Title: Lecture L7 AST3020
1Lecture L7 - AST3020 Understanding dust 1.
Clearing stage do planets clear dust? 2. Comets
3. Asteroids 4. Planetoids 5. Zodiacal light 6.
IDPs (Interplanetary dust particles)
2Clearing the junk left at the construction site
- Oort cloud formation
- Kuiper belt
- 10th planet(s)
3Two-body interaction a small planetesimal is
scattered by a large one, nearly missing it and
thus gaining an additional velocity of up to
vesc (from the big body with mass Mp)
The total kinetic
energy after encounter, assuming that
initially both
bodies were on nearly-circular orbits is (we
neglect the random part depending on the angle
between the two components of final velocity).
If the total energy of the small body after
encounter, EEk Epot, is positive, then the
planetesimal will escape from the planetary
Gravitational slingshot
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5Planet Earth 0.14 Mars
0.04 Jupiters core 5 Jupiter
21 Saturn 14 Uranus
10 Neptune 19
Conclusions Terrestrial planets in the solar
system cannot eject planetesimals Giant planets
(even cores) can eject planetesimals out of the
solar system Any cleared region may be seen as a
gap in SED. So far no firm detection of
exoplanets this way but the process definitely
happened in the solar system, leaving behind the
Oort Cloud.
6Jan Oort (1902-1992) found that a (2-7)1e4
AU for most new comets.
Typical perturbation by planets 0.01 (1/AU)
7Oort cloud of comets the source of the so-called
new comets size Hill radius of the Sun in the
Galaxy 260,000 AU inner part
flattened, outer elliptical
Q Porb ?
8Out of 152 new comets 50 perturbed recently by
2 stars (one slow, one fast passage) excess of
retrograde orbits, aphelia clustered on the sky
9Fomation of Oort cloud
10Kuiper belt, a theoretical entity since 1949
when Edgeworth first mentioned it and Kuiper
independently proposed it in 1951, was discovered
by D. Jewitt and J. Lu in 1993 (1st object),
who later estimated that 30000 asteroid-sized
(typically 100 km across) super-comets
reside there.
11Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973)
Interestingly, we now observe that Kuiper belt
apparently ends at r 50 AU, so the original
drawings were incorrect! The Kuiper belt is home
to quite a Zoo of planetoids or plutinos, some
of which are larger than the recently demoted
(former) planet Pluto.
Smith Terrile (1984)
1210th planet(s) super-Plutos Sedna,
Xena also starring Plutinos!
Dont worry its hard to see! Better image
on the next slide.
13The 10th planet (temp. name Xena or UB313)
first seen in 2003. It has a moon (announced in
Sept. 2005)
See the home page of the discoverer of
planetoids, Michael Brown http//www.gps.caltech.
Images of the four largest Kuiper belt objects
from the Keck Observatory Laser Guide Star
Adaptive Optics system. Satellites are
seenaround all except for 2005FY9 in 75 of
cases! In comparison, only 1 out of 9 Kuiper
belt objects, also known as TNOs (Trans-Neptunian
Objects) have satellites.
14On October 31 2005, 2 new moons of Pluto have
been found by the Hubble Space Telescope/ACS
15IDPs Interplanetary Dust Particles
Comet Hale-Bopp (1997)
10 -100 km
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17European (ESA) Giotto mission saw comet Halleys
nucleus in 1986, confirming the basic
concept of comet nucleus
as a few-km
sized chunk
of ice and rocks stuck
together (here, in the form
of a
potato, suggesting
2 collided
The bright jets are from the craters or vents
through which water vapor and the dust/stones
dragged by it escape, to eventually spread and
form head and tail of the comet.
18Borrely-1 imaged by NASA in 2001
19Why study comets? Comet Wild-2 is a good
example this 3km-planetesimal was thrown out in
the giant impacts era from Saturn-Neptune region
into the Oort cloud, then wandered closer to
Uranus/Jupiter has recently been perturbed by
Jupiter (5 orbits ago) to become a short-period
comet (P5 yr) Comet Temple1, on the other
hand, is a short-period comet that survived gt100
passages - so we are eager to study differences
between the more and the less pristine bodies.
Gas tail
Comet Hale-Bopp
Dust tail
20Stardust NASA mission - reached comet Wild-2 in
Storeoscopic view of comet Wild-2 captured by
http//stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/index.html and in
particular http//stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/i
ndex.html http//stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/science/det
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22Stardust NASA mission - reached comet Wild-2 in
The probe also carried aerogel - a ghostly
material that NASA engineered (like a
transparent, super-tough styrofoam, 2 g of it can
hold a 2.5 kg brick - see the r.h.s.
picture). Aerogel was used to capture cometary
particles (l.h.s. picture) which came back and
landed on Earth in Jan. 2006.
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25Tracks in aerogel, Stardust sample of dust from
comet Wild 2. That comet was residing in the
outer solar system until a close encounter with
Jupiter in 1974.
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28 OLIVINES, Mg-Fe silicate solid state solutions
(also found by Stardust) are the dominant
building material of both our and other planetary
Forsterite, Mg2SiO4
Fayalite, Fe2SiO4
29"I would say these materials came from the inner,
warmest parts of the solar system or from hot
regions around other stars," "The issue of
the origin of these crystalline silicates still
must be resolved. With our advanced tools, we
can examine the crystal structure, the trace
element composition and the isotope composition,
so I expect we will determine the origin and
history of these materials that we recovered from
Wild 2."
D. Brownlee (2006)
30Deep Impact NASA probe - impacted comet Tempel1
on July 4, 2005 (v 10.2 km/s) - see the movie
frames of the actual impact of the probe taken by
the main spacecraft, taken 0.83s apart. The
study showed that Temple1 is porous the impactor
dug a deep tunnel before exploding.
31Comet Temple 1 nucleus 10m resolution
Here is the Deep Impact description
See http//stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/science/feature00
1.html about the differences between comets
Wild-2 and Temple 1.
32Other missions are ongoing. Rosetta mission by
ESA (European Space Agency) will first fly by
astroids Steins and Lutetia near Mars after the
arrival at the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in
2014, the spacecraft will enter an orbit around
the comet and continue the journey together. A
lander will descend onto the surface.
33These particles have been delivered to Earth for
Chonditic meteorite
IDP (cometary origin?)
Brownlee particles collected in the stratosphere
Donald Brownlee, UW
34Brownlee particle
35Brownlee particle A few out of a thousand
subgrains shows isotopic anomalies, e.g., a O(17)
to O(16) isotope ratio 3-5 times higher than all
the rest - a sign of pre-solar nature.
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37Glass with Embeded Metals and Sulfides - found in
Nano-rocks composed of a mixture of materials,
some pre-solar
38Out of this world (pre-solar isotopes, compositio
n of GEMS)
Figure 1. Transmission electron micrographs of
GEMS within thin sections of chondritic IDPs. (A)
Bright-field image of GEMS embedded in amorphous
carbonaceous material (C). Inclusions are FeNi
metal (kamacite) and Fe sulfides. (B) Dark-field
image. Bright inclusions are metal and sulfides
uniform gray matrix is Mg-rich silicate glass. (C
and D) Dark-field images of GEMS with "relict" Fe
sulfide and forsterite inclusions.
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40Dust modelers toolkit
Definitions of Qsca, Qabs, Qext Simplified case
of no diffraction Mie theory Mie theory program
online at http//omlc.ogi.edu/calc/mie_calc.htm
l Temperature calculation with Mie
theory Scattering patterns Polarization Radiation
coefficients How Mie theory helped understand
beta Pictoris other systems
41The physics of dust and radiation is very
simple In the past the amount of dust
hidden by coronograph mask had to be
reconstructed using MEM maximum entropy
method or other models. Today scattered light
data often suffice (e.g., Mirzas 1501
project!) tau optical thickness
perpendicular to the disk (vertical optical
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44Or, as a bare minimum, an empirical model of dust
(e.g., stolen from comets)
45Mie theory of scattering (absorption,
C. F. Bohren and D. R. Huffman (Editors),
Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small
Particles (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1983).
Gustav Mie (1869-1957)
46Resonant scattering from Mie theory
Wavelength 0.55 um Ocean water in air,
Qsca m1.343 0i
Carbon in air, Qsca m1.95 - 079i
Air bubble in seawater, Qsca
Carbon in air, Qabs m1.95 - 079i
47Scattering of red light (0.65 um) on water
droplets of radius r
48How Mie theory works in terms of reflection
and/or surface electromagnetic waves.
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50Laboratory-measured optical constants
These peaks are caused by SiO bond vibration
Wavelength (um)
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54s3 um
s1 um
s20 um
s9 um
s1 um
s3 um
s9 um
s20 um
56Radiation pressure coefficient depends
on composition, as well as porosity
57Radiation pressure on mixture may be stronger
than on pure components
58Radiation pressure on ISM dust in three
prototype debris disks. Notice the logarithmic
scale! ISM particles are absorbent, which
enhances the effect.
59Radiative Rutherford scattering off a star (the
same Coulomb 1/r potential applies!)
60A good candidate material can be found for the
beta Pictoris disk SED and broadband photometry
61Choosing the plausible material
and Calculating the temperature of solids
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Chemical unity of nature and its thanks to
stellar nucleosynthesis!
What minerals will precipitate from
a solar-composition, cooling gas? Mainly
Mg/Fe-rich silicates and water ice. Planets are
made of precisely these things.
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65However, this may backfire.
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68T vs. r beta Pictoris
69Temperature-distance relationship and Ice
boundary location in beta Pic
70Equilibrium temperature of solid particles (from
dust to atmosphereless planets) A Qsca
albedo (percentage of light scattered) Qabs
absorption coefficient, percentage of light
absorbed Qabs Qsca 1 (this assumes the
size of the body gtgt wavelength of starlight,
otherwise the sum, called extinction
coefficient Qext, might be different) total
absorbing area A, total emitting area 4 A
(spherical particle) Absorbed energy/unit time
Emitted energy /unit time A Qabs(vis) L/(4 pi
r2) 4A Qabs(IR) sigma T4 L stellar
luminosity, r distance to star, L/4pi r2
flux of energy, T equilibrium temperature of
the whole particle, e.g., dust grain, sigma
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (see physical constants
table) sigma T4 energy emitted from unit area
of a black body in unit time Qabs(vis) - in the
visible/UV range where starlight is
emitted/absorbed Qabs(IR) - emissivityabsorptivi
ty (Kirchhoffs law!) in the infared, where
thermal radiation is emitted
71Equilibrium temperature of solid bodies falls
with the square-root of r T4
Qabs(vis)/ Qabs(IR) L/(16 pi r2 sigma) which
can be re-written using Qabs(vis) 1-A as T
280 K (1-A)/Qabs(IR) (L/Lsun)(1/4)
(r/AU)(-1/2) Theoretical surface temperature T
of planets if Qabs(IR)1, and the actual
surface temperature Tp. Differences are mostly
due to greenhouse effect Body Albedo
A T(K) Tp(K) comments ________________
_____________________________________ Mercury
0.15 433 433 Venus 0.72 240 540
huge greenhouse Earth 0.45 235 280
greenhouse Moon 0.15 270 270 Mars 0.25 210
220 weak greenhouse asteroid (typical)
0.15 160 160 Ganimede 0.3 112 112 Titan 0.2 8
6 90(?) Pluto 0.5 38 38
72Optical thickness
perpendicular to the disk in
the equatorial plane (percentage of starlight
scattered and absorbed, as seen by the outside
observer looking at the disk edge-on,
aproximately like we look through the beta
Pictoris disk)
73What is the optical thickness ? It
is the fraction of the disk surface covered by
dust here I this example its about 2e-1 (20) -
the disk is optically thin ( transparent,
since it blocks only 20 of light)
picture of a small portion of
the disk seen from above Examples beta Pic
disk at r100 AU opt.thickness3e-3
disk around Vega
opt.thickness1e-4 zodiacal light disk
(IDPs) solar system 1e-7
74STIS/Hubble imaging (Heap et al 2000)
Modeling (Artymowicz,unpubl.) parametric,
axisymmetric disk cometary dust phase function
Vertical optical thickness ?
Vertical profile of dust density
Radius r AU
Height z AU
75Mirza Ahmics (2006) best fit to HST/STIS data (b
Model of dust distribution uses empirical ZL
scattering phase function and two overlapping
disks, inclined by a few degrees
Fitting method multiparametric fit (18 par.)
using simplex algorithm
76Mirza Ahmics best fit to HST/ACS data (b Pic)
Why the differences??
77Chemistry/mineralogy/crystallinity of dust All
we see so far are silicate particles similar to
the IDPs (interplanetary dust particles from
our system) Ice particles are not seen, at
least not in the dust size range (that is also
true of the IDPs) Are all planetary systems
made of the same material?
78Microstructure of circumstellar disks identical
with IDPs (interplanetary dust particles) mostly
FeMg silicates (Mg,Fe)SiO3 (Mg,Fe)2SiO4
cold outer disk
warm disk
80The disk particles are made of the Earth-type
minerals! (olivine, pyroxene, FeO, PAH
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
81 Crystallinity of minerals Recently, for the
first time observations showed the difference in
the degree of crystallinity of minerals in the
inner vs. the outer disk parts. This was done by
comparing IR spectra obtained with single
dish telescopes with those obtained while
combining several such telescopes into an
interferometric array (this technique, long
practiced by radio astronomers, allows us to
achieve very good, low-angular resolution, observa
tions). In the following 2 slides, you will see
some inner and outer disk spectra - notice
the differences, telling us about the
different structure of materials amorphous
silicates typical dust grains precipitating
from gas, for instance in the interstellar
medium, no regular crystal structure crystalline
grains same chemical composition, but forming a
regular crystal structure, thought to be
derived from amorphous grains by some heating
(annealing) effect at temperatures up to 1000 K.
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8390 amorphous
60 amorphous
45 amorphous
Beta Pic,
95 crystalline
84We do not at present see in our statistics of
Vega-type stars any simple time-evolution of
dustiness or crystallinity of solids in
circumstellar disks.
Annealing could be thermal (in proximity to
stars), while transport done by outflows. Does
migration of dust explain observations??