Title: Multimedia Programming 2005
1Multimedia Programming2005
2Course Notes
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Remember to hand in your assignment before 1700
today! - Ill be assisting today on the Trivial Pursuit
assignment. - This is the last class
- Grades over e-mail.
- Yesterdays e-mail.
3Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Notes
- Introduction
- Binocular vision
- 3D recreation
- Computer representation
- Challenges
- 3D programming
- Assignment
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Computer 3D images are NOT everywhere
- 3D games
- Animated movies
- Special effects in standard movies (LOTR)
- What is computer 3D?
63D perception
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Two types
- Monocular hints
- Binocular vision
- Both employed within 3D visualization techniques.
7Monocular hints
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Motion Parallax
- Animals
- Color vision
- Perspective
- Relative Size
- Distance Fog
- Occlusion
- Focus
8Binocular vision
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Stereopsis
- Convergence
- Disabilities
- painters
93D representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Mostly employs monocular hints
- Paintings or drawings
- 3D text
- Platform games
- 3D games
- Some binocular methods
103D representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Stereographic cards and viewers
- Crossed-eye viewing
- Transparency viewers (viewmaster)
- Head-mounted displays
- Glasses
- Shutter
- Polarized light
- Two-color anaglyph
11Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Mostly uses the monocular hints methods.
- Sometimes uses shutter glasses or head-mounted
12Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Difference from 2D
- Actual 3D model is stored in computer
- Rendering to create 2
13Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Difference from 2D
- Actual 3D model is stored in computer.
- Rendering to create 2D image from current view.
- 3D modelling ? sculpting
- Rendering ? painting
- Why were early days 3D graphics blocky?
14Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Popular techniques OpenGL and Direct3D
- Large part of rendering done by hardware
(accelerators). - 3 Step paradigm
- Modelling
- Scene layout Setup
- Rendering
15Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Set form of the item or area
- Set properties (texture, lighting, etc.)
- Modeling techniques
- Polygons
- Constructive solid geometry
- Subdivision surfaces
- And more
16Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Scene setup prepare scene
- Camera points
- Light sources
- Objects
- Area
- Sometimes key-framing (animation)
17Computer representation
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Rendering convert 3D scene into 2D image at any
time. - Compare with taking picture
- Employs difficult mathematical techniques
- Employs tricks like lens flares and motion blur
- From wireframe to radiosity
18Computer challenges
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Getting it done
- Specifically
- Textures like hair, skin, clothes
- Fluids like water and blood
193D Programming
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- //load direct3D
- g_pD3D Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION )
- //set parameters
- ZeroMemory( d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp))
- d3dpp.Windowed TRUE
- d3dpp.BackBufferFormat D3DFMT_UNKNOWN
- //create device
- g_pD3D-CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,
ESSING, d3dpp, g_pd3dDevice )
203D Programming
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- g_pd3dDevice-Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,
D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 ) - g_pd3dDevice-BeginScene() // Begin the scene.
- // Rendering of scene objects happens here.
- g_pd3dDevice-EndScene() // End the scene.
- // show the scene
- g_pd3dDevice-Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
- // cleanup
- if( g_pd3dDevice ! NULL)
- g_pd3dDevice-Release()
- if( g_pD3D ! NULL)
- g_pD3D-Release()
213D programming
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- FLOAT x, y, z, rhw // position for vertex
- DWORD color // The vertex color.
- 150.0f, 50.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xffff0000, ,
250.0f, 250.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xff00ff00, ,
50.0f, 250.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xff00ffff, , -
223D programming
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- g_pd3dDevice-CreateVertexBuffer(
D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, g_pVB ) - VOID pVertices
- g_pVB-Lock( 0, sizeof(vertices),
(void)pVertices, 0 ) - memcpy( pVertices,g_Vertices,sizeof(vertices))
- g_pVB-Unlock()
- g_pd3dDevice-SetStreamSource( 0, g_pVB, 0,
- g_pd3dDevice-DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,
0, 1 )
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Deadline January 10th
- Exercises practice with all sorts of 3D
techniques - Employ one of them (matrices) to create some
result - Create a magnificent fireworks!
- Chocolate bar really great fireworks.
24Last Assignments
Notes Contents Introduction Binocular
vision Recreation Computer representation Challeng
es 3D programming Assignment
- Received a total of 9 programs
- Questions go see me in my office
- Results 3 (well) done.
- Chocolate bar 3 Angelika Preissler AND Pieter
Jordaan - Result for assignment 4 none yet
- Chocolate bar 4 no results yet