Title: Soil Formation
1Soil Formation
2Types of Soil Parent Materials
3Organic Parent Materials
4Igneous Rocks
5Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
6Geographical Distribution of Parent Materials
7Wind Deposited Parent Materials
9Effect of Biota on Nutrient Cycling and Retention
10Role of Earthworms (and animals in general)
- Darwins last paragraph
- When we behold a wide turf covered expanse, we
should remember that its smoothness, on which so
much of its beauty depends, is mainly due to all
the inequalities having been slowly leveled by
worms.It may be doubted whether there are many
other animals which have played so important a
part in the history of the world
11A Biomantle in California
12Mima Mounds in California
14Geological Time Scale
15Relative Geological Time
- One of great intellectual developments of last
millennium - 4 Eras of time related to major biological events
or changes - - Precambrian
- Nearly 4 billion years of time
- Evolution of bacteria and simple forms of life
that still dominate our planet - Paleozoic
- Cambrian explosion of life
- Evolution of land plants
- Ended with large extinction
- Mesozoic
- Age of dinosaurs
- Ended with extinction
- Cenozoic
- Age of mammals
- Tertiary vs. Quaternary
- Now experiencing great extinction event
16Relative Geological Time Scale
17The Significance of Humans in Relative Time
18Processes of Soil Formation
19Dust on Earth
20Wind Erosion, Atacama Desert, Chile
21Salt Weathering, Atacama Desert
22Chemical Weathering of Minerals
23The Silica Tetrahedron
- 1 Si, 4 O -4 net charge
- Tetrahedra can be linked by sharing O, thereby
reducing net negative charge. - Class of silicate is determined by number of
shared O, and need for cations to neutralize net
negative charge
24Nesosilicates Singe Tetrahedra Linked with
- Foresterite
- Single tetra linked with Mg2
- Other minerals in group have all Fe2
- Highly susceptable to chemical weathering via
ejection of cations by acid (H) - Products then form secondary silicates and oxides
25Inosilicates Chains
26Phyllosilicates Sheets
- Phlogopite
- trioctahedral w/ Mg2
- K strongly adsorbed in cavities
- Muscovite
- dioctahedral w/ Al3
27Tectosilicates Framework
- Anorthite (Ca)
- 50 Al for Si substition
- Albite (Na)
- 25 Al substition
- Quartz
- No substition/O charge
2811 phyllosilicates kaolinite
- One layer of Si tetrahedra
- One layer of Al octahedra
- Individual minerals are held to another via H
29Chemical Weathering of Minerals
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31Chemical Weathering of Minerals
32Field Observable Properties of Soils
- Major terms and concepts
- Soil profile 2d vertical exposure of soil vs.
depth (pedon) - Soil horizons roughly horizontal bands of soil
that form from soil forming processes
33Processes of Soil Formation
CO2 flux
- Additions
- Organic C
- Dust
- Removals
- CO2
- Weathering products
- Transfers
- Clay
- Organic matter
- Carbonate
- Transformations
- Plants to SOM
- Primary silicates to secondary silicates,
OM additions, OM transformations, weathering
Clay transfers
Clay and carbonate transfers
34Soil Horizon Nomenclature
- Based on interpretation of dominant soil forming
processes affecting that horizons - Names based on presumed changes relative to
parent material (t0) - Universal with some variance
- Originated by Russians in 19th Century
35Master Horizon Nomenclature
36Upcoming Field Trip
37Master Horizon Subdivisions
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