1 Portion Distortion
Menu for Change From Earth to Table
- What Does It Mean?
- Strategies for Getting It Right
- Presenter
- Dimereze M. Clark MS RD LD
- The new, My Pyramid is based on the 2005
Dietary Guidelines and the Dietary Reference
Intakes (DRIs) from the National Academy of
Science - It translates the Guidelines into a total diet
to meet our nutritional needs and make us aware
of the excess that we often consume
- The Dietary Guidelines say, that a healthy intake
is one that - Emphasizes fruits, veggies, whole grains fat
free/low fat milk milk products - Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs and nuts
- Is low in saturated fats, trans fats,
cholesterol, salt and added sugars
- MyPyramid is targeted for the general public over
2 years of age - It is not a meant to be used as a therapeutic
diet for any specific health condition
5 Contd
- MyPyramid is a web based, interactive educational
tool - Printed materials are downloadable for both the
consumer and the professional
6Educational Framework
- Provides recommendations for making food choices
to improve our intake by - Increasing intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber
other essential nutrients (low in typical diets)
- Lowering intake of saturated fats, trans fats and
cholesterol - By eating more fruits, vegetables and whole
grains -
- Balancing calorie intake with energy needs to
prevent weight gain and/or promote a healthy
8Accomplished By
- Variety
- Eat from all the food groups and subgroups
- Proportionality
- Eat more of the healthy foods and less of other
foods - Activity
- Variety
- Moderation
- Make choices that contain less saturated fats,
trans fats, cholesterol, salt and alcohol - Activity
- Be physically active everyday
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14MyPyramid recommends total amounts rather than
- MyPyramid gives more specific guidelines about
the types and AMOUNTS of foods to eat than
previous Food Guide Pyramid
15MyPyramid tells you exact amounts of each type of
16MyPyramid Fruits
- Eat the equivalent of 2 cups of fresh, canned or
- frozen fruits per day (for a 2,000 calorie
- Note this equivalent
- ¼ cup dried fruit ½ cup fruit
17MyPyramid Vegetables
- Eat the equivalent of 2½ cups of raw or cooked
- vegetables per day (for a 2,000 calorie diet)
- Note this equivalent
- 2 cups raw leafy greens 1 cup of vegetable
18MyPyramid Dairy Products
- Consume 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat
milk or - equivalent milk products
- Children ages 2 to 8 2 cups per day
- Children ages 9 up 3 cups per day
- Equivalents
- 8 oz. milk
- 1 cup yogurt
- 1½ oz. natural cheese
- 2 oz. processed cheese
19MyPyramid Grains
- Eat 6 ounce-equivalents (for a 2,000 calorie
diet) - 3 ounce-equivalents or more of whole-grain
products - The remaining grains should come from enriched or
whole-grain products
- Equivalents
- 1 slice bread
- ½ cup cooked pasta, cooked rice or cooked cereal
- 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal
20MyPyramid Meat Beans
- Eat 5½ ounce-equivalents (for a 2,000 calorie
diet). - Choose lean meat and poultry. Vary your
choices more fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.
- Equivalents
- 1 oz. meat, poultry or fish
- ¼ cup cooked dry beans or peas
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter
- ½ oz. of nuts or seeds
21What is a serving?
Source http//www.fns.usda.gov/tn/tnrockyrun/what
22Avoid portion distortion
How food portion sizes have changed in 20 years
Slides marked by are adapted from Portion
Distortion by the National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute at http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portio
20 Years Ago
140 calories 3-inch diameter
350 calories 6-inch diameter
Calorie Difference 210 calories
20 Years Ago
590 calories
333 calories
Calorie difference 257 calories
20 Years Ago
500 calories 1 cup spaghetti with sauce and 3
small meatballs
1,025 calories 2 cups of pasta with sauce and 3
large meatballs
Calorie difference 525 calories
20 Years Ago
610 calories 6.9 ounces
210 calories 2.4 ounces
Calorie difference 400 calories
20 Years Ago
85 calories 6.5 ounces
250 calories 20 ounces
Calorie difference 165 calories
20 Years Ago Coffee(with whole milk and sugar)
Today Mocha Coffee(with steamed whole milk and
mocha syrup)
350 calories 16 ounces
45 calories 8 ounces
Calorie difference 305 calories
20 Years Ago
500 calories 4 ounces
210 calories 1.5 ounces
Calorie difference 290 calories
20 Years Ago
500 calories
850 calories
Calorie difference 350 calories
20 Years Ago
270 calories5 cups
630 calories11 cups
Calorie difference 360 calories
20 Years Ago
55 calories 1.5 inch diameter
275 calories 3.5 inch diameter
Calorie difference 220 calories
33Lets put this into a Menu!!!
- Breakfast
- Bagel 210 calories extra
- On Way to Work
- Coffee 305 calories extra
- AM Snack
- Muffin 290 calories extra
34The Menu Continues -
- Noon Time
- Cheese Burger 257 calories extra
- French Fries 400 calories extra
- Soda 165 calories extra
- PM Snack
- Chocolate Chip Cookie 220 calories extra
35In Todays Portion Sizes
- Supper Time
- Spaghetti Meat balls 525 calories extra
- Evening Movie
- Pop Corn 360 calories extra
- After Movie Snack
- Pizza 350 calories extra
36Larger portions add up
100 extra calories per day
10 pound weight gain per year
Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing
Act Calories In Calories Out
37Now Add Up the Extra Calories in Just One Day
- Breakfast plus Snacks 805 calories
- Noontime plus Snacks 1042 calories
- Supper plus Evening Snacks 1235 cals
- The total comes to 3082 extra calories from 20
years ago!!!!! or 308 pounds gained in one yr.
38Keep an eye on your food portion sizes
Avoid portion distortion!
39Portion sizes Cheese
- 1½ ounces of natural cheese 6 dice
Equivalent to 1 cup milk(2 oz. processed
cheese 8 dice also are equivalent to 1 cup
40Portion sizes Meat
- 3 oz. cooked meat, fish, or poultry a deck of
41Portion sizes ½ and 1 cup
½ cup ½ baseball
42Portion sizes 1 tsp. 1 tbsp.
- 1 teaspoon the tip of a thumb to the first
1 tablespoon 3 thumb tips
43A final word on portion control
- Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy
- You can go to the Web and check out
- http//www.mypyramid.gov/