Title: Tuberculosis
- Robert L. Copeland, Jr., Ph.D.12 March 2021
2- Tuberculosis (TB) remains the leading cause of
death worldwide from a single infectious disease
agent. Indeed up to 1/2 of the world's population
is infected with TB. The registered number of
new cases of TB worldwide roughly correlates with
economic conditions the highest incidences are
seen in those countries of Africa, Asia, and
Latin America with the lowest gross national
products. WHO estimates that eight million people
get TB every year, of whom 95 live in developing
countries. An estimated 2 million people die from
TB every year.
3- It is estimated that between 2000 and 2020,
nearly one billion people will be newly infected,
200 million people will get sick, and 35 million
will die from TB - if control is not further
strengthened. The mechanisms, pathogenesis, and
prophylaxis knowledge is minimal. After a century
of decline TB is increasing and there are strains
emerging which are resistant to antibiotics. This
excess of cases is attributable to the changes in
the social structure in cities, the human
immunodeficiency virus epidemic, and failure of
most cities to improve public health programs,
and the economic cost of treating.
4- TB is an ancient infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It has been known
since 1000 B.C., so it not a new disease. Since
TB is a disease of respiratory transmission,
optimal conditions for transmission include - overcrowding
- poor personal hygiene
- poor public hygiene
5- With the increased incidence of AIDS, TB has
become more a problem in the U.S., and the world. - It is currently estimated that 1/2 of the world's
population (3.1 billion) is infected with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium avium
complex is associated with AIDS related TB.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease of
respiratory transmission, Patients with the
active disease (bacilli) expel them into the air
by - coughing,
- sneezing,
- shouting,
- or any other way that will expel bacilli into the
7- Once inhaled by a tuberculin free person, the
bacilli multiply 4 -6 weeks and spreads
throughout the body. The bacilli implant in areas
of high partial pressure of oxygen - lung
- renal cortex
- reticuloendothelial system
8- This is known as the primary infection. The
patient will heal and a scar will appear in the
infected loci. There will also be a few viable
bacilli/spores may remain in these areas
(particularly in the lung). The bacteria at this
time goes into a dormant state, as long as the
person's immune system remains active and
functions normally this person isn't bothered by
the dormant bacillus. - When a person's immune system is depressed., a
secondary reactivation occurs. 85-90 of the
cases seen which are of secondary reactivation
type occurs in the lungs.
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10Classification of Drugs
- 3 Groups depending upon the degree of
effectiveness and potential side effects - First Line (Primary agents)
- are the most effective and have lowest toxicity.
Isoniazid Rifampin - Second Line
- Less effective and more toxic effects
- include (in no particular order) p-amino
salicylic acid, Streptomycin, Ethambutol - Third Line
- are least effective and most toxic. Amikacin,
Kanamycin, Capreomycin, Viomycin, Kanamycin,
- Considered the drug of choice for the
chemotherapy of TB. discovered in 1945 a
hydrazide of isonicotonic acid - is bacteriostatic for resting bacilli,
- bactericidal for growing bacilli.
12Mechanism of action
- Unknown, but the hypothesis include effects on
lipids, nucleic acid and biosynthesis. - Primary action seems to inhibit the biosynthesis
of mycolic acids which are part of cell wall
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- Organism eventually develops resistance.
- The mechanism of resistance is related to the
failure of the drug to penetrate or be taken up
by the micro-organism (by active transport
system), - Remember treatment is up to 2 years.
- Absorption INH rapidly absorbed either oral or
parenteral route. Peak plasma of 3-5
micrograms/milliliter after oral administration. - Distribution
- Diffuses readily into all bodily fluids does not
bind to plasma proteins - In the CSF the conc is about 20 of plasma,
- t1/2 1-3 hrs.
- 75-95 of a dose excreted in the urine in 24 hr.
- - Mostly as a metabolite.
- - The main excretory product- acetylisoniazid.
This is a result of enzymatic acetylation, Very
important in terms of metabolism, Isoniazid is
under genetic control, There are 2 groups of
people. Fast and slow acetylators
17Excretion cont.
- Those that have slow acetyl transferase activity
are slow acetylators, may produce more of the
toxic intermediate. - This is an inherited trait gt Autosomal Dominant
- The average plasma will be (1/3) to (1/2) of
the slow acetylators Average t1/2, is less than
90 minutes, in the slow acetylators, t1/2 will be
about 3 hours. - Ethnicity- Eskimos,Native American Indians, and
Asians are fast aceytlators,
18Adverse Effects
- Induced Hepatitis (2 of Population) due to the
buildup of toxic metabolic products of
acetylisoniazid --gt acetylhydrazine. This is more
frequent in slow acetylators. - Hepatic reactions to Isoniazid are also age
dependent - There is a 250X increase in the incidence of
hepatitis over age. More frequent in the fast
acetylators when measured intragroup, (Compare
elderly fast acetylators patients with elderly
slow patients,) Ranges from mild hepatitis to
serious tissue necrosis.
19Age dependency
incidence age
0.13 25
.59 35
1.09 45
1.75 55
2.5 gt60
20- Patients with renal failure, the normal dose can
be given, because it is secreted in the inactive
form. - Patients with hepatic insufficiency - give a
reduced dose of the drug. - ETOH causes induction of drug metabolizing
enzymes, Isoniazid is broken down faster. Leads
to lsoniazid hepatotoxicity. - Glucose 6- Phosphate deficiency. People with a
deficiency of Glucose-6-phosphate cannot
adequately process the drug.
21Drug Interaction
- Competition between Isoniazid and Phenytoin
(anticonvulsant). They both compete for drug
metabolism enzymes. Phenytoin interferes with
metabolism of isoniazid by reduction in excretion
or enhancement of effect of isoniazid
- Mechanism of Action
- Rifampin inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase of
the bacilli.
- Due to alteration of the target (DNA dependent
RNA polymerase) of the drug, prevents further
initiation but not elongation. The micro-organism
can change the structure of the enzyme so that
the drug no longer has an effect.
- Absorption
- peak levels reached 2-4 hrs. after oral dose
- rapidly eliminated in the bile and reabsorbed
(enterohepatic circulation) It can be delayed
with use of aminosalicylic acid. - during this time there is a progressive
deacylation of the drug - the metabolites maintain full effect
- Half life is 6 hours.
25- Distribution
- Throughout the total body water
- Present in effective concentrations in many
organs and body fluids including CSF, - With Rifampin you must warn patients The drug
has an orange red color in body excretions, This
color will be imparted to all body fluids.
26Adverse Effects
- Does not cause many side effects in any great
frequency. - G.I. reactions Anorexia, Nausea ,Vomiting Mild
abdominal pain, Hepatic Reactions in children,
pregnant women and alcoholics, can result in
minor elevations in serum transaminase as some
27- Allergic Reactions
- Fever
- Skin Eruptions
- Rash
- Pruritis
- Rifampin does induce microsomal drug metabolizing
enzymes. This will decrease the half-life of some
other drugs. (ie. phenytoin, digitoxin)
Rifampin and Isoniazid are the most effective
drugs for the treatment of TB, The drug enjoys
high patient compliance and acceptability. But
these 2 drugs should never be given alone! They
are always used in combination because resistance
occurs to one drug alone very rapidly. They are
used in combination with each other initially as
well as other drugs. Bacilli must become
resistant to two drugs in order to remain viable.
Statistically, the chances are verv small of the
bacilli becoming resistant to both. . Prophylaxis
is with one drug usually isoniazid.
292nd Line Drugs Not as effective and have more
- Streptomycin
- The first drug used clinically for treatment of
TB 1947-1952 was the only drug available at that
time. - is an aminoglycoside antibiotic
- acts by protein synthesis inhibitor and decreases
the fidelity mRNA and garbles the message, leads
to nonsense proteins. - Streptomycin only binds to the 30s subunit.
30- Adverse Effects
- affects C. Nerve 8 auditory and vestibular
functions. - this drug is now 2nd 'line because
of its toxicity.
31para- Aminosalicylic Acid
- a structural analog of PABA (p-aminobenzoic acid)
is bacteriostatic inhibits de novo folate
synthesis - half life 1 hour after 4 g. dose
- you can give this drug up to 12 grams per day.
80 of the drug is excreted in the urine and 50
of that is as an acetylated metabolite which is
insoluble. You must make sure the patient's urine
is normal or alkaline.
32Adverse effects
- GI irritation due to the amount of drug given
(high doses) nausea, vomiting, bleeding, occurs
in 30-40 of the patients. be careful with those
who have peptic ulcers - Hypersensitivity reactions Rash, Fever some
hepatotoxicity - All will disappear when the drug is stopped
- This drug has poor patient acceptability and
33Third Line Drugs - least effective and most toxic
- Third line drugs are used when resistance is
developed to 1st and 2nd line drugs these drugs
are also used in combination. - Aminoglycosides
- Capreomycin - Viomycin - Kanamycin
34Adverse effects
- These drugs are Nephrotoxic - will cause
Proteinuria, Hematuria, Nitrogen metabolism, and
Electrolyte disturbances However effect is
reversible when drug is stopped.
35- Ototoxic will result in deafness and some loss
of vestibular function, leads to cranial nerve 8
damage. The nerve damage is permanent. - Capreomycin has replaced viomycin because of less
toxic effects, but all three drugs have the same
- can cause CNS disturbances
- Therapeutic States Cycloserine should be used
when re-treatment is necessary or when the
micro-organism is resistant to the other drugs. - It must be given in combination with other
anti-tuberculosis drugs. - Mechanism of Action
- An analog of D-alanine synthetase, will block
bacterial cell wall synthesis.
37- Pharmacokinetics Rapidly absorbed Peak plasma
occurs in 3-4 hours Distributed throughout all
body fluids, including CSF About 50 is excreted
in unchanged form in the urine during the first
12 hours. Only about 35 of the drug metabolized
This drug can accumulate to toxic conc in
patients with renal insufficiency
38- Toxicity
- Most common in the CNS Headache, Tremor,
Vertigo, Confusion, Nervousness, Psychotic states
with suicidal tendencies , Paranoid reactions,
Catatonic and depressed reactions
39Chemoprophylaxis of TBUsed only in high risk
- Household members and other close contacts of a
patient with active TB. - A positive skin test in persons less than 35
years. - A positive skin test reactive in the
immunosuppressed, persons with leukemia, and
Hodgkin's Disease, - HIV patients with a positive TB test,
40- The drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis is
isoniazid. Prophylaxis uses only one drug. In
patients who are HIV and TB and have the
disease they are treated for a minimum of 9
months, The first 2 months using isoniazid and
rifampin and for the next 7 months or longer, use
only 2 or 3 of the 2nd/3rd line drugs and
41Chemotherapy of TB
- Most patients are treated in an ambulatory
setting - admitted to the hospital - diagnosis
is established - initiate and stabilize therapy -
send patient home , usually after 2 or 3 weeks - First and second line agents are usually given
orally. Third line drugs are given parenterally.
- Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampin are given for 2
months. - Isoniazid Rifampin are given for 4 months.
- If you suspect resistance to isoniazid use
Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampin Parazinamide.
Incidence of drug resistance is 2-5 in the U.S. - Prolonged bed rest is not necessary or helpful in
obtaining a speedy recovery. The patient must be
seen at regular and frequent intervals to follow
the course of the disease and treatment. Look for
toxic effects
43Other Resources
- Tuberculosis Resources (Columbia Medical School)
http//www.cpmc.columbia.edu/tbcpp - Tuberculosis, NIAID Fact Sheet http//www.niaid.ni
h.gov/factsheets/tb.htm - Positive Skin Tests for Tuberculosis (American
Family Physician) http//www.aafp.org/afp/961101ap
/pat_1991.html - National Tuberculosis Center http//www.umdnj.edu/
ntbcweb/ntbchome.htm - CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
http//www.cdc.gov/nchstp/tb/structure.htm - Treatment of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis
Infection in Adults and Children American
Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American
Lung Association American Journal of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine Vol 149 1994
000413/p0000413.htm - Brief History of Tuberculosis http//www.umdnj.edu