The Specific Carbohydrate Diet: Restoring Health Through Diet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Specific Carbohydrate Diet: Restoring Health Through Diet


The original concentrate does not even have to be made in the same country as the final bottler. ... Keep a current list of allowed foods posted on your refrigerator. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Specific Carbohydrate Diet: Restoring Health Through Diet

The Specific Carbohydrate DietRestoring Health
Through Diet
  • Detailed in the book
  • Breaking the Vicious Cycle
  • By Elaine Gottschall
  • Internet Resources

The Human GI Tract
  • Food placed in the mouth is ground into finer
    particles by the teeth, moistened and lubricated
    by saliva and swallowed into the esophagus and
    carried by peristalsis to the stomach.
  • The wall of the stomach is lined with millions of
    gastric glands. Three kinds of cells are found in
    the gastric glands parietal cells, "chief"
    cells, and mucus-secreting cells.
  • Digestion within the small intestine produces a
    mixture of disaccharides, peptides, fatty acids,
    and monoglycerides. The final digestion and
    absorption of these substances occurs in the
  • Disaccharidases-These enzymes convert
    disaccharides into their monosaccharide subunits.
  • Maltase hydrolyzes maltose into glucose.
  • Sucrase hydrolyzes sucrose (common table sugar)
    into glucose and fructose.
  • Lactase hydrolyzes lactose (milk sugar) into
    glucose and galactose.
  • Fructose simply diffuses into the villi.

The Human GI Tract
  • The large intestine receives the liquid residue
    after digestion and absorption are complete. This
    residue consists mostly of water as well as
    materials (e.g. cellulose) that were not
    digested. It nourishes a large population of
    bacteria (the contents of the small intestine are
    normally sterile). Most of these bacteria are
    harmless. And some are actually helpful, for
    example, by synthesizing vitamin K. If the large
    intestine becomes irritated, it may discharge its
    contents before water reabsorption is complete
    causing diarrhea. On the other hand, if the colon
    retains its contents too long, the fecal matter
    becomes dried out and compressed into hard masses
    causing constipation.

  • Monosaccharides Glucose, fructose and
    galactose Fruits, most
    vegetables and honey.
  • Disaccharides Lactose, sucrose,
    maltose and isomaltose
    Table sugar, lactose, maple syrup.
  • Polysaccharides Amylopectin and amylose
    Potatoes, corn, rice, grains and grain
    alternatives such as quinoa and amaranth.

The Vicious Cycle
  • When carbohydrates are not fully digested and
    absorbed, they remain in the gut and become
    nutrition for the microbes. The microbes (both
    yeast and pathogenic bacteria) digest the unused
    carbohydrates through the process of
    fermentation, which produces gases such as
    methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and both lactic
    and acetic acids along with other toxins.
  • The overgrowth of bacteria and yeast migrates
    into the small intestine and triggers a worsening
    cycle of gas and acid production, which further
    inhibits absorption and leads to yet more harmful
    by-products of fermentation.

The Vicious Cycle
  • The enzymes on the surface of the small
    intestines are destroyed by the bacteria, and
    this further disrupts the digestion and
    absorption of carbohydrates, leading to further
    bacterial overgrowth.
  • The last step in carbohydrate digestion takes
    place at the minute projections called
    microvilli. Only those carbohydrates which have
    been properly processed by the enzymes embedded
    in the microvilli can cross over the barrier and
    enter the bloodstream.

The Vicious Cycle
  • As both the microbial flora and their by-products
    damage the mucosal layer of the small intestine,
    it is provoked to produce excessive protective
    mucous, which further inhibits digestion and
  • Damage to the mucosal layer involves injury to
    the microvilli of the absorbtive cells. These
    microvilli act as the last barrier between the
    nutrition taken in and the bloodstream.
  • As absorption is inhibited, folic acid and
    Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to impaired
    development of microvilli, while an abnormally
    thick layer of mucus prevents contact between
    microvilli enzymes and the carbohydrates

The Vicious Cycle
  • The small intestine responds to this spiraling
    irritation by producing more goblet
    (mucus-making) cells, creating yet more mucus.
  • Finally as the goblet cells become exhausted, the
    intestinal surface is bare and is further
    damaged, and possibly ulcerated.
  • As a result of this malabsorption, the caloric
    energy, vitamins and minerals are lost as all
    parts of the body are deprived of the proper

Breaking the Cycle- The SCD
  • The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) limits food
    choices to foods that are easily digested,
    leaving no food sources for the microbes in the
  • As the microbial population decreases due to lack
    of food, its harmful by-products also decrease,
    freeing the intestinal surface of injurious
  • No longer needing protection, the mucus-producing
    cells stop producing excessive mucus, and
    carbohydrate digestion is improved.

Breaking the Cycle- The SCD
  • Malabsorption is replaced by absorption. As the
    individual absorbs energy and nutrients, all the
    cells in the body are properly nourished
    including the cells of the immune system, which
    than can assist in overcoming the microbial
  • The SCD also uses probiotics and yogurt to
    replenish the GI tract with beneficial bacteria.

Foods Allowed on the SCD

    fresh or frozen beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish,
    and shellfish, eggs, natural cheeses (see BTVC
    for full list of allowed cheeses), homemade
    yogurt (recipe in BTVC) and dry curd cottage

    Fresh or frozen
    (with no added sugar or starch). Artichoke (not
    Jerusalem type), asparagus, beets, dried white
    navy beans, lentils, split peas, broccoli,
    brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots,
    celery, cucumbers and dill pickles, eggplant,
    garlic, kale, lettuce of all kinds, lima beans,
    mushrooms, mustard, olives, onions, parsley,
    peas, pumpkin, spinach, winter and summer squash,
    string beans, tomatoes, turnips, watercress.

    cooked, frozen, or dried apples, avocados,
    apricots, ripe bananas, berries of all kinds,
    cherries, fresh or unsweetened shredded coconut,
    loose dates that do not stick together,
    grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, kumquats, lemons,
    limes, mangoes, melons, nectarines, oranges,
    papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, prunes, dark
    raisins, rhubarb, and tangerines.
  • NUTS

    Almonds, pecans,
    Brazil nuts, filberts, hazelnuts, walnuts,
    unroasted cashews and chestnuts. Peanut butter
    and other nut butters without any additives.

    Tomato and vegetable juices.
    Tropicana 100 orange juice, Welchs grape juice,
    pineapple juice, apple cider, weak tea or coffee,
    herbal teas (peppermint and spearmint only).
    Milkshakes made with homemade yogurt, fruits and
    sweetened to taste with honey. Freshly squeezed
    vegetable or fruit juices made from the list of
    allowed foods.

Foods Not Allowed on the SCD
  • Processed meats, such as lunch meats, bologna,
  • Most store-bought products including baby food.
  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cassava, corn.
  • Soy beans, mung beans, fava, beans, garbanzo
    beans, bean sprouts, bean flour.
  • Amaranth, quinoa, tapioca, oats, arrowroot, rice,
    buckwheat, millet, wheat, seaweed, xanthan gum.
  • Canned vegetables and fruit.
  • Store-bought nut and coconut milks. Instant
    coffee or tea, soft drinks.
  • Roasted nuts, beer nuts, glazed nuts.
  • Molasses, agar-agar, carrageenan, maple syrup.
  • Store-bought jams, jellies, ketchup, mayonnaise,
    salad dressings.

Homemade Vs. Store-bought
  • There are a number of reasons why homemade items
    are necessary for SCD instead of the
    "convenient" store-bought items.
  • The 2 rule There is a rule that allows some
    ingredients that constitute less than 2 of the
    total weight or volume unnecessary to report on
    the ingredient list. This can include sugar and
    other illegal ingredients, since these do not
    fall under the list of usual allergens.
  • Store-bought products often pass through many
    sets of hands before they are put in the final
    package. For example, some juice concentrates can
    be made in one plant and then shipped to another
    plant where water is added and then they are
    bottled. The final producer can "honestly" say
    they did not add any illegals but what about the
    first producer of the concentrate. The original
    concentrate does not even have to be made in the
    same country as the final bottler.
  • Commercial producers are not bound to report some
    of the ingredients listed in their foods. They
    can use processing aides, enzymes etc., that are
    used in the production of the food but are not
    technically an ingredient. When you make foods
    for your children you know "exactly" what you are
    putting into it.
  • Buying foods such as cookies that are not listed
    on this site as suitable SCD products, can lead
    to trouble. Some producers may unintentionally
    use illegal ingredients. For example, a
    commercial producer uses honey that is not pure
    (i.e., cut with corn syrup) but includes honey on
    the ingredient list. The end result is that your
    child is unknowingly ingesting illegals.
  • Some companies blatantly lie about the
    ingredients in their products.

ASD Intro Diet - 2-5 Days
  • Chicken broth
  • Chicken broth with pureed cooked carrots
  • Chicken broth with chunks of cooked chicken
  • Chicken broth with cooked carrot sliced into
    little "coins"
  • Chicken broth with "chicken balls" made from
    ground chicken
  • Chicken broth with "noodles" made from beaten
    eggs cooked omelette-style into a "crepe" and
    then rolled up and thinly sliced
  • Chicken egg-drop soup
  • Chicken pancakes
  • Roasted chicken
  • Roasted turkey
  • Hamburger patties
  • Beef broth
  • Beef broth with meatballs made from ground beef
  • Eggs
  • Scrambled, poached, hard-boiled, soft-boiled
    ,sunny side up, deviled eggs made with homemade

SCD - Beginner
  • After the intro diet, foods should be introduced
  • Good foods to introduce after the intro diet,
  • Applesauce
  • Avocado
  • Bananas-very ripe
  • Butternut squash
  • Green Beans
  • Pear sauce
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • These foods should be peeled, deseeded as needed,
    and well cooked.
  • Try to introduce one new food at a time.
    Otherwise, it will be impossible to figure out
    which food is causing a problem, if there are any
  • Keeping a food log/diary will be very helpful.

SCD - Intermediate
  • After the Beginner foods are well-tolerated,
    more variety can be added to the diet.
  • All fruits and vegetables are appropriate at this
  • But at the Intermediate stage, all foods should
    still be cooked, peeled and deseeded (as needed).
  • Nut butters and nut flours can be introduced as
  • Continue to introduce foods slowly, keeping a
    daily diary to keep track of progress.
  • For those wishing to introduce goat yogurt and/or
    goat cheese, this can be done after the other
    foods (described above) are well-tolerated and
    behavior is stable.
  • Yogurt can also be made from nut milks.
  • Introduce yogurt slowly, starting with 1/4 tsp
    per day, gradually increasing intake.

SCD - Advanced
  • After the Intermediate foods are
    well-tolerated, more variety can be added to the
  • All fruits and vegetables are appropriate at this
  • At the Advanced stage, raw foods can be
    cautiously added to the diet.
  • Continue to introduce foods slowly, keeping a
    daily diary to keep track of progress.
  • After raw foods are well tolerated, dried fruits
    such as raisins, dates, currents and fruit
    leather can be tried.
  • Homemade jerky can also be introduced.
  • After all allowed SCD foods are well tolerated,
    approved beans can be introduced into the diet.

How Will I Get MY Child to Eat SCD Food?
  • For the most picky eaters, the best results will
    probably come by finding a few SCD foods that are
    accepted before switching the child to SCD.
    Gradually phase out starchy foods, replacing them
    with SCD foods.
  • Make a list of all the foods your child likes.
    Look for similarities among the foods on the
    list. Use those similarities to come up with a
    list of SCD items to try.
  • Many parents find that once the starch is off
    the menu, their children actually begin to try
    new foods more willingly.

Thinking Outside the Box
  • Think creatively.
    Vegetables do not have to be served
    as is. Vegetables can be successfully hidden
    in hamburgers, meat loaf, chicken nuggets,
    spaghetti sauce, pancakes, muffins, cakes and
  • Orange and green make brown.
    If you mix an orange
    vegetable with a green vegetable, the result will
    be brown and can be hidden in anything that will
    come out brown naturally, such as hamburgers and
    nut-based baked goods.

SCD Tips and Tricks
  • Get organized.
  • Print recipes your child likes
  • Prepare a weekly menu
  • Prepare a weekly cooking schedule
  • Prepare a weekly shopping list
  • Store these items in two plastic 4x6 photo
  • Put the recipes in one and the other items in the
    other. This will keep all needed items together
    and ready to be used at all times.

SCD Tips and Tricks
  • Always have some SCD food prepared and handy.
  • SCD baked goods freeze and thaw beautifully.
    Keep some extras on hand at all times. Nothing
    leads to cheating more than not having
    something ready when a child asks for food.
  • Buy a good stainless steel Thermos.
  • These are great for your childs school lunch and
    for going out to eat. They keep food hot for 4-5
  • Keep a current list of allowed foods posted on
    your refrigerator.
  • This will keep other family members and
    caregivers informed and it will help prevent
    accidental cheating.

SCD Tips and Tricks
  • Schedule a time to speak with teachers,
    therapists and caregivers.
  • Provide each person with information about the
    SCD and keep them updated on allowed foods OR
    keep them supplied with appropriate foods.
  • Keep a food journal.
    foods eaten, behavior and stool information.
    This will help you to see what foods your child
    does and does not tolerate.
  • Join the pecanbread Yahoo! group.
  • Go to http//
    to join. Being a member of a support group will
    help you to overcome the feeling of being alone
    and you will receive support and help from the
    members of the group.
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