Title: Theory of Computation
1Theory of Computation
- Shyh-Kang Jeng
- Department of Electrical Engineering/
- Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering
- National Taiwan University
2Chapter Goal
- Investigate the capabilities of computers
- Understand what machines can and cannot do and
what features are required for machines to reach
their full potential
3Functions and Their Computation
- Function
- A correspondence between a collection of possible
input values and a collection of output values - Each possible input is assigned a unique output
- Computing the function
- Process of determining the particular output
value that assigns to a given input
4Function Computing through Table Lookup
5Computable and Non-computable Functions
- Computable functions
- Functions whose output values can be determined
algorithmically from their input values - Non-computable functions
- Functions that are so complex that there is no
well-defined, step-by-step process for
determining their output based on their input
values - The computation of these functions lies beyond
the abilities of any algorithmic system
6A Turing Machine
7A Turing Machine
- Control unit
- Read/write head
- Tape and cells
- Alphabet and symbols
- States
- Start state
- Halt state
8A Turing Machine
- Steps executed by the control unit
- Observe the symbol in the current tape cell
- Write a symbol in the current tape cell
- Move the read-write head one cell to the left
- Move the read-write head one cell to the right
- Can be implemented in a variety of forms
- Todays general-purpose computer (CPU, memory,
bit patterns of registers, 0 and 1)
9A Turing Machine for Incrementing a Value
state START
state ADD
10A Turing Machine for Incrementing a Value
state CARRY
state RETURN
11A Turing Machine for Incrementing a Value
state RETURN
state HALT
12A Turing Machine for Incrementing a Value
13Church-Turing Thesis
- Turing Computable Functions
- Functions that can be computed by a Turing
machine - Church-Turing Thesis
- The computable functions and the Turing
computable functions are considered one and the
same - Widely accepted conjecture
14A Turing Machine
- Captures the essence of computational process
- Its computational power is as great as any
algorithmic system - If a problem can not be solved by a Turing
machine, it can not be solved by any algorithmic
system - Represents a theoretical bound on the
capabilities of actual machines
15Universal Programming Language
- Most features in high-level languages merely
enhance convenience rather than contribute to the
fundamental power of the language - Universal programming language
- Rich enough to express programs for computing all
computable functions - If a problem can not be solved using this
language, it will be that there is not an
algorithm for solving the problems
16A Bare BonesProgramming Language
- Language that isolates a minimal set of
requirements of a Universal programming - Data Description Statements
- bit pattern of any length
- variable name and value
- Imperative Statements
- clear name
- incr name
- decr name
- while name not 0 do
- end
17Copying Today to Tomorrow
18Computing Z X Y
- copy Y to Z
- while X not 0 do
- incr Z
- decr X
- end
19Computing XY
20Universality of Bare Bones
- Using Turing machine to compute
- incr X
- Bare Bones program for the addition function
- Bare Bones language can be used to express
algorithms for computing all Turing-computable
functions - Any computable function can be computed by a
program written in Bare Bones
21Halting Problem
- Problem of trying to predict in advance whether a
program will terminate (or halt) if started under
certain conditions - Example
- while X not 0 do
- incr X
- end
22Testing a Program for Self-Termination
23The Halting Problem
- Define a function
- Input of encoded self-terminating programs
produce the output 1 - Input of encoded non-self-terminating programs
produce the output 0 - Halting problem
- Calculating whether programs ultimately terminate
after being started from a particular initial
24The Halting Problem
25The Halting Problem
26The Halting Problem
27Complexity of a Problem
- Considered to be the complexity of the best
algorithm for solving the problem - Algorithms time complexity
- Time required for its execution
- Proportional to the number of steps
- Not the same as number of instructions in the
program - Algorithms space complexity
28Time Complexity of a Problem
- Big theta notation for algorithm efficiency
- Big oh notation
- The problem is in O(f(n)) if it has a solution
whose complexity is Q(f(n)) but could possibly
have a better solution - Searching and sorting a list of length n O(lg n)
- Binary search is an optimal solution
- Insertion sort is not an optimal solution
29Algorithm for Merging Lists
30Algorithm MergeSort
31Hierarchy by MergeSort
32Polynomial Problems
- Problem in O(f(n)), where f(n) is either a
polynomial or bounded by a polynomial - The collection of all polynomial problems P
(Having practical solutions) - Problems outside P have extremely long execution
time - e.g. O(2n) problems listing all subcommittees
that can be formed from a group of n people
33Checking Bounds
34Traveling Salesman Problem
Find a path whose total length does not exceed
his allowed mileage
35Traveling Salesman Problem
- Traditional solution
- List and compare paths systematically
- Not produce a polynomial time solution
- Nondeterministic algorithm
- pick one of the possible paths, and compute its
total distance - if this distance is not greater than the
allowable mileage then declare a success else
declare nothing
36NP Problem
- A problem that can be solved in polynomial time
by a nondeterministic algorithm - The class of NP problems NP
- All problems in P are also in NP
- NP-complete problems
- Problems having the property that a polynomial
time solution for any of them would provide a
polynomial time solution for all the other
problems in NP as well
37Problem Classification
38Public Key Cryptography
- Keys used for data encryption are not the same as
those used to decode the encrypted information - Encryption key
- Can be widely distributed
- Decoding key
- Required to decode encrypted message
39Public key cryptography
- Key specially generated set of values used for
encryption - Public key used to encrypt messages
- Private key used to decrypt messages
- RSA a popular public key cryptographic
algorithm - Relies on the (presumed) intractability of the
problem of factoring large numbers
40Encrypting the message 10111
- Encrypting keys n 91 and e 5
- 10111two 23ten
- 23e 235 6,436,343
- 6,436,343 91 has a remainder of 4
- 4ten 100two
- Therefore, encrypted version of 10111 is 100.
41Decrypting the message 100
- Decrypting keys d 29, n 91
- 100two 4ten
- 4d 429 288,230,376,151,711,744
- 288,230,376,151,711,744 91 has a remainder of
23 - 23ten 10111two
- Therefore, decrypted version of 100 is 10111.
42Public key cryptography
43Establishing a RSA public key encryption system