Title: Resources for Social Work Research
1Resources for Social Work Research
- by
- Hayati Abdul Fiona Kwanclbfkam_at_nus.edu.sg
- To show you how to
- Access the Library services and resources from
the portal. - Search LINC Social Work databases including
- Boolean operators - AND, OR, NOT
- Parentheses ( )
- Synonyms alternative terms
- Retrieve full-text articles
- Mark, save or print or mail references
3Learning Outcomes
- At the end of the session, you will
- Know where to access resources services from
library portal - Be able to locate relevant library materials from
LINC - Be able to search effectively Social Work
databases for - journal articles
- conference papers, book chapters
- full text articles
- Search Strategy
- Searching Databases
- Using LINC
- Resources on WWW
- EndNote Web
- Getting Help
- Hands-on Session
5Search Syntax Strategy
- Boolean operators
- Truncation
- Grouping using parentheses
- Proximity search
- Keywords Concepts
- Search statements
6Build your search Boolean operators
- AND is used to indicate that both terms must be
present - OR is used to indicate that either terms may be
present - NOT is used to indicate that one term must not be
delinquents NOT criminals
7Build your searchTruncation , Round
parentheses ( )
- Use for variant forms of term
- Counsel counselors, counseling
- teen teens, teenagers, teenaged
- Use ( ) to execute commands inside innermost
parentheses first - (low income or single) and families
- low income families, single parent families
- (teen or adolescen) and pregnancy
- teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy
8Proximity searches
- Within X
- Find words within a specified radius
- ethnic within 5 similarit
- Near
- Find words within 10 words of each other
- women near violence
- retrieves records containing women violence in
any order within 10 words of one another - Note near is the same as within 10.
- Same Find words within the same sentence
- welfare same state
9Mechanics of database searching
- List keywords, synonyms variant spellings
- Refine or broaden search with
- AND, OR, NOT, , ( )
- Formulate a keyword search statement
- Can limit search by language, by date
- Sort by relevance if available
- Edit search statement if necessary
- Mark, save, print, email results
- Retrieve full-texts
- Databases
- E-Journals
- E-Books
- Newspapers
- Examination Papers
- E-Reserves
- Statistical Data
11Databases for Social Work
- Social Services Abstracts
- Social Work Abstracts
- Web of Science
- Sociological Abstracts
- Social Sciences Abstracts
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
12Search database for articles Social Services
- Database provides access to
- journal articles, books, book chapters,
conference papers, dissertations, etc. - Coverage 1952-present
- Crisis intervention, family and social welfare,
- gerontology, social work practice, support
groups/networks, violence, abuse, neglect, - Producer CSA Illumina
13Access from Library portal
Social services abstracts
Social services abstracts
14Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Discuss the merits and limitations of sculpting
technique within Satirs family therapy framework
Lets search in Social Services Abstracts!
15Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Successful ageing for Singapore the roles of
the government and the family
Lets search in Social Services Abstracts!
16Search tips for Social Services Abstracts
- Quick Search
- Searches single words or phrases
- Quick search anywhere search
- Enter Boolean operators in search box
- AND, OR and NOT
- Advanced Search
- Allows for more complex searches
- Combine terms using Boolean operators from
drop-down lists - Use drop-down menus to select specific fields
- Anywhere, Keywords, Author, Title, Descriptors
17Search tips for Social Services Abstracts
- Limits
- Date
- Use drop down menus to limit to range of years
- Latest update
- limits results to include most recent records
- Journal articles, English
- limits to journal articles English records
- QuickBib
- Use records to create bibliography in ASA style.
18Search tips for Social Services Abstracts
- Displaying and viewing records
- Click on View record for additional information,
including abstract - Results displayed by All Publication Types
- Results can be sorted by
- Most recent or Relevance
- Click on Edit Search to view search screen
- Add or remove term(s) to focus search
- Managing search results
- Mark, Print, Email, Save
19Social Work Abstracts
- Coverage 1977
- Index to Social Work and other related journals
- homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare,
aging, substance abuse, legislation, community
organization, ... - Producer National Association of Social Workers
20Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Discuss the policies and programmes available
for dementia patients and their caregivers
Lets search in Social Work Abstracts!
21Search tips for Social Work Abstracts
- Searching simple term searches all fields.
- Use truncation, operators, parentheses, hyphens,
- Use Advanced Search to develop/focus search
- For complex searches or search done on regular
basis - save your search history
22Social Science Citation Index via Web of Science
- Provides access to multidisciplinary scholarly
journal literature in social sciences including
Social Work - author abstracts
- cited references
- full text articles
- Coverage 1980-
- Producer Thomson Scientific
23Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Is Singapore a welfare state? If yes, why and
from which perspective? If no, how would you call
the Singaporean social policy regime?
Lets search the Social Sciences Citation Index
via Web of Science!
24Search tips for Web of Science
- - search subject words (topic), author
name(s) or affiliation, journal title, - - requires search field tags e.g. tstopic
- - enables restricting items from your
search with not. - - allows for combining previous searches
- Viewing search results
- - click on title to view full record
- - for combining search result sets
- - saving search strategies for future use.
- Index to Articles Relating to Singapore,
Malaysia, Brunei ASEAN - Producer NUS Libraries
- Coverage, 1980-
- Humanities, social sciences, business, medicine
architecture, building, science, law - Journal articles, book chapters reviews,
conference papers - Search tips
- Use drop-down menu for Boolean operators fields
- Enter keywords, subject terms, phrases
- Save selected records using IE toolbar
- File Save as html format.
26Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Lets search in PERIND!
- Major international local newspapers
- New York Times, Asian Wall Street Journal,
Business Times, The Straits Times, more - Access via Library portalE-Resources
E-Newspapers - Two major databases
- Factiva
- Producer Dow Jones Reuters
- Lexis/Nexis Academic
- Producer LEXIS-NEXIS
28Keywords, Concepts Search Statement
Citizen participation and the CDCs efforts to
encourage self-help groupsin public housing
Lets search in Factiva/LexisNexis?
- Press Clippings
- In-house collection of articles from Straits
Times and Business Times - Articles about Singapore, Malaysia, ASEAN
- Check LION under Press Clippings Collection -
Subject Headings List - Available from Singapore-Malaysia Collection
- Microfilms
- The Straits Times from 1880 -
31NUS Theses Academic exercises
- Under search in, choose Theses Collection or
Limit to Theses Collection - By call no
- HV13 200 (for year 2000- )
- By keywords
- academic exercise and social work and national
university and singapore - single and famil
- Adjacency (Phrase searching)
- evidence based and social work
- Truncation (for 15 characters)
- Operators AND, OR, NOT, ( )
- Proximity (Near, Within)
- e.g. evidence near based
- Fields (aauthor, ttitle, ssubject, nnote)
- e.g. social values and s singapore
- Limit this search
- Marking, saving exporting, email records
33Statistical Sources
- Access via E-ResourcesDatabasesBy
typeStatistical Data - EIU Country Data
- Inter-University Consortium for Political
Social Research - SingSTAT Time Series
- Statistics on Singapore annotated bibliography
- World development Indicators
- Yearbook of statistics, Singapore (print web)
34Resources on WWW
35Materials Not Found in Library
- Document Delivery Services (DDS)
- Journal articles, book chapters, conference
Papers - Request via E-Forms (Library Portal)
- All requests must be approved by Supervisor
- Use another Library that has required item
- letter of introduction from supervisor
- call the library for conditions for access
36Writing Citation Style
- Writing with style APA style for social work
- Writing skills for social workers
- Library Instruction Online
- How to cite references
- American Psychological Association Style
- EndNote Web
- web-based software that stores organizes
references - can import references directly into a Word
document in a preferred citation style
37EndNote Web
- Register via Web of Science (WoS)
- Registration valid for one year
- Install Cite While You Write Plug-in
- Close all other applications
- Save references from WoS other databases into
My Endnote Web Library - Select relevant import filters
- Enter references manually into EndNote
38Getting Help Online
39Subject Guides
- Good starting point for research
40We are here
- Advisory Service atInformation Desk,Central
Library,Level 5. - Email us askalib_at_nus.edu.sg
- Tel 6516 2028