Canadian border south
    to northern South America
  • Food Cottontail rabbits, mice and voles, with
    birds, small mammals, fruit, corn, and grass in
    smaller amounts. Grasshoppers and crickets become
    important in late summer
  • Reproduction den in hollow trees and logs, mate
    from January to April, gestate 53-63 days, and
    have one litter of 1-7 pups in March to May.
    Males help raise pups, but do not den with them.
  • Trivia Only North American canid that is a good
    climber, using trees to forage, cache food, or
    hide. Also, less vocal than red foxes.

Vulpes velox
  • Kit fox
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1/ 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat live in open desert and grasslands
  • Food small mammals, insects, birds, herps, and
  • Reproduction Monogamous per season Breed in
    Oct-Feb, gestate 60 days, and have 3-6 pups per
  • Trivia Less afraid of humans and not as cunning,
    these foxes tend to be trapped more easily that
    their counterparts.

Vulpes vulpes
  • Red fox
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1/ 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat diverse habitats across North America
    except for the far southwest Rocky Mountains,
    and eastern Virginia
  • Food omnivorous, taking small vertebrates and
    caching extra
  • Reproduction mate in late winter, female dens
    after gestating 51 days to have a litter of 4-10
    young in March or April.
  • Trivia Foxes act more like cats than canids by
    listening, stalking and rushing their prey as
    opposed to chasing it down in the open.

Key to Canids
  • Skin
  • C. fam body varied but not as other canids
  • C. lup tan/gray body, largest of local canids
  • C. lat tan body, tail less than ½ head and body
  • V. vel large ears, body mixed gray/black/red.
    Tail black tipped.
  • V. vul body and tail reddish yellow w/ white
    tip, legs and feet blackish
  • U. cin body mixed gray/black w/ reddish brown
    sides. Legs and feet reddish brown
  • Skull
  • C. fam rostrum short, shorter crest than C.
  • C. lup - prominent crest formed by paired midline
    ridges that come together, broad rostrum,
    post-orbital constriction narrow
  • C. lat prominent crest formed by paired midline
    ridges that come together, rostrum narrow,
    post-orbital constriction broad
  • V. vel upper surface of skull with weak ridges
    in a Y shape
  • V. vul upper surface of skull with weak ridges
    or crest, V shaped
  • U. cin paired ridges up to 3 mm high, start
    behind eyes and form U shape behind but never
    actually touch

Family Ursidae
  • Ursus americanus Black bear
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 42
  • Habitat Secluded forested areas in Canada,
    around the Great Lakes, and extending down the
    major mountain chains
  • Food Omnivorous, taking small mammals, insects,
    fruits, nuts, vegetation, and fish
  • Reproduction Gestate seven months, having 1-3
    cubs in late January or February. Have litters
    every other year
  • Trivia Bears do not hibernate, as they have
    young during this period. Instead, they put on
    heavy fat and become inactive for the colder
    months. Bears are great dispersers, capable over
    moving over many miles in a night at 30 mph.

Family Procyonidae
  • Bassariscus
  • Nasua
  • Procyon

Bassariscus astutus
  • Ringtail
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4/ 2/2 40
  • Habitat trees, rock areas, and cliffs throughout
    the SW US and Mexico
  • Food Small mammals, fruits, birds, and insects.
  • Reproduction Bred in Mar-Apr, having 2-4 young
    after 60 gestation.
  • Trivia Loud vocal barking calls. They also have
    been heavily hunted on the Edwards Plateau for
    their fur.

Procyon lotor
  • Common Raccoon
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 4/4/ 2/2 40
  • Habitat Anyplace with woods and water throughout
    North America
  • Food Omnivorous, taking plant and animal food,
    insects, grains, fruits, and worms.
  • Reproduction den in hollow trees, gestate for 63
    days, and have litters of 3-7 young in April or
  • Trivia Raccoons dont wash their food, they are
    in fact practicing their underwater food
    searching behavior. Sometimes communal dens,
    with 23 coons reported from one den.

Key to Procyonids
  • Skin
  • B. ast Buff above and white below, with dark
    overhairs, long ringed tail
  • P. lot gray above with short ringed tail
  • Skull
  • B. ast mastoid small, P4 has 3 tubercules,
    upper molars broader than long
  • P. lot mastoid large, P4 has 5 tubercules,
    upper molars longer than broad

Family Mustelidae
  • Gulo
  • Lontra
  • Martes
  • Mustela
  • Taxidea

Mustela frenata
  • Long-tailed Weasel
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat forest or open country throughout much
    of North America
  • Food mostly small rodents, but also squirrels,
    chipmunks, and rabbits
  • Reproduction delayed implantation. Mate in
    summer, gestate 15 days, delay 8-9 months, and
    then gestate 250 days to have 4-8 young in April
    or May
  • Trivia This species turns white in the northern
    range in winter. Like all mustelids, has musk
    glands capable of dropping an A-Bomb when

Mustela nigripes
  • Black-footed ferret
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat prairie dog towns and grasslands
    throughout the Great Plains region.
  • Food Mostly prairie dogs, but other small
    mammals, birds, and insects are eaten.
  • Reproduction Mate in Apr-May with 4-5 young born
    after about 60 day gestation.
  • Trivia Extirpated from Texas, and thought
    extinct, a colony was found in Meteetsee, WY in
    1984. Due to the efforts of an intensive captive
    breeding program, this species is being
    re-introduced in various parts of its former

Mustela vison
  • Mink
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat diverse wetland habitats throughout
    Canada and the Eastern United States
  • Food Small birds and mammals, fish, frogs,
    aquatic insects. Muskrats are a favored prey
  • Reproduction mate in winter or early Spring,
    have one litter of 1-10 after 42-44 gestation and
    delayed implantation of 9-46 days around
  • Trivia This animal, along with the beaver,
    helped to drive the frontier westward with
    trappers, getting around 35 a male pelt even as
    recently as 1987.

Mustela putorius
  • Ferret or polecat
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat similair to M. frenata
  • Food small mammals and birds, some grains and
  • Reproduction similar to M. frenata
  • Trivia This vermint of the Old World is now
    known as the domestic ferret.

Taxidea taxus
  • Badger
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat Open prairie and flatlands from Canada
    to Mexico in the central half of the continent
  • Food Ground squirrels are main food, but also
    eats other rodents, insects, birds, etc.
  • Reproduction have 2-3 young in march-April,
    after mating in July-Aug and having delayed
    implantation until February.
  • Trivia Prefer to hunt by collapsing all burrows
    but one of prey, and then dig trapped animal out.
    Has been know to work with coyotes (badger
    digging, coyote blocking the other openings), but
    they dont share the food. Badgers are very
    tough and resilient animals.

Key to Mustelids
  • Skin
  • M. fren tail black tipped, gt ½ body length
  • M. nig tail black tipped as well as feet, body
    light brown and belly white to cream, face masked
  • M. put color variable, but generally with white
    face and black mask around eyes
  • M. vis tail not black tipped and gt 25 mm, body
    dark brown with only one or a few white patches
  • T. tax body grey, brown face with single white
    stripe from nose to top of head and white cheeks.
    Strong claws and short bushy tail.
  • Skull
  • M. fren last molar dumbbell shaped, skull
    31-55mm length, postglenoid process gt 47 dist.
    from occipital condyles to tip of anterior
    incisor, auditory bulla larger than upper cheek
  • M. nig as M. fren, but postglenoid process lt
    47 dist. from occipital condyles to tip of
    anterior incisor
  • M. put last molar dumbbell shaped, skull length
    62-68 mm, auditory bulla roughly upper cheek
  • M. vis last molar dumbbell shaped, skull gt
    50mm, auditory bulla nearly as long as upper
    cheek teeth
  • T. tax upper molars triangular, braincase

Family Mephitidae
  • Conepatus
  • Mephitis
  • Spilogale

Conepatus leuconotus
  • Hog-nosed skunk
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 2/3 1/2 32
  • Habitat inhibit foot hills and partly timbered
    areas in the lower SW US S into Mexico
  • Food Omnivorous, taking insects, mice, bids,
    fruit, and grain
  • Reproduction Breed in Feb-Mar, gestate about 60
    days, and have 2-4 young..
  • Trivia Hog-nosed skunks seem to be drastically
    declining throughout the Northern (ie. U.S.) part
    of their range.

Mephitis macroura
  • Hooded skunk
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat Found in streamside areas in the TP TX S
    into Mexico.
  • Food Omnivorous, taking mainly insects, some
    small vertebrates, bids, fruit, and prickly pear
  • Reproduction Typically have 2 litters of 3 young
  • Trivia Rarest of the skunks in Texas. Have been
    rarely spotted in West TX in the past two decades.

Mephitis mephitis
  • Striped skunk
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat Agricultural and grassy areas throughout
    most of North America
  • Food Omnivorous, taking insects, mice, bids,
    fruit, and grain
  • Reproduction Have litters of 4-7 young in April
    after gestating 51 days.
  • Trivia Best known for odor, being sprayed for
    defense and protection. Can spray up to 16 feet,
    but tends to threaten spray before turning and

Spilogale gracilis
  • Western spotted skunk
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat rocky bluffs, cliffs, and canyon streams
    across western North America.
  • Food Omnivorous, including turkey eggs, small
    mammals, and arthropods
  • Reproduction Mate in Sept-Oct, delayed
    implantation (180-210 days), then gestate 30 days
    to have 2-5 young in Apr-May.
  • Trivia This species was once thought o be the
    same as S. putorius, but was separated out on the
    basis of delayed implantation.

Spilogale putorius
  • Eastern spotted skunk
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 34
  • Habitat weedy fields and woodlots throughout
    much of the Western United States and Central
    America, with a presence in the southeastern
    United States
  • Food Omnivorous, taking more invertebrates than
    M. mephitis
  • Reproduction Mate in March-April, gestate about
    50-65 days, and have 2-4 young in early spring
  • Trivia More of a digger than M. mephitis, this
    animal will even raid weasel caches. As can be
    expected, unless food is scarce and they are very
    hungry, few animals will attack a skunk. Also,
    the spray of this animal has a sweeter smell than
    Mephitis sps.

Key to Skunks
  • Skin
  • C. leu largest skunk, possessing a single broad
    white strip from head to tail
  • M. mac black body with long white haired strip
    and bushy tuft behind head.
  • M. meph black body with variable white stripe
    down head and back (sometimes isolated to head)
  • S. grac Color similar to S. put., but white
    marking more extensive, black and white stripes
    on upper back equal in width, large triangular
    patch of white on forehead.
  • S. put Back showing four or more broken stripes
    of spots of white on a black background, single
    white spot on forehead and single dot in front of
    each ear
  • Skull
  • C. leu only 2 upper premolars
  • M. mac basically same as M. meph.
  • M. meph hard palate reaches molar, skull
    angular in profile around eye, skull length gt 65
  • S. grac same as S. put.
  • S. put skull flat in profile, hard palate
    reached molar, skull length lt 65 mm

Family Felidae
  • Felis
  • Lynx
  • Panthera

Felis catus
  • Feral cat, House cat
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/2 1/1 30
  • Habitat in or around human habitations, as well
    as grassy fields throughout the world
  • Food Small rodents, birds, rabbits, insects,
    herps, and grass
  • Reproduction Can produce 2 litters of 1-8 young
    per year, following a 62 day gestation.
  • Trivia Although not normally included in mammals
    of discussions, the domestic cat deserves
    consideration from a management point of view due
    to their large numbers and devastating impact on
    small mammal and bird fauna of an area.
    Particularly a problem in areas that are not used
    to cats, like Austrailia and Hawaii.

Lynx rufus
  • Bobcat
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 2/2 1/1 28
  • Habitat Swamps, wooded area, and mountainous
    area through areas in Canada, United States, and
    Mexico. Only big cat in Indiana
  • Food Strict carnivore, eating small mammals and
    birds, focusing on cottontails in the north and
    cotton rats in the south
  • Reproduction Mate in February-March, gestate 62
    days, and have 2-4 young in late Spring to early
  • Trivia A solitary animal, only coming together
    to mate. Great climbers and swimmers.

Panthera concolor
  • Mountain Lion
  • Dental formula 3/3 1/1 3/2 1/1 30
  • Habitat Rocky canyons, escarpments, and dense
    brush across most of North America south to
  • Food Large mammals (50-300Kg), such as deer,
    elk, pronghorn, etc. Also take carrion
  • Reproduction Breed about every 2 to 3, gestate
    around 90-95 days, and have litters of 2-5 young.
  • Trivia Solitary predators, theses big cats have
    been pushed to the edge of their habitat due to
    fragmentation and urbanization.

Key to Felids
  • Skin
  • F. cat tail long to body
  • L. ruf tail white below and black above, body
    reddish brown with black spotting
  • P. con body tan, tail long with black fur tip
  • Skull
  • F. cat Skull 8-10 cm long with 4 upper cheek
  • L. ruf one formina in posterior corner of
    tympanic bulla due to confluent, 3 upper cheek
  • P. can Skull greater than 10 cm with 4 upper
    cheek teeth, pronounced canines.

Family Otariidae
  • The seals, sea lions, and walrus used to be in a
    separate order, Pinnipedia, for the eared seals,
    but this has been collapsed to a suborder of
  • Arctocephalus
  • Callorhinus
  • Eumetopias
  • Zalophus
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