Representing Meaning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Representing Meaning


Semantic analysis is the process of taking in some ... There a lot of different ways to do this that make more or less (or ... on a whale's tail. A stroke ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Representing Meaning

Representing Meaning
  • Lecture 19
  • 13 Sep 2007

Semantic Analysis
  • Semantic analysis is the process of taking in
    some linguistic input and assigning a meaning
    representation to it.
  • There a lot of different ways to do this that
    make more or less (or no) use of syntax
  • Were going to start with the idea that syntax
    does matter
  • The compositional rule-to-rule approach
  • Compositional Semantics
  • Syntax-driven methods of assigning semantics to

Semantic Processing
  • Were going to discuss 2 ways to attack this
    problem (just as we did with parsing)
  • Theres the theoretically motivated correct and
    complete approach
  • Computational/Compositional SemanticsCreate a
    FOL representation that accounts for all the
    entities, roles and relations present in a
  • And there are practical approaches that have some
    hope of being useful and successful.
  • Information extractionDo a superficial analysis
    that pulls out only the entities, relations and
    roles that are of interest to the consuming

Compositional Analysis
  • Principle of Compositionality
  • The meaning of a whole is derived from the
    meanings of the parts
  • What parts?
  • The constituents of the syntactic parse of the
  • What could it mean for a part to have a meaning?

  • Turns out this representation isnt quite as
    useful as it could be.
  • Giving(John, Mary, Book)
  • Better would be one where the roles or cases
    are separated out. E.g., consider
  • Note essentially GiverAgent, GivenTheme,

  • The notion of a predicate just got more
  • In this example, think of the verb/VP providing a
    template like the following
  • The semantics of the NPs and the PPs in the
    sentence plug into the slots provided in the

  • Can have variable number of arguments associated
    with an event events have many roles and fillers
    can be glued on as appear in the input.
  • Specifies categories (e.g., book) so that we can
    make assertions about categories themselves as
    well as their instances. E.g., Isa(MobyDick,
    Novel), AKO(Novel, Book).
  • Reifies events so that they can be quantified and
    related to other events and objects via sets of
    defined relations.
  • Can see logical connections between closely
    related examples without the need for meaning

  • AyCaramba serves meat

Compositional Analysis
Augmented Rules
  • Well accomplish this by attaching semantic
    formation rules to our syntactic CFG rules
  • Abstractly
  • This should be read as the semantics we attach to
    A can be computed from some function applied to
    the semantics of As parts.

  • Easy parts
  • NP -gt PropNoun
  • NP -gt MassNoun
  • PropNoun -gt AyCaramba
  • MassMoun -gt meat
  • Attachments
  • PropNoun.sem
  • MassNoun.sem
  • AyCaramba
  • MEAT

  • S -gt NP VP
  • VP -gt Verb NP
  • Verb -gt serves
  • VP.sem(NP.sem)
  • Verb.sem(NP.sem)
  • ???

Lambda Forms
  • A simple addition to FOPC
  • Take a FOPC sentence with variables in it that
    are to be bound.
  • Allow those variables to be bound by treating the
    lambda form as a function with formal arguments

Syntax/Semantics Interface Two Philosophies
  • Let the syntax do what syntax does well and dont
    expect it to know much about meaning
  • In this approach, the lexical entrys semantic
    attachments do all the work
  • Assume the syntax does know something about
  • Here the grammar gets complicated and the lexicon
    simpler (constructional approach)

  • Mary freebled John the nim.
  • Who has it?
  • Where did he get it from?
  • Why?

  • Consider the attachments for the VPs
  • VP -gt Verb NP NP rule (gave Mary a book)
  • VP -gt Verb NP PP (gave a book to Mary)
  • Assume the meaning representations should be the
    same for both. Under the lexicon-heavy scheme,
    the VP attachments are
  • VP.Sem (NP.Sem, NP.Sem)
  • VP.Sem (NP.Sem, PP.Sem)

  • Under a syntax-heavy scheme we might want to do
    something like
  • VP -gt V NP NP
  • V.sem Recip(NP1.sem)
  • VP -gt V NP PP
  • V.Sem Recip(PP.Sem) Object(NP1.sem)
  • i.e the verb only contributes the predicate, the
    grammar knows the roles.

  • Two basic approaches
  • Integrate semantic analysis into the parser
    (assign meaning representations as constituents
    are completed)
  • Pipeline assign meaning representations to
    complete trees only after theyre completed

Semantic Augmentation to CFG Rules
  • CFG Rules are attached with semantic attachments.
  • These semantic attachments specify how to compute
    the meaning representation of a construction from
    the meanings of its constituent parts.
  • A CFG rule with semantic attachment will be as
  • A ? ?1,,?n f(?j.sem,,?k.sem)
  • The meaning representation of A, A.sem, will be
    calculated by applying the function f to the
    semantic representations of some constituents.

Naïve Approach
  • ProperNoun ? Anarkali Anarkali
  • MassNoun ? meat Meat
  • NP ? ProperNoun ProperNoun.sem
  • NP ? MassNoun MassNoun.sem
  • Verb ? serves ?e,x,y ISA(e,Serving) ?
    Server(e,x) ? Served(e,y)
  • But we cannot propagate this representation to
    upper levels.

Using Lambda Notations
  • ProperNoun ? Anarkali Anarkali
  • MassNoun ? meat Meat
  • NP ? ProperNoun ProperNoun.sem
  • NP ? MassNoun MassNoun.sem
  • Verb ? serves ?x?y ?e ISA(e,Serving) ?
    Server(e,y) ? Served(e,x)
  • VP ? Verb NP Verb.sem(NP.sem)
  • S ? NP VP VP.sem(NP.sem)
  • application of lambda expression lambda

Quasi-Logical Form
  • During semantic analysis, we may use quantified
    expressions as terms. In this case, our formula
    will not be a FOPC formula. We call this form of
    formulas as quasi-logical form.
  • A quasi-logical form should be converted into a
    normal FOPC formula by applying simple syntactic
  • Server(e,lt?x ISA(x,Restaurant)gt) a
    quasi-logical formula
  • ?
  • ?x ISA(x,Restaurant ) ? Server(e,x) a normal
    FOPC formula

Parse Tree with Logical Forms
Pros and Cons
  • If you integrate semantic analysis into the
    parser as it is running
  • You can use semantic constraints to cut off
    parses that make no sense
  • But you assign meaning representations to
    constituents that dont take part in the correct
    (most probable) parse

Complex Terms
  • Allow the compositional system to pass around
    representations like the following as objects
    with parts
  • Complex-Term ? ltQuantifier var bodygt

  • Our restaurant example winds up looking like
  • Big improvement

  • So complex terms wind up being embedded inside
    predicates. So pull them out and redistribute the
    parts in the right way
  • P(ltquantifier, var, bodygt)
  • turns into
  • Quantifier var body connective P(var)

Quantifiers and Connectives
  • If the quantifier is an existential, then the
    connective is an (and)
  • If the quantifier is a universal, then the
    connective is an
  • -gt (implies)

Multiple Complex Terms
  • Note that the conversion technique pulls the
    quantifiers out to the front of the logical form
  • That leads to ambiguity if theres more than one
    complex term in a sentence.

Quantifier Ambiguity
  • Consider
  • Every restaurant has a menu
  • That could mean that
  • every restaurant has a menu
  • Or that
  • Theres some uber-menu out there and all
    restaurants have that menu

Quantifier Scope Ambiguity
  • This turns out to be a lot like the prepositional
    phrase attachment problem
  • The number of possible interpretations goes up
    exponentially with the number of complex terms in
    the sentence
  • The best we can do is to come up with weak
    methods to prefer one interpretation over another

  • Unfortunately, there are lots of examples where
    the meaning (loosely defined) cant be derived
    from the meanings of the parts
  • Idioms, jokes, irony, sarcasm, metaphor,
    metonymy, indirect requests, etc

English Idioms
  • Kick the bucket, buy the farm, bite the bullet,
    run the show, bury the hatchet, etc
  • Lots of these constructions where the meaning of
    the whole is either
  • Totally unrelated to the meanings of the parts
    (kick the bucket)
  • Related in some opaque way (run the show)

The Tip of the Iceberg
  • Describe this construction
  • A fixed phrase with a particular meaning
  • A syntactically and lexically flexible phrase
    with a particular meaning
  • A syntactically and lexically flexible phrase
    with a partially compositional meaning

  • Enron is the tip of the iceberg.
  • NP -gt the tip of the iceberg
  • Not so good attested examples
  • the tip of Mrs. Fords iceberg
  • the tip of a 1000-page iceberg
  • the merest tip of the iceberg
  • How about
  • Thats just the icebergs tip.

  • What we seem to need is something like
  • NP -gt
  • An initial NP with tip as its head followed by
  • a subsequent PP with of as its head and that has
    iceberg as the head of its NP
  • And that allows modifiers like merest, Mrs. Ford,
    and 1000-page to modify the relevant semantic

Quantified Phrases
  • Consider
  • A restaurant serves meat.
  • Assume that A restaurant looks like
  • If we do the normal lambda thing we get

Semantic analysis
  • Goal to form the formal structures from smaller
  • Three approaches
  • Syntax-driven semantic analysis
  • Semantic grammar
  • Information extraction filling templates

Semantic grammar
  • Syntactic parse trees only contain parts that are
    unimportant in semantic processing.
  • Ex Mary wants to go to eat some Italian food
  • Rules in a semantic grammar
  • InfoRequest ?USER want to go to eat FOODTYPE
  • NATIONALITY?Italian/Mexican/.

Semantic grammar (cont)
  • Pros
  • No need for syntactic parsing
  • Focus on relevant info
  • Semantic grammar helps to disambiguate
  • Cons
  • The grammar is domain-specific.

Information extraction
  • The desired knowledge can be described by a
    relatively simple and fixed template.
  • Only a small part of the info in the text is
    relevant for filling the template.
  • No full parsing is needed chunking, NE tagging,
    pattern matching,
  • IE is a big field e.g., MUC. KnowItAll

Summary of semantic analysis
  • Goal to form the formal structures from smaller
  • Three approaches
  • Syntax-driven semantic analysis
  • Semantic grammar
  • Information extraction

Lexical Semantics
  • Traditionally, meaning in language has been
    studied from
  • three perspectives
  • The meaning of a text or discourse
  • The meanings of individual sentences or
  • The meanings of individual words
  • We started in the middle, now well look at the
    meanings of
  • individual words.

Word Meaning
  • We didnt assume much about the meaning of words
  • we talked about sentence meanings
  • Verbs provided a template-like predicate argument
  • Nouns were practically meaningless constants
  • There has be more to it than that
  • The internal structure of words that determines
  • where they can go and what they can do

Whats a word?
  • Words? Types, tokens, stems, roots, inflected
  • Lexeme
  • An entry in a lexicon consisting of a pairing
    of a form with
  • a single meaning representation
  • Lexicon - A collection of lexemes

Lexical Semantics
  • The linguistic study of systematic meaning
    related structure of lexemes is called Lexical
  • A lexeme is an individual entry in the lexicon.
  • A lexicon is meaning structure holding meaning
    relations of lexemes.
  • A lexeme may have different meanings. A lexemes
    meaning component is known as one of its senses.
  • Different senses of the lexeme duck.
  • an animal, to lower the head, ...
  • Different senses of the lexeme yüz
  • face, to swim, to skin, the front of something,
    hundred, ...

Relations Among Lexemes and Their Senses
  • Homonymy
  • Polysemy
  • Snonymy
  • Hyponymy
  • Hypernym

  • Homonymy is a relation that holds between words
    having the same form (pronunciation, spelling)
    with unrelated meanings.
  • Bank -- financial institution, river bank
  • Bat -- (wooden stick-like thing) vs (flying
    scary mammal thing)
  • Fluke
  • A fish, and a flatworm.
  • The end parts of an anchor.
  • The fins on a whale's tail.
  • A stroke of luck.
  • Homograph disambiguation is critically important
    in speech synthesis, natural language processing
    and other fields.

  • Polysemy is the phenomenon of multiple related
    meanings in a same lexeme.
  • Bank -- financial institution, blood bank, a
    synonym for 'rely upon'
  • -- these senses are related.
  • "I'm your friend, you can bank on me"
  • While some banks furnish sperm only to married
    women, others are less restrictive
  • However a river bank is a homonym to 1 and 2, as
    they do not share etymologies. It is a completely
    different meaning
  • Mole - a small burrowing mammal
  • several different entities called moles which
    refer to different things, but their names derive
    from 1.e.g. A Mole (espionage) burrows for
    information hoping to go undetected. .

  • Milk
  • The verb milk (e.g. "he's milking it for all he
    can get") derives from the process of obtaining
  • Lexicographers define polysemes within a single
    dictionary lemma, numbering different meanings,
    while homonyms are treated in separate lemmata.
  • Most non-rare words have multiple meanings
  • The number of meanings is related to its
  • Verbs tend more to polysemy
  • Distinguishing polysemy from homonymy isnt
    always easy
  • (or necessary)

  • Synonymy is the phenomenon of two different
    lexemes having
  • the same meaning.
  • Big and large
  • In fact, one of the senses of two lexemes are
  • There arent any true synonyms.
  • Two lexemes are synonyms if they can be
    successfully substituted
  • for each other in all situations
  • What does successfully mean?
  • Preserves the meaning
  • But may not preserve the acceptability based on
    notions of politeness, slang, ...
  • Example - Big and large?
  • Thats my big sister a big plane
  • Thats my large sister a large plane

Hyponymy and Hypernym
  • Hyponymy one lexeme denotes a subclass of the
    other lexeme.
  • The more specific lexeme is a hyponymy of the
    more general lexeme.
  • The more general lexeme is a hypernym of the more
    specific lexeme.
  • A hyponymy relation can be asserted between two
    lexemes when the meanings of the lexemes entail a
    subset relation
  • Since dogs are canids
  • Dog is a hyponym of canid and
  • Canid is a hypernym of dog
  • Car is a hyponymy of vehicle, vehicle is a
    hypernym of car.

  • The term ontology refers to a set of distinct
    objects resulting from analysis of a domain.
  • A taxonomy is a particular arrangements of the
    elements of an ontology into a
    tree-like class inclusion structure.
  • A lexicon holds different senses of lexemes
    together with other relations among lexemes.

Lexical Resourses
  • There are lots of lexical resources available
  • Word lists
  • On-line dictionaries
  • Corpora
  • The most ambitious one is WordNet
  • A database of lexical relations for English
  • Versions for other languages are under development

  • WordNet is widely used lexical database for
  • WebPage http//
  • It holds
  • The senses of the lexemes
  • holds relations among nouns such as hypernym,
    hyponym, MemberOf, ..
  • Holds relations among verbs such as hypernym,
  • Relations are held for each different senses of a

WordNet Relations
  • Some of WordNet Relations (for nouns)

WordNet Hierarchies
  • Hyponymy chains for the senses of the lexeme bass

WordNet - bass
  • The noun "bass" has 8 senses in WordNet.1. bass
    -- (the lowest part of the musical range)2.
    bass, bass part -- (the lowest part in polyphonic
    music)3. bass, basso -- (an adult male singer
    with the lowest voice)4. sea bass, bass -- (the
    lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family
    Serranidae)5. freshwater bass, bass -- (any of
    various North American freshwater fish with lean
    flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus))6.
    bass, bass voice, basso -- (the lowest adult male
    singing voice)7. bass -- (the member with the
    lowest range of a family of musical
    instruments)8. bass -- (nontechnical name for
    any of numerous edible marine and freshwater
    spiny-finned fishes)
  • The adjective "bass" has 1 sense in WordNet.1.
    bass, deep -- (having or denoting a low vocal or
    instrumental range "a deep voice" "a bass voice
    is lower than a baritone voice" "a bass

WordNet bass Hyponyms
  • Results for "Hyponyms ( a kind of this),
    full" search of noun "bass"6 of 8 senses of bass 
    Sense 2bass, bass part -- (the lowest part in po
    lyphonic music)       gt ground bass -- (a short 
    melody in the bass that is constantly repeated)  
         gt thorough bass, basso continuo -- (a bass p
    art written out in full and accompanied by figures
     for successive chords)       gt figured bass -- 
    (a bass part in which the notes have numbers under
     them to indicate the chords to be played)Sense 4
    sea bass, bass -- (the lean flesh of a saltwater 
    fish of the family Serranidae)       gt striped b
    ass, striper -- (caught along the Atlantic coast o
    f the United States)Sense 5freshwater bass, bass
     -- (any of various North American freshwater fish
     with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropte
    rus))       gt largemouth bass -- (flesh of large
    mouth bass)       gt smallmouth bass -- (flesh of
     smallmouth bass)Sense 6bass, bass voice, basso 
    -- (the lowest adult male singing voice)       gt
     basso profundo -- (a very deep bass voice)Sense 
    7bass -- (the member with the lowest range of a f
    amily of musical instruments)       gt bass fiddl
    e, bass viol, bull fiddle, double bass, contrabass
    , string bass -- (largest and lowest member of the
     violin family)       gt bass guitar -- (the lowe
    st six-stringed guitar)       gt bass horn, sousa
    phone, tuba -- (the lowest brass wind instrument)
               gt euphonium -- (a bass horn (brass win
    d instrument) that is the tenor of the tuba family
    )           gt helicon, bombardon -- (a tuba that
     coils over the shoulder of the musician)       
    gt bombardon, bombard -- (a large shawm the bass m
    ember of the shawm family)Sense 8bass -- (nontec
    hnical name for any of numerous edible marine and 
    freshwater spiny-finned fishes)       gt freshwat
    er bass -- (North American food and game fish)

WordNet bass Synonyms
  • Results for "Synonyms, ordered by estimated
    frequency" search of noun "bass"8 senses of bass 
         Sense 1bass -- (the lowest part of the musi
    cal range)       gt low pitch, low frequency -- (
    a pitch that is perceived as below other pitches)
    Sense 2bass, bass part -- (the lowest part in pol
    yphonic music)       gt part, voice -- (the melod
    y carried by a particular voice or instrument in p
    olyphonic music "he tried to sing the tenor part"
    )Sense 3bass, basso -- (an adult male singer wit
    h the lowest voice)       gt singer, vocalist, vo
    calizer, vocaliser -- (a person who sings)Sense 4
    sea bass, bass -- (the lean flesh of a saltwater 
    fish of the family Serranidae)       gt saltwater
     fish -- (flesh of fish from the sea used as food)
    Sense 5freshwater bass, bass -- (any of various 
    North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (es
    pecially of the genus Micropterus))       gt fres
    hwater fish -- (flesh of fish from fresh water use
    d as food)Sense 6bass, bass voice, basso -- (the
     lowest adult male singing voice)       gt singin
    g voice -- (the musical quality of the voice while
     singing)Sense 7bass -- (the member with the low
    est range of a family of musical instruments)    
       gt musical instrument, instrument -- (any of va
    rious devices or contrivances that can be used to 
    produce musical tones or sounds)Sense 8bass -- (
    nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marin
    e and freshwater spiny-finned fishes)       gt pe
    rcoid fish, percoid, percoidean -- (any of numerou
    s spiny-finned fishes of the order Perciformes)

Internal Structure of Words
  • Paradigmatic relations connect lexemes together
    in particular ways
  • but dont say anything about what the meaning
    representation of
  • a particular lexeme should consist of.
  • Various approaches have been followed to describe
  • the semantics of lexemes.
  • Thematic roles in predicate-bearing lexemes
  • Selection restrictions on thematic roles
  • Decompositional semantics of predicates
  • Feature-structures for nouns

Thematic Roles
  • Thematic roles provide a shallow semantic
    language for characterizing certain arguments of
  • For example
  • Ali broke the glass.
  • Veli opened the door.
  • Ali is Breaker and the glass is BrokenThing of
    Breaking event
  • Veli is Opener and the door is OpenedThing of
    Opening event.
  • These are deep roles of arguments of events.
  • Both of these events have actors which are doer
    of a volitional event, and things affected by
    this action.
  • A thematic role is a way of expressing this kind
    of commonality.
  • AGENT and THEME are thematic roles.

Some Thematic Roles
  • AGENT --The volitional causer of an event -- She
    broke the door
  • EXPERIENCER -- The experiencer of an event -- Ali
    has a headache.
  • FORCE -- The non-volitional causer of an event --
    The wind blows it.
  • THEME -- The participant most directly effected
    by an event --
  • She broke the door.
  • INSTRUMENT -- An instrument used in an event --
  • He opened it with a knife.
  • BENEFICIARY -- A beneficiary of an event -- I
    bought it for her.
  • SOURCE -- The origin of the object of a transfer
    event --
  • I flew from Rome.
  • GOAL -- The destination of the object of a
    transfer event --
  • I flew to Ankara.

Thematic Roles (cont.)
  • Takes some of the work away from the verbs.
  • Its not the case that every verb is unique and
    has to completely specify how all of its
    arguments uniquely behave.
  • Provides a mechanism to organize semantic
  • It permits us to distinguish near surface-level
  • from deeper semantics

  • Thematic roles, syntactic categories and their
    positions in larger syntactic structures are all
    intertwined in complicated ways.
  • For example
  • AGENTS are often subjects
  • In a VP-gtV NP NP rule, the first NP is often a
  • and the second a THEME

Deeper Semantics
  • He melted her reserve with a husky-voiced paean
    to her eyes.
  • If we label the constituents He and her reserve
    as the Melter and Melted, then those labels lose
    any meaning they might have had.
  • If we make them Agent and Theme then we dont
    have the same problems

Selectional Restrictions
  • A selectional restriction augments thematic roles
    by allowing lexemes to place certain semantic
    restrictions on the lexemes and phrases can
    accompany them in a sentence.
  • I want to eat someplace near Bilkent.
  • Now we can say that eat is a predicate that has
    an AGENT and a THEME
  • And that the AGENT must be capable of eating and
    the THEME must be capable of
  • being eaten
  • Each sense of a verb can be associated with
    selectional restrictions.
  • THY serves NewYork. -- direct object (theme) is
    a place
  • THY serves breakfast. -- direct object (theme) is
    a meal.
  • We may use these selectional restrictions to
    disambiguate a sentence.

As Logical Statements
  • For eat
  • Eating(e) Agent(e,x) Theme(e,y)Isa(y, Food)
  • (adding in all the right quantifiers and lambdas)

  • Use WordNet hyponyms (type) to encode the
    selection restrictions

Specificity of Restrictions
  • What can you say about THEME in each with respect
    to the verb?
  • Some will be high up in the WordNet hierarchy,
    others not so high
  • Unfortunately, verbs are polysemous and language
    is creative
  • ate glass on an empty stomach accompanied only
    by water
  • and tea
  • you cant eat gold for lunch if youre hungry
  • get it to try to eat Afghanistan

Discovering the Restrictions
  • Instead of hand-coding the restrictions for each
  • can we discover a verbs restrictions by using a
    corpus and WordNet?
  • Parse sentences and find heads
  • Label the thematic roles
  • Collect statistics on the co-occurrence of
    particular headwords with particular thematic
  • Use the WordNet hypernym structure to find the
    most meaningful level to use as a restriction

  • Find the lowest (most specific) common ancestor
    that covers a significant number of the examples

Word-Sense Disambiguation
  • Word sense disambiguation refers to the process
    of selecting
  • the right sense for a word from among the senses
    that the word is known to have
  • Semantic selection restrictions can be used to
  • Ambiguous arguments to unambiguous predicates
  • Ambiguous predicates with unambiguous arguments
  • Ambiguity all around

Word-Sense Disambiguation
  • We can use selectional restrictions for
  • He cooked simple dishes.
  • He broke the dishes.
  • But sometimes, selectional restrictions will not
    be enough to disambiguate.
  • What kind of dishes do you recommend? -- we
    cannot know what sense is used.
  • There can be two lexemes (or more) with multiple
  • They serve vegetarian dishes.
  • Selectional restrictions may block the finding of
  • If you want to kill Turkey, eat its banks.
  • Kafayi yedim.
  • These situations leave the system with no
    possible meanings, and they can indicate a

WSD and Selection Restrictions
  • Ambiguous arguments
  • Prepare a dish
  • Wash a dish
  • Ambiguous predicates
  • Serve Denver
  • Serve breakfast
  • Both
  • Serves vegetarian dishes

WSD and Selection Restrictions
  • This approach is complementary to the
    compositional analysis approach.
  • You need a parse tree and some form of
    predicate-argument analysis derived from
  • The tree and its attachments
  • All the word senses coming up from the lexemes at
    the leaves of the tree
  • Ill-formed analyses are eliminated by noting any
    selection restriction violations

  • As we saw last time, selection restrictions are
    violated all the time.
  • This doesnt mean that the sentences are
    ill-formed or preferred less than others.
  • This approach needs some way of categorizing and
    dealing with the various ways that restrictions
    can be violated

WSD Tags
  • Whats a tag?
  • A dictionary sense?
  • For example, for WordNet an instance of bass in
    a text has 8 possible tags or labels (bass1
    through bass8).

WordNet Bass
  • The noun bass'' has 8 senses in WordNet
  • bass - (the lowest part of the musical range)
  • bass, bass part - (the lowest part in polyphonic
  • bass, basso - (an adult male singer with the
    lowest voice)
  • sea bass, bass - (flesh of lean-fleshed saltwater
    fish of the family Serranidae)
  • freshwater bass, bass - (any of various North
    American lean-fleshed freshwater fishes
    especially of the genus Micropterus)
  • bass, bass voice, basso - (the lowest adult male
    singing voice)
  • bass - (the member with the lowest range of a
    family of musical instruments)
  • bass -(nontechnical name for any of numerous
    edible marine and
  • freshwater spiny-finned fishes)

  • Most supervised ML approaches require a very
    simple representation for the input training
  • Vectors of sets of feature/value pairs
  • I.e. files of comma-separated values
  • So our first task is to extract training data
    from a corpus with respect to a particular
    instance of a target word
  • This typically consists of a characterization of
    the window of text surrounding the target

  • This is where ML and NLP intersect
  • If you stick to trivial surface features that are
    easy to extract from a text, then most of the
    work is in the ML system
  • If you decide to use features that require more
    analysis (say parse trees) then the ML part may
    be doing less work (relatively) if these features
    are truly informative

Surface Representations
  • Collocational and co-occurrence information
  • Collocational
  • Encode features about the words that appear in
    specific positions to the right and left of the
    target word
  • Often limited to the words themselves as well as
    theyre part of speech
  • Co-occurrence
  • Features characterizing the words that occur
    anywhere in the window regardless of position
  • Typically limited to frequency counts

  • Position-specific information about the words in
    the window
  • guitar and bass player stand
  • guitar, NN, and, CJC, player, NN, stand, VVB
  • In other words, a vector consisting of
  • position n word, position n part-of-speech

  • Information about the words that occur within the
  • First derive a set of terms to place in the
  • Then note how often each of those terms occurs in
    a given window.

  • Once we cast the WSD problem as a classification
    problem, then all sorts of techniques are
  • Naïve Bayes (the right thing to try first)
  • Decision lists
  • Decision trees
  • Neural nets
  • Support vector machines
  • Nearest neighbor methods

  • The choice of technique, in part, depends on the
    set of features that have been used
  • Some techniques work better/worse with features
    with numerical values
  • Some techniques work better/worse with features
    that have large numbers of possible values
  • For example, the feature the word to the left has
    a fairly large number of possible values

Statistical Word-Sense Disambiguation
Where s is a vector of senses, V is the vector
representation of the input
By Bayesian rule
By making independence assumption of meanings.
This means that the result is the product of the
probabilities of its individual features given
that its sense
  • Given these general ML approaches, how many
    classifiers do I need to perform WSD robustly
  • One for each ambiguous word in the language
  • How do you decide what set of tags/labels/senses
    to use for a given word?
  • Depends on the application

Examples from RussellNorvig (1)
  • 7.2. p.213
  • Not all students take both History and Biology.
  • Only one student failed History.
  • Only one student failed both History and Biology.
  • The best history in History was better than the
    best score in Biology.
  • Every person who dislikes all vegetarians is
  • No person likes a smart vegetarian.
  • There is a woman who likes all men who are
  • There is a barber who shaves all men in town who
    don't shave themselves.
  • No person likes a professor unless a professor is
  • Politicians can fool some people all of the time
    or all people some of the time but they cannot
    fool all people all of the time.

Categories Events
  • Categories
  • VegetarianRestaurant (Joes) categories are
    relations and not objects
  • MostPopular(Joes,VegetarianRestaurant) not
  • ISA (Joes,VegetarianRestaurant) reification
    (turn all concepts into objects)
  • AKO (VegetarianRestaurant,Restaurant)
  • Events
  • Reservation (Hearer,Joes,Today,8PM,2)
  • Problems
  • Determining the correct number of roles
  • Representing facts about the roles associated
    with an event
  • Ensuring that all the correct inferences can be
  • Ensuring that no incorrect inferences can be drawn

MUC-4 Example
Subcategorization frames
  • I ate
  • I ate a turkey sandwich
  • I ate a turkey sandwich at my desk
  • I ate at my desk
  • I ate lunch
  • I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch
  • I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch at my desk
  • - no fixed arity (problem for FOPC)

One possible solution
  • Eating1 (Speaker)
  • Eating2 (Speaker, TurkeySandwich)
  • Eating3 (Speaker, TurkeySandwich, Desk)
  • Eating4 (Speaker, Desk)
  • Eating5 (Speaker, Lunch)
  • Eating6 (Speaker, TurkeySandwich, Lunch)
  • Eating7 (Speaker, TurkeySandwich, Lunch, Desk)
  • Meaning postulates are used to tie semantics of
    predicates ? w,x,y,z Eating7(w,x,y,z) ?
  • Scalability issues again!

Another solution
  • - Say that everything is a special case of
    Eating7 with some arguments unspecified
  • ?w,x,y Eating (Speaker,w,x,y)
  • - Two problems again
  • Too many commitments (e.g., no eating except at
    meals lunch, dinner, etc.)
  • No way to individuate events ?w,x Eating
    (Speaker,w,x,Desk) ?w,y Eating
    (Speaker,w,Lunch,y) cannot combine into ?w
    Eating (Speaker,w,Lunch,Desk)

  • ? w Isa(w,Eating) ? Eater(w,Speaker) ?
    Eaten(w,TurkeySandwich) equivalent to sentence
  • Reification
  • No need to specify fixed number of arguments for
    a given surface predicate
  • No more roles are postulated than mentioned in
    the input
  • No need for meaning postulates to specify logical
    connections among closely related examples

Representing time
  • I arrived in New York
  • I am arriving in New York
  • I will arrive in New York
  • ? w Isa(w,Arriving) ? Arriver(w,Speaker) ?

Representing time
  • ? i,e,w,t Isa(w,Arriving) ? Arriver(w,Speaker) ?
    Destination(w,NewYork) ? IntervalOf(w,i) ?
    EndPoint(I,e) ? Precedes (e,Now)
  • ? i,e,w,t Isa(w,Arriving) ? Arriver(w,Speaker) ?
    Destination(w,NewYork) ? IntervalOf(w,i) ?
  • ? i,e,w,t Isa(w,Arriving) ? Arriver(w,Speaker) ?
    Destination(w,NewYork) ? IntervalOf(w,i) ?
    StartPoint(i,s) ? Precedes (Now,s)

Representing time
  • We fly from San Francisco to Boston at 10.
  • Flight 1390 will be at the gate an hour now.
  • Use of tenses
  • Flight 1902 arrived late.
  • Flight 1902 had arrived late.
  • similar tenses
  • When Marys flight departed, I ate lunch
  • When Marys flight departed, I had eaten lunch
  • reference point

  • Stative I know my departure gate
  • Activity John is flyingno particular end point
  • Accomplishment Sally booked her flightnatural
    end point and result in a particular state
  • Achievement She found her gate
  • Figuring out statives I am needing the
    cheapest fare. I am wanting to go today. Need
    the cheapest fare!

Representing beliefs
  • Want, believe, imagine, know - all introduce
    hypothetical worlds
  • I believe that Mary ate British food.
  • Reified example
  • ? u,v Isa(u,Believing) ? Isa(v,Eating) ?
    Believer (u,Speaker) ? BelievedProp(u,v) ?
    Eater(v,Mary) ? Eaten(v,BritishFood)
  • However this implies also
  • ? u,v Isa(v,Eating) ? Eater(v,Mary) ?
  • Modal operators
  • Believing(Speaker,Eating(Mary,BritishFood)) -
    not FOPC! predicates in FOPC hold between
    objects, not between relations.
  • Believes(Speaker, ? v ISA(v,Eating) ?
    Eater(v,Mary) ? Eaten(v,BritishFood))

Modal operators
  • Beliefs
  • Knowledge
  • Assertions
  • Issues If you are interested in baseball, the
    Red Sox are playing tonight.

Examples from RussellNorvig (2)
  • 7.3. p.214
  • One more outburst like that and you'll be in
    comptempt of court.
  • Annie Hall is on TV tonight if you are
  • Either the Red Sox win or I am out ten dollars.
  • The special this morning is ham and eggs.
  • Maybe I will come to the party and maybe I won't.
  • Well, I like Sandy and I don't like Sandy.
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