Title: Chapter 5 ECommerce and Transaction Processing Systems
1Chapter 5E-Commerce and Transaction Processing
Updated 02/26/05
- Introduction to Electronic Commerce
- E-Commerce Applications
- Technology, Infrastructure. And Development
- Transaction Processing Systems
- Enterprise Resource Planning
3E-Commerce and TPS Intro to E-Commerce
- E-Commerce involves any business transaction
executed electronically between - Business-to-consumer (B2C)
- Business-to-business (B2B)
- Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
- Businesses and individuals use e-commerce to
- reduce transaction costs,
- speed the flow of goods and information,
- improve the level of customer service, and
- enable close coordination among manufacturers,
suppliers, and customers. - Also enables consumers and companies to gain
access to worldwide markets.
4E-Commerce and TPS Value Chains in E-Commerce
- Conversion to e-commerce supply chain management
provides businesses with an opportunity to - increase revenues or decrease costs by
eliminating time-consuming and labor-intensive
steps throughout the order and delivery process - improve customer satisfaction by enabling
customers to view detailed information about
delivery dates and order status - reduce inventory including raw materials, safety
stocks, and finished goods
5E-Commerce Applications Retail and Wholesale
- Electronic retailing - the direct sale from
business to consumer through electronic
storefronts. - Catalog and cart models
- Sears, Lowes, Home Depot, Office Depot, etc.
- Cybermall - a single Web site that offers many
products and services at one Internet location - AutoNation, Ford, GMC, Honda, etc.
6E-Commerce Applications Manufacturing
- Move supply chain operations onto Internet
- Increase profitability
- Improve customer satisfaction
- Establish non-physical network-based location
- Join competitors and suppliers to
- Buy and sell goods
- Trade market information
- Maintain inventory control
- Approach has greatly speeded the movement of raw
materials and finished products, reducing - Inventory that must be maintained.
- Led to a more competitive marketplace.
7E-Commerce Applications Marketing
- Enables firms to gather information about
customer behavior and preferences - Data mining
- Customer may/may not provide demographic
information - Internet advertisers use data to identify markets
and target with tailored advertising messages
8E-Commerce Applications Investment and Finance
- On-line stock trading
- On-line banking
- On-line bill paying
9E-Commerce Applications Auctions
- Web-based locations where buyers bid on items for
sale. - eBay, Little Beginnings
- Reverse auctions where bidder is NOT the buyer,
but the product/service provider. - Priceline.com
10Technology, Infrastructure, and Development Key
E-Commerce Technical Components
- Success complete technology infrastructure
- Components must be chosen and integrated
carefully to be capable of supporting a large
volume of transactions with customers, suppliers,
and other business partners worldwide
11Technology, Infrastructure, and Development
- The amount of storage capacity and computing
power required of the Web server depends on - the software that must run on the server
- the volume of e-commerce transactions that must
be processed - Additional factors affecting system
- Configuration
- Management
- System
- Database
12Technology, Infrastructure, and Development
- Web server software functions
- Security and identification
- Retrieving and sending Web Pages
- Web site tracking
- Web site development
- Web page construction
- E-commerce software
- Catalog software
- Product configuration software
- Electronic shopping cart
- Transaction processing
- Web traffic data analysis
13Technology, Infrastructure, and Development
Electronic Payment Systems
- Key component to e-commerce infrastructure
- Relies on user identification
- Encryption of transactions
- Payment schemes
- Electronic cash money that is computerized,
stored, and used for e-commerce transactions - Electronic wallets computer storage that holds
credit card info, electronic cash, owner ID, and
address info. - Credit, charge, debit, and smart cards
14Transaction Processing SystemsDefinition
- An organized collection of people, procedures,
software, databases, and devices used to process
completed business transactions. - Transactions consist of
- Order entry
- Inventory control
- Payroll
- Accounts payable/receivable
- General ledger
- More
15Transaction Processing SystemsMethods
- Batch processing method of computerized
processing in which business transactions are
accumulated over a period of time and prepared
for processing as a single unit
16Transaction Processing SystemsMethods
- On-line transaction processing (OLTP) - method of
computerized processing in which each transaction
is processed immediately and the affected records
are updated
17Transaction Processing Systems Transaction
Processing Activities
- Data collection process of capturing and
gathering all data necessary to complete
transactions. - Data editing process of checking data for
validity and completeness. - Data correction process of reentering miskeyed
or misscanned data that was found during data
editing. - Data manipulation process of performing
calculations and other data transformations
related to business transaction. - Data storage process of updating one or more
databases with new transaction, - Document production and reports production of
essential reports on paper or viewable on the
computer screen.
18Transaction Processing Systems Data Processing
Activities Common in Transaction Processing
19Transaction Processing Systems Point-of-Sale
Transaction System
20Transaction Processing Systems Business
Resumption Planning
- AKA Disaster Recovery Plan The process of
anticipating and minimizing the effects of
disasters. - Focuses primarily on two issues
- maintaining the integrity of corporate
information - keeping key information systems running until
normal operations can be resumed - Disaster recovery implementation of the
business resumption plan
21Enterprise Resource Planning Definition
- A set of integrated programs that is capable of
managing a companys vital business operations
for an entire multisite, global organization.
22Enterprise Resource Planning Some ERP Software
23Enterprise Resource Planning Commonalities Among
ERP Systems
- Integrate data
- Data entered once, easily accessible by all ERP
programs - Each item documented in data dictionary
- Operate in Client/Server Environment
- Applications run on multilevel client/server
architecture consisting of - Clients
- Application servers
- Database servers
- Based on Objects
- A collection of data and programs
- Employ Tables
- System configuration tables
- Control tables
- Applications data tables
24Enterprise Resource Planning Advantages of ERP
- Elimination of costly, inflexible legacy systems
- Improvement of work processes
- Increase in access to data for operational
decision making - Upgrade of technology infrastructure
25Enterprise Resource Planning Disadvantages of ERP
- Expense and time in implementation
- Difficulty integrating with other systems
- Risks in using one vendor
- Introduction to Electronic Commerce
- E-Commerce Applications
- Technology, Infrastructure. And Development
- Transaction Processing Systems
- Enterprise Resource Planning