Title: Black Rhino
1Black Rhino
Conservation Genetics
2Exam Next Tuesday (in class)
1 - Help Sessions Monday afternoon 630 to
9 101 Morrison 2 - Old examines on the web
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need to know particular traits
3Molecular Conservation Genetics Mary V.
Ashley American Scientist January - February 1999
4- Black Rhino Study
- lt5000 individuals left (3 lines)
- Priority for protection in 1980s
- Problems
- Small and isolated groups
- Increased levels of inbreeding
- Consolidation? Subspecies?
5- Mitochondria DNA Study
- DNA that exists in cytoplasm.
- Study involves looking at diversity in the mtDNA
among animals in the different lines.
- Alleles present in different lines and their
allele frequencies.
6Mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) Advantages
Maternally Inherited (female lineage)
Mutations usually single base pair
Rapid rate of evolution, mutation rates 5 to 10
time nuclear DNA
No recombination
7Mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) Disadvantages
No record of male gene flow
Does not measure loss of nuclear genetic
mtDNA will show greater effect of founder events
and bottlenecks than nuclear DNA.
- Looked at variation in mutations
- Found the three distinct lines
differing by only 0.4 base pair mutations. gt
Consolidation of breeding programs.
9Lecture 9
Population Genetics
10Population Genetics
- The study of populations over time with
particular attention paid to gene and genotypic
11Population Genetics
- The study of populations over time with
particular attention paid to gene and genotypic
frequencies. - The individual is mortal. Date of birth and
death can be documented. The population,
practically speaking, is immortal. (JAY L. LUSH)
12Gene and Genotypic Frequencies
13Gene and Genotypic Frequencies
- Blood type (M N)
- Codominant (M N)
14Gene and Genotypic Frequencies
- Blood type (M N)
- Codominant (M N)
Genotype Phenotype MM M MN
15Gene and Genotypic Frequencies
- Blood type (M N)
- Codominant (M N)
Genotype Phenotype observed MM
M 130,000 MN MN 265,000 NN
N 105,000
16Gene and Genotypic Frequencies
- Blood type (M N)
- Codominant (M N)
Genotype Phenotype observed MM
M 130,000 MN MN 265,000
NNN N 105,000 500,000 people 1,000,00
0 genes
17Genotypic frequencies
f(MM) MM 130,000 .26 TOTAL
18Genotypic frequencies
f(MM) MM 130,000 .26 TOTAL
500,000 f(MN) .53 f(NN)
.21 1.00
19Genotypic frequencies
f(MM) MM 130,000 .26 TOTAL
500,000 f(MN) .53 f(NN)
.21 1.00
With codominance it is easy to calculate
20Gene frequencies
f(M allele) of M total genes
21Gene frequencies
f(M allele) of M 2(MM) (MN)
total genes 2 ( of people)
22Gene frequencies
f(M allele) of M 2(MM) (MN)
total genes 2 ( of people) f(N
allele) 1 - f(M)
23Gene frequencies
Note Computing gene frequencies from
genotypic frequencies f(M allele) 2(MM)
(MN) 2 ( of people) 2(MM)
(MN) 2 ( of people) 2 (
of people) f(MM) 1/2 f(MN)
24Gene frequencies
f(M) f(MM) 1/2 f(MN) .26 1/2
(.53) .525
f(N) f(NN) 1/2 f(MN) .475
Special cases f(allele) 1.0 allele is
fixed f(allele) 0 allele is lost
25Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Demonstrated by molecular identification of
alleles at the loci for Growth
Hormone Prolactin Parathyroid Hormone
26Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Angus Brahman GH alleles Chromosome
19 A B C D
27Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Angus Brahman GH alleles Chromosome
19 A 1.0 .33 B C D
28Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Angus Brahman GH alleles Chromosome
19 A 1.0 .33 B 0 .17 C
0 .30 D 0 .20
29Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Angus Brahman Prolactin Chromosome
23 A .89 .86 B .11 .14
30Gene frequencies can differ by breed
Angus Brahman Parathyroid Chromosome
15 A .81 .17 B .05 .58 C
.02 .21 D .12 .04
31Gene Frequency Dominance
With codominance there is a one to one
relationship between the phenotypes and genotypes
leading to easy calculations of gene and
genotypic frequencies.
32Gene Frequency Dominance
With codominance there is a one to one
relationship between the phenotypes and genotypes
leading to easy calculations of gene and
genotypic frequencies. With dominance there is
not a one to one relationship so calculations of
gene and genotypic frequencies is not
Example -- Coloring in deer
D_ natural color of deer D gt d dd piebald
34natural 9,900 (DD and Dd) piebald 100 (dd)
35natural 9,900 (DD and Dd) piebald 100 (dd)
f(dd) .01 f(D_) .99
36natural 9,900 (DD and Dd) piebald 100 (dd)
f(dd) .01 f(D_) .99 f(DD) f(Dd) (cant
separate unless we evoke some assumptions)
37Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
- In a large random mating population, in the
absence of forces which change gene frequencies,
both genes and genotypic frequencies remain
constant from one generation to the next.
38Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
- In a large random mating population, in the
absence of forces which change gene frequencies,
both genes and genotypic frequencies remain
constant from one generation to the next. - Population is said to be in the Hardy-Weinberg
39Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true.
40Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true. A) Large
41Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true. A) Large
population -- ensures limited change by chance
alone (genetic drift).
42Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true. A) Large
population -- ensures limited change by chance
alone (genetic drift). B) Random mating
43Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true. A) Large
population -- ensures limited change by chance
alone (genetic drift). B) Random mating -- every
individual has an equal opportunity of mating
with another individual of the opposite sex.
Defined by trait, not species.
44Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
Assumptions for this to be true. A) Large
population -- ensures limited change by chance
alone (genetic drift). B) Random mating -- every
individual has an equal opportunity of mating
with another individual of the opposite sex.
Defined by trait, not species. C) No forces to
change gene frequency (mutation, migration, and
45Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
1) Mutation -- sudden heritable change in
genetic material.
46Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
1) Mutation -- sudden heritable change in
genetic material. 2) Migration -- movement of
breeding animals from one population to another.
47Hardy-Weinberg Law 1908
1) Mutation -- sudden heritable change in
genetic material. 2) Migration -- movement of
breeding animals from one population to another.
3) Selection (artificial or natural) -- relative
success in becoming a parent based on genotypes
or phenotypes.
- p f(D)
- q f(d)
- p q 1
- (p q)2 p2 2pq q2
53IF equilibrium Genotype Frequency
DD p2 Dd 2pq dd q2
54natural 9,900 (DD and Dd) piebald 100 (dd)
f(dd) .01 f(D_) .99 f(DD) f(Dd)
(assuming H-W equilibrium we can now press on)
55If true f(D_) p2 2pq .99 f(dd) q2
56If true f(D_) p2 2pq .99 f(dd) q2
.01 q f(dd) .1 p 1-q .9
57If true f(D_) p2 2pq .99 f(dd) q2
.01 q f(dd) .1 p 1-q .9 f(DD)
p2 .81 f(Dd) 2pq .18
58Small Populations
59Small Populations
- Subject to random drift (genetic)
60Small Populations
- Random drift the fluctuations in gene
frequencies observed from one generation to the
next due to chance alone.
61Small Populations
- Subject to random drift (genetic)
- population f(d) .1 and f(D) .9 P(DD)
p2 .81
62Small Populations
- Subject to random drift (genetic)
- population f(d) .1 and f(D) .9 P(DD)
p2 .81 - 10 progeny (probability all are DD) (.81)10
.12 - gt Prob(losing d) .12
63Small Populations
- Subject to random drift (genetic)
- population f(d) .1 and f(D) .9 P(DD)
p2 .81 - 10 progeny (probability all are DD) (.81)10
.12 - gt Prob(losing d) .12
- 20 progeny (probability all are DD) (
.81)20 .015 gt P(losing d) .015
64Large populations Drift is less of an issue and
with very large populations it is virtually