Title: Hypermedia Research Work
1Hypermedia Research Work
- Designing Web-based applications with Object
Oriented Hypermedia Design Method - OOHDM
- Introduction
- OOHDM Methodology
- Web Design Patterns
- Web Design Frameworks
- Conclusions
- HDM was released in 1993
- OOHDM was released in 1995
- Not evidence of success
- UML 1.0 appeared in 1997
- OOHDM enriched with new versions and add-ins
- New approaches Design Patterns and Frameworks
4OOHDM Methodology
- An extension of the Unified Process
- Targets
- Systematize the process
- Minimize complexity
- Increase reusability
- Use of design tools
- Engineer dream Automatic implementation
5A sample application
- A web-based virtual CD store where users can
- Browse CDs by author, subject or relationship
- Add CDs to the shopping cart
- Order the purchase
6Requirements Gathering
- Capturing and specifying the functional
requirements - Analysis of documents and interviews of users
- UML suggest the use of Use Cases Diagram
- OOHDM introduces the User Interaction Diagrams
7Use Cases Diagram
- Specification of the different roles and
8User Interaction Diagram
9Conceptual Design
- Underlying structure of the information
- Independence of the presentation
- UML Class Schema
10Navigational Design
- Navigational Class Schema
11Navigational Design
- Navigational Context Schema
12Web Design Patterns
- Idea from a urban architect Christopher
Alexander - Adapted to Software Engineering in 1998
- Each pattern describes a problem and its solution
- The key is reusability
13Web Design Patterns
- Portal Pattern
- Problem Advertise changes and news in a site
- Solution An entry point with arbitrary links
14Web Design Patterns
- Active Reference Pattern
- Problem Users dont know where they are
- Solution Visual information about the path
15Web Design Patterns
- Landmark Pattern
- Problem Navigational redundancy
- Solution Links to other areas of the
16Web Design Frameworks
- Patterns allows the reuse of parts of the
architecture - Allow reusing concrete designs in a domain
- OOHDM-Frame
- Generic Conceptual Model
- Generic Navigational Model
17Web Design Frameworks
 1 D. Schwabe, F. Garzotto, P. Paolini, "HDM-
A Model Based Approach to Hypermedia Application
Design", ACM Transaction on Information Systems,
Vol. 11, 1, Jan. 1993, pp. 1-26. 2 D.
Lange, "An Object-Oriented design method for
hypermedia information systems", Proceedings of
the 27th. Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Science, January 1994. 3 Design
Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph
Johnson, and John Vlissides (The Gang of
Four). 4 D. Schwabe "A Diagrammatic Tool for
Representing User Interaction in UML", Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, forthcoming, Proc.
UML2000, York, 2000. 5 D. Schwabe "Systematic
Hypermedia Application Design with OOHDM", March
1996 6 D. Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Fernando
Lyardet "Patterns for Designing Navigable
Information Spaces", 1999.