Chapter 6 Words and Meaning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 Words and Meaning


Chapter 6 Words and Meaning Language and Culture Expressions of Affect In Korean, love is not expressed as openly, as warmly, or as freely as in the United States. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 6 Words and Meaning

Chapter 6Words and Meaning
  • Language and Culture

  • Language is so fundamental to our being that it
    is hardly possible to image life without it. It
    is so tightly woven into our human experience
    that anywhere on earth where two or more people
    gather together they likely will be communicating
    in some way.
  • A different language is a different view of life.

Chapter 6 Language Culture
  • Language is the primary means of interactions
    between people. Speakers use language to convey
    their thoughts, feelings, intentions, and desires
    to others. Language links interlocutors in a
    dynamic, reflexive process. We learn about people
    through what they say and how they say it we
    learn about ourselves through the ways that other
    people react to what we say and we learn about
    our relationships with others through the
    give-and-take of communicative interactions--Bonvi

  • Language is distinctly human it is a faculty
    that separates us from other species of animals.
  • the gift of language is the single human trait
    that makes us unique, setting us apart from the
    rest of life. Language is like nest building or
    hive making, the universal and biologically
    specific activity of human beings. We engange in
    it communally, compulsively, and automatically.
    We cannot be human without it if we were to be
    separated from it our minds would die, as surely
    as bees lost from the hive.

  • Do Animals have language? Do they communicate?
    What kind of communication do they have, if any?
    How is it different from human language and

  • Language is important to human activity because
    it is the means by which we reach out to make
    contact with others.
  • Because of your ability to use language, you can
    reliably cause precise new combinations of ideas
    to arise in each others minds
  • "In nature's talent show we are simply a species
    of primate with our own act, a knack for
    communicating information about who did what to
    whom by modulating the sounds we make when we

Communicative Functions of Language
  • Language functions to facilitate affective
    expression, thought, social interaction, the
    control of reality, the maintenance of history,
    and the expression of identity.
  • Language also permits you to pool knowledge and
    to communicate with others who are beyond the
    reach of your voice in space and time so that you
    need not rediscover what other have already

Language has 3 main functions
  • From a cultural perspective, it is the primary
    means of preserving culture and is the medium of
    transmitting culture to new generations.
  • It helps establish and preserve community by
    "linking individuals into communities of shared
  • At the societal level, it is important to all
    aspects of human interaction because it "often
    relates to political goals."

  • Conversation provides you with the means of
    conducting human affairs.
  • It is largely through conversation that we are
    socialized, through which institutional
    organizations such as the economy and the polity
    are managed, and through which we manage our
    ordinary social lives.
  • Conversation is the basis for many of the
    fundamental functions of language.

Expression of Affect
  • Language allows you to express outwardly your
    internal affective states (feelings).
  • Might be a simple statement or loud cursing
    could be voicing personal happiness or sorrow.

  • Humans are both visual and verbal thinkers.
  • Verbal thinking is very important because
    language functions as an instrument of thought
    when you speak out loud as an aid to problem
    solving or thinking.

Control of Reality
  • Prayers or blessings invoking supernatural
    beliefs use language to try and control the
    various forces that are believed to control or
    influence ones life.
  • Catholic Mass uses this a lot.

Keeping of History
  • Language is the archives of history.
  • Language is used to record past events and
    achievements historical records, geographical
    surveys, business accounts, scientific reports,
    legislative acts, and public-record databases.

Socialization and Enculturation
  • Socialization and enculturation involve the
    experiences in which children participate so that
    they will eventually become productive and
    responsible adults.
  • Language is the primary means of instructing kids
    of culturally acceptable practices and behaviors
    for social interaction, in the appropriate
    relationships to the physical environment, and to
    the sensed but unseen supernatural.

Expression of Identity
  • Language is the mechanism through which much of
    your culturally based individual and group
    identities are constructed.
  • Identities do not exist until they are enacted
    through language.

  • Cheering at a football game, reciting a national
    hymn, or shouting names or slogans at public
    meetings can both reinforce your group
    identification and reveal a great deal about you.
  • The way people talk can reveal a great deal about
    their social position and/or level of education
    (Japanese High School Students).

Language and Culture
  • "Cultural premises and rules about speaking are
    intricately tied up with cultural conceptions of
    persons, agency, and social relations" (p. 168).
  • "There is no doubt, however, that there is a
    correlation between the form and content of a
    language and the beliefs, values, and needs
    present in the culture of its speakers" (p. 169).

  • Language and culture have the power to maintain
    national or cultural identity.
  • Many countries have taken steps to prevent
    linguistic soiling.
  • Costa Rica, Turkey, Iran, France

  • Languages DO acquire words from other languages
  • Many languages have acquired Native American
    words for objects avocado, chocolate, coyote,
    sequoia, caribou, chipmunk, Chinook, and tomato.

Verbal Processes
  • It is impossible to separate language from
  • Language is a set of characters or elements and
    rules for their use in relation to one another.
  • These characters or elements are language symbols
    that are culturally diverse they differ from
    one culture to another.

  • Not only are the words and sounds for those
    symbols different, but so are the rules for using
  • Phonology the number and tonal qualities of
    speech sounds is also culturally diverse.

Phonology of various Languages
  • English 38 sounds (21 consonants, 5 vowels)
  • Filipino 26 sounds (16 consonants, 10 vowels)
  • Mandarin - ????

Grammar of Various Languages
  • English singular and plural nouns and pronouns.
  • Korean distinction between singular and plural
    is made by the context of the sentence.

  • English Verb tenses express past, present, and
  • Vietnamese Same verb does all 3 specific time
    is inferred from the context.

Syntax of Various Languages
  • English S V (The teacher died.)
  • Filipino V S (Died the teacher.)
  • Japanese V at end (Watashi wa Tokyo ni
    ikimashita I Tokyo went to.)
  • English Possessive uses
  • Spanish casa de Rosa Maria (needs de)

English and German
  • English verbs come after subject
  • I should go to the party.
  • German Modal verbs come first and force other
    verbs to the end of the sentence.
  • Ich soll zur Partei gehen. (I should to the Party

Word and Pronunciation Diversity
  • Language does more than just reflect culture it
    is the way in which the individual is introduced
    to the order of the physical and social
  • Language seems to have a major impact on the way
    in which the individual perceives and
    conceptualizes the world.

American vs. British English
  • Yes, it is a pity that Ians in queer street.
  • Too much hire purchase was the problem, wasnt
  • Yes, and too many purchases of bespoke clothes
    and other things.
  • And now his personal and business current
    accounts are badly overdrawn?
  • Precisely. Hes been forced to retain a
    solicitor, and his position as a commercial
    traveler is in jeopardy.
  • Ian has gotten into debt over his inability to
    pay, and he has had to hire a lawyer to try to
    get him out of his adverse circumstances.

Translation errors
  • In a Japanese hotel You are invited to take
    advantage of the chambermaid.
  • Outside a Paris dress shop Dresses for street
  • In a Rome Laundromat Ladies, leave your clothes
    here and spend the afternoon having a good time.

(No Transcript)
Pronunciation diversity
  • Why are Australians always happy when their
    mothers die?
  • They always say Mothers die with a smile on
    their face.

Language, Culture, and Meaning
  • It is common to ask What does that word mean?
  • In fact, most meanings are not inherent in words
    they are internal (held inside our heads) Words
    bring those meanings to awareness as required.

  • Words can have many different meanings depending
    on your background and culture.
  • The word cool can mean something related to
    weather for one person and something trendy,
    nice, and with it for another person.

  • Every person draws on his/her unique background
    to decide the meaning of words.
  • People can only use similar meanings of words if
    they have had similar experiences.
  • A cancer patient, a relative of a cancer patient,
    and a doctor all have different meanings for

  • Words can have many different meanings.
  • The 500 most common words in English have about
    14,000 meanings.
  • Cat animal, jazz musician, type of tractor,
    type of fish, kind of sailboat, or a kind of
  • In America, words can change because of simple
    borders or even rivers.
  • Which words are different between Taiwanese
    Mandarin and Chinese Mandarin? How about Chinese
    English and American English?

  • There are more ideas, feelings, and things to
    represent than there are words to represent them,
    so we must use our personal background and
    experiences to get meaning from the words we

Culture and meaning
  • If culture is included as a variable in the
    process of deciding meaning, then the problem
    becomes bigger.
  • Culture teaches us both the symbol (dog) and what
    the symbol represents (a furry, four-legged,
    domesticated animal).

  • Intracultural communication tends to be very
    easy, because you have the same background and
  • Intercultural communication often becomes
    difficult as speakers attempt to establish common
    meanings for words.

  • It becomes even more complicated when you throw
    in words (in different languages) for abstract
  • What does freedom mean? Love? Wealth? Nature?
    Leadership? Democracy? Security? Not only do
    cultures have different words, but also varying
    ideas about what these things are.

Word differences
  • The Sami have many words for snow and reindeer,
    because they are so important to Sami culture.
    They have no words for computer, printer, or hard

  • One word for snow means where reindeer have been
    digging and eating in one place and left, so its
    no use to go there.

American vs. British English Words
  • British English boot, bonnet, lift, and biscuit
  • American English Car trunk, car hood, elevator,
    and cookie.
  • The British billion is the American million.

Language and Thought
  • Just as verbal behavior differs from one culture
    to another, thought processes and perceptions of
    reality also differ.
  • How people think and speak is ultimately
    determined largely by their culture. We call this
    Linguistic Relativity.

Linguistic Relativity
  • Benjamin Lee Whorf Language and thought are so
    intertwined that ones language determines the
    categories of thought open to him or her.
  • We cut up and organize the spread and flow of
    events as we do largely because, through our
    mother tongue, we are parties to an agreement to
    do so, not because nature itself is segmented in
    exactly that way for all to see.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
  • Language is not simply a means of reporting
    experience rather, it is also a way of defining
  • Linguistic relativity is the degree to which
    language influences human thought and meanings.
    It proposes that in human though language
    intervenes between the symbols and the ideas to
    which the symbols refer.

  • In Hindi, there are no single words for aunt or
    uncle. Rather, there are different words for
    Fathers older brother, fathers younger brother,
    wifes older brother, etc.
  • Similar to Mandarin
  • http//

  • In Navajo, it is important to express both the
    nature and direction of movement.
  • English One dresses.
  • Navajo One moves into clothing.
  • English One is young.
  • Navajo One moves about newly.

English vs. Navajo
  • English I must go there.
  • Navajo It is only good that I shall go there.
  • English I make the horse run.
  • Navajo The horse is running for me.

English vs. Navajo
  • English and Navajo express different concepts
    presupposing peoples (and other animate beings)
    rights to individual autonomy.
  • English and Navajo vocabulary differs for having
    to do things or being compelled to do things.

English vs. Navajo
  • English has many words that express coercion
    cause, force, make, compel, order, must, have to,
    ought to.
  • Navajo has no such words. They say it is only
    good that I shall go there.
  • Whereas English readily expresses the idea that
    a person has a right to impose her or his will on
    another animate being, Navajo again does not
    express direct compulsion.

  • There is the closest of relationships between
    language and thought Language may not determine
    the way we think, but it does influence the way
    we perceive and remember, and it affects the ease
    with which we perform mental tasks."

  • Contextualization refers to how you create sense
    from fragmentary images of your environment by
    combining them to develop a larger mental image.
  • Group the words seagull, sky, dog
  • Group the words pen, notebook, magazine

Culture and Rules of Interaction
  • Human languages frequently seem to be the only
    communication system that combines apparently
    meaningless elements (words) to create meaningful
    structures (sentences and ideas).
  • Nothing more clearly distinguishes one culture
    from another than its language.

The broken vending machine sign
  • United Kingdom Please Understand this Machine
    does not taken 10p Coins.
  • America NO 10p COINS!
  • Japan Would express regret at the inability to
    accept 10p coins and offer apologies to the

  • The rules seem arbitrary and nonsensical to
    nonnative speakers, but the rules make perfect
    sense and seem more logical to native speakers.
  • Four characteristics (1) directness and
    indirectness, (2) Maintenance of social customs
    and relationships, (3) expression of affect, and
    (4) value of talk.

Rules of Interaction
  • Directness
  • American (directness) vs. Chinese (indirectness)
  • Maintaining social relationships
  • Japanese, social status, gender difference
  • Expressions of affect
  • Word choice
  • Value of conversation.
  • Throughout Africa, the spoken word rather than
    the written word is generally the foremost means
    of communication.

Directness and Indirectness
  • Most Americans use direct language. They are not
    reserved or shy. We try to avoid ambiguity and
    vagueness and get to the point.
  • Asians prefer indirection language they try to
    preserve dignity, feelings, and face.

American vs. Chinese insults
  • Americans prefer a direct assault they want an
    immediate effect.
  • Chinese prefer indirect insults they want a
    corrosive effect. The most powerful insult would
    mean that the person would not be able to fall
    asleep later because he/she is still thinking
    about the words.

Maintaining Social Relationships
  • Some languages have formal and informal pronouns
    or verb structures (Spanish, German, etc).
  • The structure of the Japanese language emphasizes
    a focus on human relationships.
  • Western languages tend to focus on objects and
    their logical relationships.

Japanese formality
  • ????????
  • ? at the beginning of a word means something like
    I'm expressing respect while speaking this
  • hayai ?? can become hayoo (??). This
    transformation expresses further respect for the
    phrase being spoken.

  • "O ha yo o" (???) means early with double
  • "gozaru" (???) means something like "is" with a
    side-message of and by the way, I recognize that
    you are superior to me.
  • some verbs ending in ru (?) can be transformed
    to end in "imasu" (???) to convey respect.
  • "gozaru" (???) can become "gozaimasu"
    (?????), meaning is with a side-message of and
    by the way, I recognize that you are superior,
    and am conveying respect.

  • So "good morning", in Japanese is "Ohayoo
    Gozaimasu" (????????), meaning "it is early" with
    3 side orders of respect and a dose of humility.
  • The very structure of Japanese dictates that you
    emphasize these relationships very different
    from Western languages!

  • The Thai language also has separate vocabularies
    and structures for addressing people of different
  • There are at least 47 pronouns, including 17
    forms for I and 19 forms of you.
  • There are at least 4 distinct Thai languages The
    Royal, the ecclesiastic, the Common, and slang.

Gender and Language
  • Some languages have different forms for men and
  • In Japanese, women use the joseino or onnakotoba
    style when they wish to emphasize their
    femininity. At other times, they use a sexually
    neutral style.

  • Mexican culture has a lot of male authority, so
    there are different forms in Spanish.
  • A group of men would be ellos a group of women
    would be ellas. If a group has many men and
    women, it is still ellos, emphasizing that there
    are men in the group.
  • If there were a bunch of girls (niñas) and 1 boy
    (niño), the group would still be called niños.

Expressions of Affect
  • In Korean, love is not expressed as openly, as
    warmly, or as freely as in the United States.
  • British English uses many euphemisms which allows
    the speakers to disagree without being rude.

  • One might say, I may be wrong here, but
  • There are differences between British and
    American English
  • U.S. No dogs allowed.
  • England We regret that in the interest of
    hygiene, dogs are not allowed on the premises.
  • U.S. Please keep hands off door.
  • England Obstructing the door causes delay and
    can be dangerous.

  • When Americans get angry, they tend to raise
    their voice in order to show their anger.
  • In Navajo, you use enclitics (special grammatical
    structures) to show anger.

Value of Conversation
  • Many cultures derive a great deal of pleasure
    from conversation.
  • In Africa (and other tribal cultures), oral
    communication is more important than writing

  • Arabs believe that Arabic is Gods language and
    treat it with great admiration and respect they
    love it dearly.
  • Greeks have a long tradition of rhetoric and
    great use of language.
  • Mexicans enjoy wordplay and verbal jokes/puns.

Language Diversity in the U.S.
  • The inability to speak the language of the
    community in which one lives is the first step
    towards misunderstanding, for prejudice thrives
    on lack of communication.
  • Many in America wish to make English the
    Official Language of the U.S.

  • All cultures and co-cultures have special
    experiences that frame usage and meaning.
  • Many African Americans speak a particular
    language style called African-American vernacular
    English. (p. 185)

Women and Communication
  • Womens communication patterns and practices
    differ in form and substance from those of men.
  • Women communicate in order to foster connections,
    support, closeness, and understanding.
  • Men communicate to exert control, preserve
    independence, and enhance status.

Diverse message systems
  • When interacting with people from other cultures,
    you should attempt to learn some phrases of their
  • It is important to understand cultural variations
    in the use of language.

  • Idioms are groups of words which, when used
    together, have a different meaning from the
    meaning the words have individually.
  • When speaking with someone for whom English is a
    second language, try to seek clarity and avoid
    the use of idioms, ambiguous words, culturally
    based expressions, or cultural insensitivity.

  • What can men and women in the U.S. or in Taiwan
    do to communicate better with one another?
  • What cultural factors determine the manner in
    which affect is displayed orally? Is this more
    likely in the U.S. or in Taiwan?
  • Are there any problems with language diversity in

Spanglish Homework
  • How do the characters in the film communicate?
    What problems are there (pay attention to topics
    in Chapter 6).
  • Think back to Chapter 4 Identities. How does
    Flors cultural identity affect her daughter?
    What kind of cultural identity does her daughter

Spanglish Homework (2)
  • In Chapter 5, we talked about beliefs, values,
    and dominant U.S. Cultural patterns. What are the
    beliefs, values, and dominant cultural patterns
    for the Claskys? How about for Flor and
    Christina? Whats different between the families?
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