Title: proposal
2- Whats ITC all about
- Knowledge field Geo-information science and
earth observation - ITCs core activities
- Education
- Research
- Project services
- Partnerships
- Alumni
3 4The Objective to assess the motivations that are
responsible for citizen submitting facilitated-VGI
Diagram 1. water supply monitoring system
(Jürrens, et al., 2009)
5- Uncertainty process theory (P. Anselme, 2010).
Diagram 2. Simplified diagram of Uncertainty
process theory (P. Anselme, 2010).
7- Implementation
- the theory with conceptual framework
8 9Sub objectives Question Method Data expected From where
1 1 Group discussion or Interview per person Opinion about Human sensor web based on the system and organizational operation actual reporter
2 Questioner per participant Current reason of people start participating HSW Citizen (potential reporter)
3 Analysis other possiblereason that makes people want to participate in human sensor web
2 1 Group discussion or Interview per person Opinion about the system, organization or other (personal/un personal) reason actual reporter report more than one
2 Questioner per participant Current reason people still continuing to participate Citizen (potential reporter)
3 Analysis possible reason people still continuing to participate
3 1 Group discussion or Interview per person Opinion about the system, organization or other (personal/un personal) reason Former reporter
2 Questioner per participant Current participant reason about why they stop participate Citizen (potential reporter)
3 Analysis possible reason about why they stop participate
10- Number of report versus code of location
- Source human sensor web until 1st august 2010
(35 location 147 event report)
- Criteria of 15 locations
- Safe area
- Near base camp
1110-Sep-10 11-Sep-10 12-Sep-10 13-Sep-10 14-Sep-10 15-Sep-10 16-Sep-10 17-Sep-10 18-Sep-10 19-Sep-10
go to Zanzibar Arrive at Zanzibar get aquaintance with survey area go to first location (loc) 2nd loc 3rd loc 4th loc call actual reporter call actual reporter
make permission letter to L.authority spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen make an appointment for interview make an appointment for interview
refine the plan refine the questionaire input the data to digital call actual reporter make an appointment for interview input the data to digital meet the reporter meet the reporter
20-Sep-10 21-Sep-10 22-Sep-10 23-Sep-10 24-Sep-10 25-Sep-10 26-Sep-10 27-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 29-Sep-10
5th loc 6th loc 7th loc 8th loc 9th loc call actual reporter call actual reporter 10th loc 11th loc 12th loc
spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen make an appointment for interview make an appointment for interview spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen
input the data to digital input the data to digital input the data to digital call actual reporter make an appointment for interview input the data to digital meet the reporter meet the reporter input the data to digital input the data to digital call actual reporter make an appointment for interview
1230-Sep-10 1-Oct-10 2-Oct-10 3-Oct-10 4-Oct-10 5-Oct-10 6-Oct-10 7-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 9-Oct-10
13th loc call actual reporter call actual reporter 14th loc 15th loc check overall data check overall data
spread the questionaire or interview citizen make an appointment for interview make an appointment for interview spread the questionaire or interview citizen spread the questionaire or interview citizen preliminary analysis back up plan to previous location back up plan to previous location Prepare to go to netherland Prepare to go to netherland
input the data to digital meet the reporter meet the reporter input the data to digital input the data to digital
13 14The end