Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (I) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (I)


Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (I) ad hoc network routing protocols; attacks on routing; countermeasures; – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (I)

Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks (I)
  • ad hoc network routing protocols
  • attacks on routing
  • countermeasures

  • 1 Routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
  • 2 Attacks on ad hoc network routing protocols
  • 3 Security countermeasures for ad hoc network
    routing protocols

Ad hoc network routing protocols
  • topology-based protocols
  • Proactive
  • Every node knows a route to all other nodes at
    any time
  • distance vector based (e.g., DSDV)
  • link-state (e.g., OLSR)
  • Requires periodic exchange of routing information
    among the nodes
  • If only few pairs of nodes communicate to each
    other, then most of the periodically exchanged
    information is useless (never used)
  • But since the routes are always available and
    up-to-date, packets can be sent with no routing
    delay (no need to wait until a route is found)
  • reactive (on-demand)
  • A route is established between a source and a
    destination only when needed
  • distance vector based (e.g., AODV)
  • source routing (e.g., DSR)
  • Nodes use their resources to find routes only
    when there are data packets to be sent

Ad hoc network routing protocols
  • hybrid approaches
  • Try to combine the advantages of reactive and
    proactive routing protocols
  • Use proactive approach to maintain routes from a
    node to its local neighborhood (e.g. up to
    certain number of hops) and use reactive
    approaches when routes to far away nodes are
  • position-based protocols
  • Use location information of the nodes to route
    data packets
  • greedy forwarding (e.g., GPSR, GOAFR)
  • restricted directional flooding (e.g., DREAM,
  • Each node is aware of its own location and
    obtains the location information of other nodes
    via a location service provided by the nodes in a
    distributed manner
  • The sender obtains the location information of
    the destination node and puts it in the data
    packet each intermediate node makes routing
    decisions based on its own location and the
    location of the destination node

Example Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
  • DSR is an on-demand source routing protocol
  • As in any other on-demand routing protocol it has
    two components
  • route discovery
  • used only when source node attempts to send a
    packet to the destination node
  • based on flooding of Route Requests (RREQ) and
    returning Route Replies (RREP)
  • route maintenance
  • makes the source node able to detect route
    errors, e.g., if a link along that route no
    longer works (usually because of nodes movement)

DSR Route Discovery
  • Assume that node A has some data packets to send
    to node H and has no route to it in its routing
  • it initiates and broadcasts a RREQ message
  • a RREQ carries a request identifier (to prevent
    other nodes from proceeding the same RREQ more
    than once), the IDs of A and H and an empty list
    of forwarding nodes
  • Each intermediate node adds its ID to the list
    until the RREQ is received by H and will be
    replied by a RREP message

DSR Route Discovery
A ? RREQ, id, A, H () B ? RREQ, id, A,
H (B) C ? RREQ, id, A, H (C) D ?
RREQ, id, A, H (D) E ? RREQ, id, A, H
(E) F ? RREQ, id, A, H (E, F) G ?
RREQ, id, A, H (D,G)
(E, F)
(D, G)
H ? A RREP, ltsource routegt (E, F)
  • Node A wants to transmit some data packets to
    node H.
  • It initiates a RREQ packet which will be
    broadcasted by the nodes who receive it.
  • When node H receives the RREQ it initiates a RREP
  • H copies the recorded list of identifiers from
    the RREQ to the RREP.

DSR Route Discovery
  • ltsource routegt is the route used to send the
    packet back to A which could be obtained
  • from the route cache of H (means if H already had
    a route to A in its route cache)
  • by reversing the route received in the RREQ
  • works only if all the links along the discovered
    route are bidirectional
  • IEEE 802.11 assumes that links are bidirectional
  • by executing a route discovery from H to A
  • discovered route from A to H is piggy backed to
    avoid infinite recursion

DSR Route Maintenance
  • DSR requires each intermediate node to make sure
    that the data packet that it is forwarding
    reaches the next hop
  • Data link layer acknowledgements can be used or
    overhearing the transmission of the packet by
    next intermediate node
  • If no acknowledgement arrives for a given packet,
    the intermediate node tries to re-transmit the
  • If still no acknowledgement arrives for that
    packet, the intermediate node generates a route
    error message and sends it to the source of the
  • The source and the other intermediate nodes who
    forward the error message would invalidate the
    routes that contain this broken link

Example Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing
  • on-demand distance vector routing
  • the nodes maintain routing tables
  • A RREQ contains IDs of the sender and the
    destination, a hop count, a packet identifier,
    two sequence numbers current sequence number of
    the source and the last known sequence number of
    the destination
  • Each node has a single sequence number which is
    incremented after each detected change in the
    nodes neighbor set
  • A RREQ with an already seen packet identifier
    would be discarded (duplicate RREQ)
  • uses sequence numbers to ensure loop-freedom and
    to detect out-of-date routing information

Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV)
  • sequence numbers help to
  • avoid using old/broken routes
  • To determine which route is newer
  • prevent formation of loops
  • How the sequence numbers can prevent loops in the
  • Example
  • A had a route to D initially A-B-C-D
  • Assume link C-D gets broken, but A does not know
    about failure of link C-D (because for example
    the RERR (route error packet) sent by C is lost)
  • Then assume node C performs a route discovery for
  • Node A receives the RREQ of C (for example via
    path C-E-A)
  • Node A will generate a RREP because A knows a
    route to D via node B
  • As the results a loop is created (C-E-A-B-C )
    i.e. if C sends data packets to D using the route
    that it just found, the data packets will be
    forwarded over and over in the loop
  • If sequence numbers were used, the sequence
    number of the destination D in the RREQ packet
    initiated by C would be greater than the one
    stored in the routing table of A (for the route
    A-B-C-D) as the second one belongs to an old

Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV)
  • When an intermediate node receives a RREQ
  • If the packet is duplicate ? packet discarded
  • Otherwise, if the node has no valid entry for
    that destination in its routing table or has an
    entry with a sequence number smaller than the
    destination sequence number in the RREQ ?
    increment the hop count and re-broadcast the RREQ
  • If it has an entry for that destination in its
    routing table with a sequence number at least as
    large as the destination sequence number in the
    RREQ or the node is the destination ? generate a
  • When a RREQ or RREP message is received, besides
    processing the packet, an intermediate node would
    create or update a route entry for the source (in
    the case of receiving a RREQ) or for the
    destination node (in the case of receiving a

Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV)
  • a routing table entry contains the following
  • destination identifier
  • number of hops needed to reach the destination
  • identifier of the next hop towards the
  • destination sequence number
  • list of precursor nodes (that may forward packets
    to the destination via this node)

AODV Route Discovery illustrated
(A, 1, D, -, snA)
(A, 2, F, -, snA)
(A, 1, E, -, snA)
A ? RREQ, id, A, H, 0, snA, snH B ?
RREQ, id, A, H, 1, snA, snH C ? RREQ, id,
A, H, 1, snA, snH D ? RREQ, id, A, H, 1,
snA, snH E ? RREQ, id, A, H, 1, snA, snH F
? RREQ, id, A, H, 2, snA, snH G ? RREQ,
id, A, H, 2, snA, snH
H ? F RREP, A, H, 0, snH F ? E RREP, A, H,
1, snH E ? A RREP, A, H, 2, snH
Proactive routing protocols
  • Link-state protocols
  • Each node periodically broadcasts the state of
    its links
  • such messages are propagated through the whole
    network and so every node gets aware of the
    link-state information of every other nodes and
    therefore the topology of the whole network
  • Then centralized shortest path algorithms can be
    used locally at each node to calculate the
    shortest route to any destinations
  • Distance-vector based protocols
  • Each node periodically send its current routing
    table to its neighbors
  • As each node receives the routing information of
    its neighbors, it can use them to find better
    (shorter) routes to some destinations than the
    routes it already has in its routing table
  • By repeating the routing table exchange and
    routing table update steps, the system would
    converge to a stable state, where each routing
    table contains correct routing information

Position-based routing protocols
  • In position-based routing protocols there is no
    route discovery phase and, instead, the data
    packets are directed to the destination using
    location information available
  • nodes are aware of their own positions and that
    of their neighbors
  • The source node includes the position of the
    destination in the packet header of the data
  • The intermediate nodes would route the packet
    toward the destination based on their own
    location and the destinations location

Position-based greedy forwarding
  • Examples of Position-based greedy forwarding
  • Most Forward within Radius (MFR) the node
    forwards the packet to its closest neighbor to
    the destination
  • Nearest with Forward Progress (NFP) to the
    nearest neighbor among the ones closer than the
    forwarding node to the destination
  • Compass forwarding to the neighbor who is
  • closest to the straight line between the
  • forwarding node and the destination
  • Random forwarding a random neighbor
  • among the ones who are closer than the
  • forwarding node to the destination

  • 1 Routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
  • 2 Attacks on ad hoc network routing protocols
  • 3 Security countermeasures for ad hoc network
    routing protocols

Attacks on routing protocols
  • general objectives of attacks
  • increase adversarial control over the
    communications between some nodes
  • degrade the quality of the service provided by
    the network
  • increase the resource consumption of some nodes
    (e.g., CPU, memory, or energy).
  • adversary models
  • insider adversary
  • Controls some nodes in the network
  • As the nodes in ad hoc networks are not
    physically protected, they may be captured by the
  • Such nodes are called adversarial nodes
  • outsider adversary
  • Attacks the communication of some nodes
  • Eavesdropping, jamming, injecting fabricated of
    replayed packets into the network

Attacks on routing protocols
  • attack mechanisms
  • eavesdropping, replaying, modifying, and deleting
    control packets
  • fabricating control packets containing fake
    routing information (forgery)
  • fabricating control packets under a fake identity
  • dropping data packets (attack against the
    forwarding function)
  • wormholes and tunneling
  • rushing

Attacks on routing protocols
  • types of attacks
  • route disruption the adversary prevents two
    nodes from discovering a route between them
  • E.x. if the adversary controls the nodes on the
    vertex-cut in the network who drop all the
    control packets (route discovery packets) sent
    from one part of the network to the other part
  • Or if the adversary forges route error messages
    it can invalidate the correct routing state in
    the victim nodes
  • In the following example, the attacker performs
    tunneling attack against routing protocol. It
    means the attacker tunnels the RREQ packet from
    the source to an area near the destination before
    the RREQ packet propagates through the network to
    that area.
  • Therefore, later when the nodes in that area
    receive the RREQ through the intermediate nodes,
    they would drop it as duplicate RREQ.
  • The result is that no legitimate route is
    discovered --gt source and destination would be
    connected through wormhole.

Example Route disruption in DSR with rushing
Attacks on routing protocols
  • route diversion
  • The adversary tries to divert routes such that
    they contain a node it controls or a link it can
  • Then the adversary can modify or eavesdrop the
    packets sent by the nodes
  • One way of diverting routes is by setting up
    tunnels routes going through the tunnel appear
    to be shorter, therefore
  • used by many pairs of communicating nodes and the
    adversary can access their communication easier
  • The nodes close to the end of tunnel receive lots
    of packets and they should consume more resources
  • Another aim of doing route diversion by the
    adversary could be increasing the length of
    discovered routes to increase latency and
    decrease quality of service
  • Route diversion can be performed by forging or
    manipulating control packets, e.g. in source
    routing protocols the attacker can change the
    list of nodes on the RREP message

Attacks on routing protocols
  • creation of incorrect routing state
  • this attack aims at jeopardizing the routing
    state in some nodes so that the state appears to
    be correct but, in fact, it is not
  • data packets routed using that state will never
    reach their destinations
  • the objective of creating incorrect routing state
  • to increase the resource consumption of some
  • the victims will use their incorrect state to
    forward data packets, until they learn that
    something goes wrong
  • to degrade the quality of service
  • can be achieved by
  • spoofing, forging, modifying, or dropping control

Example Creation of incorrect routing state in
attacker B
H (D, F)
A ? RREQ, id, A, H () B ? A RREP, ltsrc
routegt, A, H (D, F)
  • Route (A, D, F, H) does not exist !
  • The packets will be dropped when reaching the
    first non-existing
  • link!

Example Creation of incorrect routing state in
(A, 1, B, -, snA)
(A, 0, -, -, snA)
(A, 0, -, -, snA)
(A, 1, B, -, snA)
E (C) ? F RREP, A, H, 2, snH E (D)? C RREP,
A, H, 2, snH E (B)? D RREP, A, H, 2, snH E
(F)? B RREP, A, H, 2, snH
  • Creation of a routing loop.
  • Some packets will be forwarded in a cycle until
    their hop-count
  • reaches the max. allowed value and then are

Generation of extra control traffic
  • generation of extra control traffic
  • Injecting spoofed control packets into the
  • aiming at increasing resource consumption due to
    the fact that such control packets are often
    flooded in the entire network
  • Position-based routing protocols seem to be more
    resistant to this attack, because they use no
    control packets
  • But the attacker can send forged or spoofed
    location update messages to the location service
    which will be distributed among some nodes in the
    network and generate some extra control packets.

Setting up a gray hole
  • creation of a gray hole
  • an adversarial node selectively drops data
    packets that it should forward
  • the objective is
  • to degrade the quality of service
  • packet delivery ratio between some nodes can
    decrease considerably
  • to increase resource consumption
  • wasting the resources of those nodes that forward
    the data packets that are finally dropped by the
  • implementation is trivial
  • adversarial node participates in the route
  • when it receives data packets for forwarding, it
    drops them

  • 1 Routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
  • 2 Attacks on ad hoc network routing protocols
  • 3 Security countermeasures for ad hoc network
    routing protocols

  • authentication of control packets
  • protection of mutable information in control
  • detecting wormholes and tunnels
  • combating gray holes

Authentication of control packets
  • questions
  • Who should authenticate the control packets?
  • Who should be able to verify authenticity?
  • control packets should be authenticated by their
  • using MACs or digital signatures by the source
  • authenticity should be verifiable by the target
    of the control packet
  • moreover, each node that updates its routing
    state as a result of processing the control
    packet must be able to verify its authenticity
  • each node that processes and re-broadcasts or
    forwards the control packet must be able to
    verify its authenticity
  • as it is not known in advance which nodes will
    process a given control packet, we need a
    broadcast authentication scheme

Protection of mutable information in control
  • often, intermediate nodes add information to the
    control packet before re-broadcasting or
    forwarding it (hop count, node list, etc.)
  • this added information is not protected by
    control packet origin authentication
  • each node that adds information to the packet
    should authenticate that information in such a
    way that each node that acts upon that
    information can verify its authenticity
  • using MACs or digital signatures by the
    forwarding node at each hop
  • E.g. intermediate nodes IDs added to the RREQ,
    is signed by the node who adds that data
  • one problem is the increasing size of the
    signatures when the number of hops increases

detecting wormholes and tunnels
  • Tunnels are similar to wormholes
  • In tunneling, like in wormhole attacks, the two
    ends of the attack look to be neighbors, so the
    effect of these two attacks on routing is similar
  • In tunneling two far away adversarial nodes
    encapsulate control packets as normal data
    packets and send to each other
  • They use the routing facilities of the network
    for sending packets
  • Wormhole happens in physical layers and does not
    require that the adversary controls or owns nodes
    in the network
  • In tunneling attack, the adversary should have
    two addressable nodes present at the routing
  • Some wormhole detection approaches could be
    adopted to tunneling attacks

Combating gray holes
  • two approaches
  • use multiple, preferably disjoint routes
  • Even if the data packets can not reach the
    destination through some routes they will be
    received using other routes
  • increased robustness
  • but also increases resource consumption
  • detect and react
  • monitor neighbors (to see if they forward the
    packet they received to forward) and identify
    misbehaving nodes
  • use routes that avoid those misbehaving nodes
  • For this purpose reputation reports about nodes
    can be spread in the network to build trust
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