Title: Promoting a culture of CITIZENSHIP
1Promoting a culture of CITIZENSHIP
Citizenship often implies working towards the
betterment of one's community through
participation, volunteer work, and efforts to
improve life for all citizens.
2Promoting a culture of citizenship
- Pupils as citizens
- Teachers as citizens
- Schools as citizens
3What are young peoples citizens of?
- Bebo http//Doogs.bebo.com
- Voluntary
- Time commitment
- Sharing skills
- Communicating
- Connected community
4What are teachers citizens of?
- Citizens of their own communities?
- Global citizens?
- Citizens of the school?
- Citizens of the profession?
- Citizens of the local authority?
- Citizens of the country?
- Citizens of?
5Teachers as citizens of East Lothian
- Exc-el
- www.exc-el.org.uk
- Opening doors
- Challenging power structures
- Awareness of other perspectives
- Developing a conversation
- Engagement
6Citizenship through engagement
- Is it possible to promote citizenship without the
person feeling an engagement (attachment)
with/to the community? - DEFINITION
- Citizenship often implies working towards the
betterment of one's community through
participation, volunteer work, and efforts to
improve life for all citizens. - NO!!!!!
7Engagement through empowerment
- Do I have a voice?
- Is anybody listening?
- Have I been empowered?
- Do I feel something for my community?
- Do have some ownership for whats going on?
- SELS/blogs/curriculum for excellence?
8Vehicles for citizenship
- Battlefields
- John Muirs Footsteps
- Sport
- Performing arts
- Social events
- Assemblies
- Play
- Outdoor education
- Competitions
- Uniform
9Citizenship in historical context
- Traditions
- Long term attachment
- Examples of other citizens
- Awareness of our community
- Role models
10Schools as citizens
- Clubs should serve the community, not the
community serve the club - Brooks Mileson - Gretna FC
- Should it be the same for schools?
- Does school membership of the community stop at
the school gates?
11Transferable citizenship
- Is citizenship transferable?
- How do we develop citizenship as a transferable
12Citizenship for all
- How easy is it for a pupil who comes from a
disadvantaged background to feel the same about
his community as another person who has a more
supportive home environment - in all the forms
that that support might come? - Engagement is the key
- Curriculum for excellence
- Personalisation
13Citizenship for All
14Cycle of citizenship
Unconditional Positive Regard