Title: Diapositiva 1
1For North America and Mexico 1-877-DRYCAKE
2Disassembly of the decanter
Remove cover
Remove belts
Remove screws in sequence
3Lift covers
Lift the complete rotating assembly
43-phase decanter
Unscrew the feed pipe and its supports
Remove oil level weir plate
5Remove the scroll from the drum
6Disassembly and details by components group
7Disassembly and details of the scroll and liquid
discharge flange
8Removal of the complete transmission assembly
Decanter with fixed differential with pulleys
Disassembly and details by components group
Decanter with fixed differential speed
Decanter with fixed differential speed con
Decanter a trasmissione idraulica
Disassembly and details by components group
3-phase decanter
Disassembly and details by components group