Title: Bethel School District
1School Counseling PBIS
- Bethel School District
- Oregon State PBIS Conference
- March 11, 2008
- Bethel School District Carl Cole, Ginger
Kowalko, Tim Keeley - Bethel School Counselors (K-8) Brigid Drobac,
Terry Foytek, Sharon Jacobson, Jon Kline,
Margaret Lathrop, Sonja Maul, Marilyn Perry, John
Pinney, Carrie Tilson, Mark Wolfe
3Purpose of Todays Session
- Understand how PBIS Developmental Counseling
Programs work together - Present information on the Elementary School
Counseling Grant - Provide information on Counseling PBIS in two
Bethel Schools - Share outcomes from the Elementary School
Counseling Grant in Bethel
4How do PBIS School Counseling Work Together?
5Responsibility of aProfessional School Counselor
- Implementation of a comprehensive school
counseling program that promotes and enhances
student achievement - American School Counselor Association
6Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
- School Guidance Curriculum
- Responsive Services
- System Support
7National State Counseling Standards
- Student Developmental Domains Learning to Learn,
Learning to Work, Learning to Live, Learning to
Contribute - Content Framework Guidance Curriculum,
Individual Planning, Responsive Services, System
Support Integration, Student Advocacy - Â
8Suggested Distribution of Counselor Time
9School Counselors PBS
- Systems approach for the entire school
- Team approach to working with students
- Looking at whole child
- Specific plans for school-wide, classroom,
non-classroom and individual students
10Counseling Programs
Individual Counseling, Individual Behavior Plans,
Wraparound Services
1-5 Individual Student Interventions
5-15 Targeted Group Interventions
Counseling Groups, Check In Check Out, Social
Skills, Lunch Buddies, Recess Club, etc.
80-85 School-wide Interventions
School-wide Programs Classroom Guidance
11Elementary School Counseling Grant
- Enhancement of Elementary School Counseling in
the Context of an Integrated Academic
Behavioral Services Network - Office of Safe Drug Free Schools
- Bethel School District
- 2005-2008
12Grant Goals
- Increase the ratio of elementary counselors to
students - Decrease discipline referrals school-wide
- Decrease discipline referrals in students
receiving counseling services - Increase District State Reading scores
- Increase the role of the school counselor in PBS
13Fairfield Elementary School
14Fairfield Demographics
- Grades K-5
- 350 Students, Staff
- 75 of Students are on Free/Reduced Lunch
- Ethnicity White-62Hispanic-29Native
American-4 African American-3Asian/Pac.
Islander-.5 Decline-1.5
15(No Transcript)
16Green Zone Interventions
- Recess Interventions
- Behavior Log to Monitor Patterns-Entered into
SWIS and analyzed at IPBS Meetings - Recess Remedy and Classroom Only Recess Card
- Classroom Guidance Lessons
17Yellow Zone Interventions
- Check in Check Out
- Point Card System Leading to Fade Out
- HUG (Hello, Update, Goodbye)for
Attendance/At-Risk Students - Earned Friendship Group
- Student-Parent Notification of Minor Behavior
18Red Zone Interventions
- Simple Recess Level System with Accountability
(Used for Green-Yellow-Red Zone Students - BSP Intervention- The Traveling Thumbs Up Card
19Prairie Mountain School
20Prairie Mountain Demographics
- Grades K-8
- 797 Students, Staff
- 51 of Students are on Free/Reduced Lunch
- Ethnicity White-71Hispanic-18Native
American-2 African American-2Asian/Pac.
Islander-4 Decline-3
21Peer Mediation.ppt
22Counseling Grant Data
23Goal 1 Increase Counselor Student ratio
- Prior to the Grant, Bethel had 4.4 Counselor FTE
Grant provided funds to increase the Counselor
FTE to 10
24Elementary Counselors
25Goal 2 Decrease Discipline Referrals
26Goal 3 Decrease Discipline Referrals in
Students Receiving Counseling Services
(Counseling Groups, Check In Check Out)
27Goal 4 Increase District State Reading Scores
in Students receiving counseling services
28Goal 5 Increase the role of the Counselor in PBS
- All Counselors are on the School-wide PBS Team
- Many Counselors are Team Facilitators
- All involved in Universal, Targeted and
Individual Student Systems - Average time involved in PBS has increased
through the time of the grant - 2005-06 25 hrs per month
- 2006-07 37 hrs per month
- 2007-08 (Preliminary reports 44 hrs per month)
29Anecdotal Data
- Principals and Staff comments
- Parent comments
- Counseling Program Future in Bethel
- Contact Information
- Sharon Jacobson, Counselor, Fairfield Elementary
- sjacobso_at_bethel.k12.or.us
- Carrie Tilson, Counselor, Prairie Mountain School
- ctilson_at_bethel.k12.or.us
- Celeste Rossetto Dickey, University of Oregon
- cdickey_at_uoregon.edu