Evolution Lecture 10: Population Genetics:Mutation, Migration and Drift - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evolution Lecture 10: Population Genetics:Mutation, Migration and Drift


Evolution Lecture 10: Population Genetics:Mutation, Migration ... Say, A is mutated to a at a rate of 1 copy/10,000 generations. Back mutations rarely happen ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evolution Lecture 10: Population Genetics:Mutation, Migration and Drift

Evolution Lecture 10 Population
GeneticsMutation, Migration and Drift
  • Mutation adds variation to population
  • It is, by itself not a powerful force
  • Imagine we have the following freqa0.9 and
  • Say, A is mutated to a at a rate of 1 copy/10,000
  • Back mutations rarely happen
  • Observe

Normally, they would produce alleles at the
freqA0.9 and a0.1. Mutation has converted
them toA0.9-(0.9x0.0001)0.8999 and
Mutation and rate of change?
  • Allele frequency change occurs slowly!!
  • Not a big deal by itself!
  • This example is at a quick rate of mutation

Over long periods, mutation can change allele
Mutation and selection
  • Mutation is a potent evolutionary force when tied
    to selection
  • Lenski (1994) took 12 populations of cells and
    grew them on nutrient poor media (selective
  • He then took subsamples of each population daily
    for 1500 days and grew them in fresh media for
    10,000 generations
  • Samples were frozen (still living) at regular
    intervals. This was so relative fitness of
    ancestors and descendants could be compared.
  • He also measured cell size.
  • Individuals grown in harsh environments produced
    mutations that allowed it to reproduce quicker
  • The time from the appearance of a mutation to the
    fixation of that was so quick we can almost not
    see it on a graph

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Mutation-selection balance
  • The rate at which deleterious alleles are being
    eliminated is equal to the rate at which new
    copies are made
  • qsqrt(u/s), where q is the equilibrium
    frequency, u is the mutation rate and s is the
    selection coefficient.
  • Ranges from 0-1. This tells us the degree of
    selection against the mutation. If selection
    coefficient is small and and mutation rate is
    high, then the equilibrium frequency of that
    allele will be high.

Mutation-Selection Example
  • Spinal muscular atrophy is a neurodegenerative
    disease and is caused by deletions in the gene
    telSMN on chromosome 5.
  • Second most common autosomal recessive allele
  • It has a freq of 0.01 in Caucasian population and
    has a selection coefficient of 0.9.
  • You would expect this allele to become extinct,
    however, it occurs at 1/100
  • If we substitute allele freq. for q and selection
    coefficient for s and solve for u, we get a
    number that is 9.0 x
  • 10-5 mutations per telSMN allele per generation
  • When we examine 340 individuals, it was found
    that 7 of the parents did not have this mutation
    (brand new mutation)
  • This rate is 1.1 x 10-4
  • Very close to estimate

Is Cystic fibrosis maintained by
mutation-selection balance?
  • Most common genetic disease
  • LOF of CFTR gene. This is a cell surface protein
    that is expressed in the lungs and prevents
    bacterial (Pseudomonas) infection
  • People of European ancestry seem to have this at
    a frequency of 0.02.
  • Using the equation in Box 5.10, we find that the
    mutation rate creating the new allele would have
    to be very high (4 x 10-4) with a selection
    coefficient of 1.0 to maintain an allele
    frequency of 0.02.
  • However, the real mutation rate is 6.7 x 10-7.
    Therefore, the frequency at 0.02 cannot be
    maintained by a steady supply of mutations
  • Is it possible, the allele is being maintained by
    overdominanceheterozygote superiority?

Cystic fibrosis and het. superiority?
  • It is possible that heterozygous individuals
    cystic fibrosis are resistant to typhoid fever?
  • The CFTR protein is also found in the gut.
  • Typhoid bacteria (Salmonella) exploit this
    protein to cross the gut and increase infection
  • If you look at normal CFTR in homozyg., het., and
    homoz. with loss of both CFTR (F508) copies..you

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Selection for cyst fibrosis gene after a typhoid
  • The movement of alleles between populations
  • Migration can be caused by anything that moves
    alleles. Dispersal of animals, pollen on the
    wind etc.

Amounts of gene flow?
What about distance?
Migration can obviously change allele
Migration as a mechanisms of evolution
  • Water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) in Lake eerie come
    in two color phases banded and unbanded
  • This is a two allele system
  • Banded dominant to unbanded
  • The mainland has really only banded
  • The islands may have both

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Lake Erie water snakes
  • It was found that, when basking on islands, the
    unbanded snakes are more cryptic and thus remain
    hidden better.
  • Why wouldnt selection cause the unbanded pattern
    to go to fixation?
  • Migration. Every year, banded snakes migrate
    from the mainland and introduce fresh banded
  • Therefore, migration offsets selection

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Unopposed migration
  • Migration may be opposed by selection
  • If not, migration tends to homogenize populations
  • If gene flow from the mainland to the island was
    not opposed by selection, than the island would
    be homogenized by banded color patterns
  • Fst statistics predict the amount of allelic
    variation from 0-1. High numbers indicate high

Age of flower populations and diversity
Youngfounded from many alleles Intermediatemigr
ation homogenizes Pop OldCompetition and
disease leaves only few representatives, no new
Next time, genetic drift!!!
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