Title: words to live by
1words to live by
2desired outcome
- Get the most out of BEASCOUT.org
- Get the most out of words to live by
- Form committees to work on
- Coordinated purchase
- New ideas
- Public relations
- Media purchases
3lessons learned from BEASCOUT.ORG
5since weve started working together
Pennsylvania 6,307 visits New Jersey 4,994
visits New York 4,478 visits
Creating a total of 1,743 inquiries
6what does that mean for membership?
- About 10 of the parents who visit BEASCOUT.org
contact the Scout leader directly - Most of those 10 join at a pack meeting
- About 2 of the total visits result in on line
7We still have some problems
- We are still missing out on some families
8comments from the field
- Volunteers appreciate the campaign
- The web site is a great idea followed by how do
I update it? - Appreciate the opportunity to have an active role
in the campaign through PR events, yard signs,
etc. - Council is cutting volunteers out of the process
(less than 1)
9Updates to BEASCOUT.org
- Todd Lamison, Patriots Path, technology guru
- How to login to BEASCOUT
- How to use your council/district login
- How to trouble shoot
- What features are most important to you?
- Action Item
- Technology committee
10How to login?
- http//beAscout.org/login - for units
- http//beAscout.org/council_login - for council
and districts. - Updates and tools posted to these pages.
- Understanding the council/district/unit login
structure C525, C81D2, C358D5T1
What if we are a new Council that wishes to join?
11How to use your Council/District Login
- Council Customization - do not use apostrophizes!
- Unit updates
- Get reports
- New units
12How to troubleshoot
- Who is our current maintenance plan?
- Council Login Page self help tolls
Unit does not show up in area but other units
do. Check the unit information, is lat and lon
good? No units show up Look for in unit
information in that area Cant figure it out -
Email admin_at_beAscout.org Call Todd Lamison _at_
13How to troubleshoot
14How to troubleshoot
15How to troubleshoot
- Cant figure it out -
- Email admin_at_beAscout.org
- Call Todd Lamison _at_ 973-765-9322x227
16What Features are Most Important to YOU? AND
What you can do to help!
- Current items for upgrades
- What you can do-
- Survey on the features/philosophies.
- Volunteer resources php, mysql, java, google
- Update information
17mass media
- Chuck Eaton, Cradle of Liberty
- not yet ready for the Midwest
- Types of mass media (TV, radio, billboards,
print, direct mail, etc.) - Estimated costs
- Pro Bono opportunities
- Action item
- Working together in media market committee
18Philadelphia area coordinated campaign 2008
- Spent 30,000 at ABC 6 90,000 air time
- Spent 5,000 billboards 40,000
- Spent 2,000 direct mail 8,000 coverage
- Pro Bono PR print and media est 100,000
38,000 expenses earned 238,000 in mass media
19media market expectations
- NYC 3 times Philadelphia
- Boston 2 time Philadelphia market
- DC add 25 to Philadelphia Market expenses
- Baltimore 60 of Philadelphia Market
- Pittsburg ½ Philadelphia Market
20local marketing committee
- Joe Waugh Media Buyer
- Kera Walters Public Relations
- Bernie Prezenica GM, ABC 6
- Jeff Jones Sales, Clear Channel outdoor
- Scott Jelinski COO Mac Direct
- Mike Coyne Digital Relief
21Grass roots
- Marc Ryan, Cradle of Liberty
- co-founding father of the firm
- Public relation events
- 9/11
- Popcorn sales
- 100 anniversary
- Scouting for food
- Action item
- Grass roots committee
22getting units involved
23public relations media event
24Cost saving?
- John Gliot, Central New Jersey
- Wii bowling superstar
- Coordinated purchasing yard signs, flyers
- Posters
- Direct mail
- Other ideas?
25new ideas for the campaign
- Diego Aviles, Hudson Valley
- Leaders of the tribe of Godin
- Social Media outlets
- Evite
- Facebook
26(No Transcript)
27other new ideas
- Alumni
- Interactive opportunity to recruit adults
- Where to go camping?
- Day camps
- Family camp
28open discussion