EnergyAware Routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EnergyAware Routing


Paper #2: 'Online Power-aware Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks' Robert Murawski ... Development of an 'on-line' power-aware routing protocol ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EnergyAware Routing

Energy-Aware Routing
Robert Murawski February 5, 2008
  • Paper 1 Wireless sensor networks a survey
  • Paper 2 Online Power-aware Routing in
    Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

Energy-Aware Routing
  • Paper 1
  • Wireless sensor networks a survey
  • Focus on Network Layer
  • Energy Aware Sections
  • Paper 2
  • Development of Specific Energy-Aware Routing
  • Online Algorithm, and a Practical Implementation
    of the Algorithm

Paper 1 Sensor Network Survey
  • Network Layer Considerations for Sensor Networks
  • Power Efficiency
  • Data Centric Information
  • Data Aggregation
  • Attribute Based Addressing / Location Awareness
  • Focus of this Presentation
  • 1 Power Efficiency in Sensor Network Routing

Energy Efficient Routing
  • Approaches for Selecting an Energy-Efficient
  • Maximum Available Power (PA) Route
  • Select paths containing nodes with the most
    residual power
  • Minimum Energy (ME) Route
  • Select paths that consume the least amount of
  • Minimum Hop (MH) Route
  • Select paths that utilize the least amount of
    network hops
  • Maximum Minimum PA Node Route
  • Select the route that maximizes the minimum
    residual energy

Route Selection Example
PA Residual Power of Nodeai Energy Required
to Transmit a Message through Link
Source Wireless sensor networks a survey,
I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E.
Available Routes
  • Four Possible Routes ( T ? Sink)
  • T ? B ? A ? Sink
  • PA 4, Total a 3
  • T ? C ? B ? A ? Sink
  • PA 6, Total a 6
  • T ? D ? Sink
  • PA 3, Total a 4
  • T ? F ? E ? Sink
  • PA 5, Total a 6

Route Selection
  • Maximum Available Power (PA)
  • Route 2 (T?C?B?A?Sink) has the largest PA Value
  • Route 2 is an extension of Route 1 (T?B?A?Sink)
  • Must not consider routes extended from other
    routes by adding additional nodes
  • Route 4 (T?F?E?Sink) would be selected

Route Selection
  • Minimum Energy (ME)
  • Route 1 (T?B?A?Sink)
  • Consumes the Least amount of energy
  • Minimum Hop (MH)
  • Route 3 (T?D?Sink)
  • Lowest Hop Count
  • Maximum Minimum PA
  • Route 3 (T?D?Sink)
  • Minimum PA Value 3
  • Minimum PA for Other Routes 2

Routing Schemes for Sensor Networks
  • Small Minimum Energy Communication Network
  • Given a Network Graph G
  • Weighted Graph G(V,E)
  • Compute an Energy Efficient Subgraph G
  • All nodes in G are present also in subgraph G
  • Number of edges in subgraph G are less than in G
  • All end-to-end node connections in G are also in
    subgraph G
  • Energy required to transmit a message from node u
    to node v in subgraph G is less than the power
    required in graph G
  • For every route u ? v in graph G, there is a
    Minimum Energy (ME) route u ? v in subgraph G
  • Details on generating subgraph A are not Given,
    only a description of the subgraph and its use in
    optimizing energy

  • Transmission Power
  • t is a constant
  • n pathloss exponent
  • d distance between u and v
  • Network Path
  • Power Required to route a message
  • c receive power
  • Path r in subgraph G is a minimum energy path if
    for all routes r in graph G
  • Overview of SMECN
  • Once subgraph G is computed, nodes can easily
    select the path that requires the least energy
    consumption from all available routes

More Energy-Efficient Routing Schemes for Sensor
  • Sensor Protocols for information via negotiation
  • Limit the amount of information transmitted via
    the network
  • Control Message Sequence
  • ADV Message
  • Contains a description of the data to be sent.
  • REQ Message
  • If the neighbor node is interested in the data,
    send a REQ message back to the source node.
  • DATA
  • The source node transmits the data to nodes that
    request it.

Source Wireless sensor networks a survey,
I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E.
More Energy-Efficient Routing Schemes for Sensor
  • Sensor Protocols for information via negotiation
  • For sensor nodes, the ADV message contains a
    descriptor of the DATA message
  • i.e. image, sensor reading descriptions
  • Nodes only transmit the large DATA packets when
  • Reducing the amount of large DATA transmissions
    increases the residual energy of nodes within the

More Energy-Efficient Routing Schemes for Sensor
  • Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH)
  • Reduce the energy dissipation in the network
  • Backhaul of data to a base station can be costly
  • Designate cluster-head nodes that backhaul
    aggregate data from all nodes within the cluster
    to the base station
  • Phase 1) Setup Phase
  • Sensor nodes are randomly chosen to be
  • All Cluster heads advertise to all nodes within
    the network.
  • Non-cluster head nodes choose their cluster based
    on signal strength of the advertisement.
  • Phase 2) Steady State Phase
  • Non-cluster head nodes send data to their
    designated cluster-head
  • Cluster heads backhaul information to the base

Paper 2
  • Online Power-aware Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc
  • Papers focus
  • Development of an on-line power-aware routing
  • On-line Protocol does not know the sequence of
    messages to be routed ahead of time
  • max-min zPmin Algorithm
  • Requires knowledge of power availability of all
    nodes within the network, impractical for large
  • A second algorithm zone-based routing
  • A more practical version of the max-min zPmin

  • Power Consumption in Ad-hoc Networks
  • Message Transmission
  • Message Reception
  • Node Idle Time
  • Focus of this paper
  • Minimizing power consumption during communication
    (transmission and reception)

  • Standard metrics for optimizing power-routing
  • Minimize energy consumed for each message
  • Minimize variance in each computer power level
  • Minimize radio of cost/packet
  • Minimize the maximum node cost
  • Drawback of these metrics
  • Focus on individual nodes, not the system as a
  • Could lead to a system of nodes with high
    residual power, but with several key nodes
    depleted of power
  • This paper
  • Focus on maximizing the lifetime of the network
  • Lifetime time to the earliest time a message
    cannot be sent

System Model
  • Network View a weighted graph G(V,E)
  • Vertices are computers within the network
  • Weight of a vertex corresponds to the residual
    power of the node.
  • Edges are pairs of computers within communication
  • Weight of an edge is the cost in power of sending
    a unit message
  • Large messages are simply multiples of the unit
  • Power to transmit a message
  • k and c are constants defined by the wireless
    technology used.

Max-min Path
  • Intuition
  • Route message over paths with the maximum minimum
    residual energy
  • Find all possible paths from source to
  • Determine the minimum residual energy node for
    each path
  • Choose the path with the maximum residual power
    for each node
  • Using the max-min path can have poor performance
    as seen in the following hypothetical network.

Max-min Path
  • Assumptions
  • Initial power for intermediate nodes 20
  • Initial power for source node 8
  • Weight of edge on the arc 1
  • Weight of straight edge 2
  • Max-min Path
  • Route through the arc
  • Residual Power of all nodes after one message
  • (20 1) / 20 95
  • 20 messages can be sent total.
  • Optimal Path
  • Route messages through the straight paths
  • Residual Power of intermediate node after
    transmission through a straight path
  • (20 2) / 20 90
  • 10 (n 4) message can be sent total.
  • See Right for a network of 8 nodes, 40 messages
    can be sent.
  • Increases with network size

The z Parameter
  • Two extreme solutions to power-aware routing
  • Compute the path with minimal power consumption
  • Compute the path that maximizes the minimal
    residual power
  • Authors Goal Optimize for both 1 and 2
  • Methodology
  • Relax the Pmin requirement by a factor of z. (z
  • For z 2, select a path that consumes no more
    than twice the minimum possible energy
    consumption of all possible routes
  • Max-min zPmin Algorithm
  • Select path that consumes at most zPmin while
    maximizing the minimal residual power fraction

Max-min zPmin Algorithm
  • Definitions
  • P(vi) Initial power level of node vi (at time
  • eij weight of the edge between vi and vj (cost
    of transmission)
  • Pt(vi) Power of node vi at time t
  • utij Residual power of node vi after sending
    message to node j

Max-min zPmin Algorithm
  • 0) Find the path with the least power
    consumption, Pmin
  • 1) Find the path with the least power
    consumption in the graph
  • If the power consumption zPmin or no path is
    found, use the previously computed path and stop.
  • 2) Find the minimal utij on the path from step 1
  • 3) Find all edges whose residual power fraction
    utij umin and remove them from the graph.
  • 4) Goto Step 1

Max-min zPmin
  • What this algorithm accomplishes
  • Step 0 First computes the Pmin
  • As was shown, the Pmin can perform poorly
  • Steps 1-4
  • Compute the Pmin for the current state of the
  • Determine if this value of Pmin is above the
    relaxed requirement of zPmin
  • If the remaining graph is within bounds (zPmin),
    determine the minimum residual power for all
    nodes within the current Pmin route (umin)
  • Eliminate edges within the graph that do meet or
    exceed the umin
  • Note Eliminates the current Pmin path found in
    step 1
  • Repeat steps 1 thru 4 for the newly updated
    version of the graph

Max-min zPmin
  • What this algorithm accomplishes
  • Iteratively finds paths with higher cost, while
    remaining below the threshold zPmin
  • Eliminates edges that result in depleted residual
    power in intermediate nodes.
  • Resulting path is a trade-off between the pure
    max-min path and the pure Pmin path

Choosing the Z Parameter
  • Extremes values of Z
  • Set Z to 1
  • Reduces xPmin algorithm to the purely Pmin path
  • Set Z to 8
  • Reduces xPmin algorithm to the purely min-max
  • Authors Focus
  • Adaptive method for computing the Z parameter
    that maximizes the network lifetime

Choosing the Z Parameter
  • 0) Choose initial value for z, and step size d.
  • 1) Run max-min zPmin algorithm for some interval
  • 2) Compute for all hosts, let the minimal
    be t1
  • 3) Increase z by d, run max-min zPmin for
    interval T
  • 4) Compute for all hosts, let the minimal be
  • 5) If any host is saturated, exit (use this
    value of z)
  • 6) If t1
  • 7) If t1 t2, set d - d /2, t1 t2, and goto
    step 3

Results for Max-min zPmin
  • Authors Claim
  • Results show adaptively selecting z leads to
    superior performance over the minimal power
    algorithm (z1) and the max-min algorithm (z8)
  • Question
  • The results do show better results than the
    max-min algorithm.
  • The results show little or no improvement over
    the Pmin algorithm
  • When z1, the maximum (or near maximum) value
    is achieved.
  • Better resolution graph may be necessary.

Zone-Based Routing
  • The max-min zPmin algorithm is hard to implement
    on large scale networks
  • Accurate knowledge for all node available power
    is required.
  • In large networks would result in large control
    overhead, defeating the purpose of
    energy-efficient routing
  • A hierarchical approach to the max-min zPmin
  • Group nodes into zones (based on geographic
  • Zone hosts direct local routing
  • Messages are routed through zones based on the
    power of the zone.
  • Issues to consider
  • How zone hosts estimate the power of the zone
  • How to route messages within a zone
  • How to route messages between zones

Zone-Based Routing
  • Zone Power Estimation
  • Zone Power Estimate of of messages that can
    flow through the zone
  • Estimation is relative to the direction of the
    message transition
  • Zone assumed to be square
  • neighbors north, south, east, west
  • Neighbor zones overlap
  • Estimation Process
  • Choose ?, and P 0
  • Repeat
  • Find max-min zPmin for ? Messages
  • Send ? Message through the zone
  • P P ?
  • (Until some nodes are saturated)
  • Return P

Zone-Based Routing
  • Global Path Selection
  • View the Global network as a weighted graph
  • Each zone has 5 vertices (for square zones)
  • 1. Zone, and 4. Directions
  • Zone Weight Infinite
  • Direction Weight Power level for sending
    message through in this direction
  • From Previous Slide
  • There are no edge weights
  • To Route between zones, us the max-min algorithm
    on the zone graph
  • Bias routing for zones with higher power levels
    (modified Bellman-Ford)

Zone-Based Routing
  • Local paths are determined using the max-min Pmin
  • To select Zone-edge messages
  • There can be multiple nodes within a zone edge
  • Zone Edge Overlap between two zones
  • Example Route messages between A and C (B in
    the middle)
  • Select the highest weight node in the section AB
  • Select the highest weight node in the section BC
  • Use min-max zPmin algorithm to compute the best
    path between the edge nodes.

Zone-Based Routing
  • Results
  • Zone-Base Routing vs. max-min zPmin
  • Requires Less Control Overhead
  • Sacrifices Overall Performance
  • Two Scenarios
  • 94.5 and 96 lifetime of the max-min zPmin is
  • Max-min zPmin 1000 control messages flooded
    (1000 nodes)
  • Zone-Based 24 control messages flooded (24
  • After Zone Power Estimation
  • 42 Nodes per Zone (assuming even distribution)
  • Zone-based routing dramatically reduces the
    simulation running time

  • First Paper
  • Overview of power-aware routing
  • Second Paper
  • Two algorithms developed for power-aware routing
  • Max-min zPmin More effective at the cost of
    large overhead
  • Zone-based 95 of max-min zPmin is achieved
    with significantly less overhead

Thank you!
  • Question/Comments?
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