Title: Field_2005_chapter_10
2When do you apply a factorial ANOVA?
- When there is just 1 independent dummy variable
that compares between two groups we apply a
simple independent t-test. When there are more
groups, we apply a 1-way ANOVA. - When there is 1 independent dummy variable and
one continuous variable that we haven't
manipulated but which we nevertheless have
measured, we apply an ANCOVA - When there are 2 or more independent dummy
variables, we apply a factorial ANOVA.
3What kinds of factorial ANOVAs are there?
- The independent variables are also called
factors. - (1) Independent factorial design There are
several independent variables or predictors each
of which has been measured using different
subjects (between groups)? - (2) Related factorial design The same
participants have been used in all conditions
(within groups, repeated measures)? - (3) Mixed design Several factors have been
measured, some between, some within groups
4How to call an ANOVA?
- Different participants?
- Independent measures
- Same participants?
- Repeated measures
How many independent variables/ factors?
... n-way
Name A -way ?dependent ANOVA
- A two-way repeated ANOVA 2 variables, repeated
measures - A three-way independent ANOVA 3 variables,
independent measures - A two-way mixed ANOVA 2 variables, one
repeated, one independent measures
5Example of a 2-way independent ANOVA(using
- Research Q Effects of alcohol on mate selection
at night-clubs. Is there a beer goggles
effect? - The drink-fuelled phenomenon is said to
transform supposedly "ugly" people into beauties
- until the morning after. - 2 independent variables/factors
- 1. Alcohol dose (none, 2 pints, 4 pints)?
- 2. Sex (men, women)?
- 1 dependent variable
- Attractiveness rating by a group of independent
6The data(goggles.sav)?
- Is the attractiveness rating dependent on
- Amount of alcohol consumed (Main effect Alcohol)?
- Sex (Main effect Sex)?
- Combination of both (Interaction AlcoholSex)?
7Breaking down the Total sum of squares (SST)
SST, total variance
SSM Model variance
SSR Unexplained variance
SSA First Indep Var (sex)
SSB Second Indep Var (alcohol)?
SSAxB Interaction first and second variable
- What does the interaction mean?
- ? That the attractiveness rating is dependent on
a particular combination of the values of the two
indep Var, e.g., - it rises in females having drunk 2 pints of
alcohol or - it declines in males having drunk 4 pints of
8Sum of squares SST
Grand variance
- SST s2grand (N-1)?
- SST 190.76 (48-1)?
- SST 8966.66
- A total of 8966.66 variance units has to be
9Model sum of squares SSM
N of subj in each group 8
Kth group (out of 6 groups)?
Grand mean 58.33
- SSM ???nk (?xk ?xgrand)2
- SSM 8(60.625-58,33)2 8(66.875 58.33)2
8(62.5 58.33)2 8(66.875 58.33)2 8(57.5
58.33)2 8(35.625 58.33)2 - SSM 5479.167
- ? The model (2 indep. variables, sex and alcohol
dose) can explain 5479.167 out of 8966.66 units
of variance.
df of the model 6 1 5 (6 groups)?
10Breaking down the variance of the model(1) Main
effect of gender (SSA)?
N 24 (There are 24 males and 24 females in
both groups)?
K 2 (2 sexes)?
- SSA??nk(?xk ?xgrand)2
- SSA 24(60.21-58.33)2 24(56.46-58.33)2
- SSA 168.75
- The factor 'gender' can explain 168.75 units of
the model variance of 5479.167 (SSM).
df 1 (2 groups - 1)?
11Breaking down the variance of the model(2) Main
effect of alcohol (SSB)?
N 16 (There are 16 subjects in the three
K 3 (3 levels of alcohol)?
- SSB??nk(?xk ?xgrand)2
- SSB 16(63.75-58.33)2 16(64.69-58.33)2
- 16(46.56-58.33)2
- SSB 3332.292
- The factor 'alcohol' can explain 3332.292 units
of variance of the model variance of 5479.167
df 2 (3 groups - 1)?
12Breaking down the variance of the model(3)
Interaction sexalcohol (SSAxB)?
- SSAxB 5479.157 168.75 3332.292
- SSAxB 1978.125
- The interaction can explain 1978.125 units of
variance of the model variance of 5479.167
dfAxB 2 (dfM dfA dfB)?
13The Residual Sum of Squares (SSR)?
- SSR 8966.66 5479.167
- SSR 3487.52
Df 6 x 7 42 (6 groups) x (n-17 subjects)?
14Summary Sum of squares
- 8966.66 (168.75 3332.292 1978.125)
3487.52 - total var sex alcohol sexalcohol residual
15Mean squares
- The MS (mean squares) of each variance part are
calculated by dividing the respective SS (sum of
squares) by the respective df's - MSA SSA 168.75 168.75
- dfA 1
- MSB SSB 3332.292 1666.146
- dfB 2
- MSAxB SSAxB 1978.125 989.062
- dfAxB 2
- MSR SSR 3487.52 83.036
- dfR 42
Sex x alcohol
- The F-ratios for each effect are calculated by
dividing the respective MS (mean squares) by the
MSR - FA MSA 168.75 2.032
- MSR 83.036
- FB MSB 1666.146 20.065
- MSR 83.036
- FAxB SSAxB 989.062 11.911
- MSR 83.036
- These F-ratios have to be compared against
critical values for their respective df's and the
chosen level of significance.
Sex x alcohol
17Between-group Factorial ANOVA using SPSS(using
- For each independent variable, create a dummy
variable - 0male 1female
- 1no alcohol 22 pints 34 pints
- Levels of a between-group variable go in a single
column (1 column for gender 1 column for
alcohol)? - The third column is for the dependent Var
(attractiveness rating)?
18Analyze ? General Linear Model ? Univariate...
- By default, SPSS runs a 'full factorial analysis'
(including main effects for all indep Var and
their interaction(s))? - By accessing 'Model', you can customize the model.
Gender and alcohol are 'fixed factors' (F). A
fixed factor is one which contains all the levels
of your variable to which you want to generalize.
Gender has only 2 levels, so it is F anyway.
'Alocohol' has certainly more levels, so could
also be a 'random factor' (R). A 'random factor'
is one which contains only a sample of possible
levels of your variable
Gender and alcohol are 'fixed factors' (F). A
fixed factor is one which contains all the levels
of your variable to which you want to generalize.
Gender has only 2 levels, so it is F anyway.
'Alocohol' has certainly more levels, so could
also be a 'random factor' (R). A 'random factor'
is one which contains only a sample of possible
levels of your variable
Covariate Any quantitative Var that you have
measured (but not experimentally manipulated)
which might have a relation to the dependent
variable ? ANCOVA, chapter_9
19The 'Model' box
Otherwise, you can specify yourself
which effects you want SPSS to calculate. Here,
both main effects and their interaction are
requested - which makes it tantamount to a full
factoral design
Per default, a Full Factorial model is run
Type I,II, and III refer to different ways
of calculating the SS. SPSS uses Type III which
is invariant to cell frequencies
First, select 'Main effects' from Build
terms and confer 'gender' and 'alcohol' to the
Model window Second, select 'Interaction' and
confer 'gender' and 'alcohol' again to the
Model window.
20Graphing interactions? Plots
Carry alcohol to the Horizontal axis window
and gender to the separate lines
window. (You could also do it the other way
round. In our case, the plot will plot the 3
value of the variable alcohol for the 2 values
of the variable gender.)?
If you had 3 variables, you may want to see the
various interactions in separate plots. In our
case with 2 variables, only a single plot will
be generated.
- ? The resulting interactions graph helps
interpreting the interaction between the two
21Contrasts for alcohol
- SPSS has a couple of standard contrasts for the
Main effects. - Gender has only 2 values, so needs no extra
contrasts. - Alcohol has 3 values. In order to break this
variance up, we will be using the 'Helmert'
SS Alcohol
No alcohol
2 pints
4 pints
Remember from chapter_8 With 'Contrasts' you can
break down the overall Model variance SSM into
smaller chunks of variation
22Contrasts for alcohol? Contrasts
1. Select Helmert
2. Click on Change so that alcohol above is
specified for Helmert
- Note we can only specify contrasts for the main
effects. Contrasts for the interaction(s) have to
be specified via syntax (see additional material
on the CD ContrastsUsingSyntax.pdf)?
23Post hoc tests? Post Hoc
Carry 'alcohol' to the 'post hoc' window
- Again, we do not need post hoc tests for
gender, only for alcohol. Tick those post hoc
tests which we had discussed in chapter_8. - Remember Actually, you should choose either
'contrasts' OR 'post hoc tests' but not both...
24Options? Options
Carry the two factors and the interaction term to
the Display window (actually, the same
as choosing 'Overall')?
'Descriptive statistcs' gives you the mean, SD,
N, range, CI... The homogeneity test (Levene's
test) checks the assumption of equal
variancesbetween the groups
- Now you have specified everything ? OK
25Output from Factorial ANOVADescriptives
The Dep Var declines in the 4-pint cond for the
The Dep Var does not decline for the females
- The descriptives are useful for interpreting the
direction of the effects later. You may already
see a trend, simply by looking at the data.
26Levene's test for homogeneity of variances
df 1 k groups 1 6-15
df 2 n subjects k 48-642
Levene's test is n.s. ? The variances in all
subgroups are equal
27The main ANOVA table
- ? No Main effect gender Overall, gender does not
influence the Dep Var - ? Main effect alcohol Overall, alcohol
influenced the Dep Var - ? Interaction The effect of the variable
alcohol depends on the variable gender
28Bar graphs for the main effect of alcohol(with
- The graphs for the 3 conditions of acohol show
that the main effect is probably effected by the
3rd condition after 4 pints the attractiveness
of the mate drops abruptly
29Bar graphs for the main effect of alcohol(with
How do you get those graphs? Double-click on you
output table 2. Alcohol consumption,
high- light the three means (63,75/
64,688/ 46,56) and make a right mouse- click.
Select Create Graph ? Bar (You can further edit
the graph by double clicking on the bars. If you
are lucky, your version can also add the SE-bars,
mine cannot)?
How do you get those graphs? Double-click on your
output table 2. Alcohol consumption,
high- light the three means (63,75/
64,688/ 46,56) and make a right mouse- click.
Select Create Graph ? Bar (You can further edit
the graph by double clicking on the bars. If you
are lucky, your version can also add the SE-bars,
mine cannot)?
30No Main effect gender
For the graph, again double click on the output
1. Gender, highlight the two mean values, make a
right mouse-click, select 'create graph' ? Bar
- From the bar graph it can be seen that there is
no main effect of gender.
31Interaction graph genderalcohol
- There is an interaction
- For males who have drunken 4 pints, considerably
less attractive mates are acceptable.
32Contrasts (Helmert) Breaking down the effect of
?X of no alcohol minus ?X of both
acohol groups 63.75 -55.625 8.125 55.625
No acohol vs. both alcohol groups
?X of 2 pints minus ?X of 4 pints group 64.69-46.
56 18.13
2 pints vs 4 pints
- 1st contrast Combined effect of alcohol
- 2nd contrast Specific effect of 4 pints
33Post hoc analysis
- The post hoc analysis breaks down the effect of
alcohol. It is like a one-way ANOVA on 'alcohol'.
Both post hoc tests say the same There is NO
difference between 'no alcohol' and '2 pints'
however, there is a difference between 'no
alcohol' and '4 pints' as well as between '2
pints' and '4 pints'
34Restriction on contrasts and post hoc tests
- Both contrasts and post hoc tests only partition
the main effect, NOT the interaction. - If you want to look at the interaction more
closely, you have to conduct simple effects
35Homogeneous subsets
SPSS creates subsets of groups with similar
means, here 'no alcohol' and '2 pints'. Within
those groups, there is ns difference
36Summary of effects
- Main effect alcohol Overall, alcohol has an
effect on the attractiveness of the mate - No main effect gender Overall, gender has no
effect on the attractiveness of the mate - Specific effects only after 4 pints, but not
after 2 pints, there is an effect ? beer goggles
effect - Interaction alcoholgender The beer goggles
effect only holds for male subjects.
37Simple effect analysis on the interaction term
looks at the effect of one independent variable
at individual levels of the other independent
variable.They can only be run with syntax? Open
- Simple effect analysis
- (using GogglesSimpleEffects.sps)?
? Click RUN
38Output of simple effects MANOVA
No alc No diff betw gender
2 pints No diff betw gender
4 pints Diff betw gender!
No alc No diff betw gender
2 pints No diff betw gender
4 pints Diff betw gender!
39Interpreting Interaction graphs
Main effect of alcohol Interaction alcgender
Main effect of alcohol Interaction alcgender
Only Interaction alcgender
- Non-parallel lines indicate possible interactions
- Crossing lines are also indicative
- But only the ANOVA can confirm whether an
interaction is significant
40Looking for interactions in bar charts A
C and D are different data from A and B. They
show NO inter- action. In both plots,
the differences of the dep var are parallel for
alcohol (C)? and gender (D) on the other
factor, respectively
Aand B show the same data, plotted for alcohol or
for gender. These two bar charts do show an
interaction for one level in one factor the
dep var suddenly drops down
41Calculating the effect sizes
- The effect sizes for the three effects
- A main effect alcohol
- B main effect gender
- C interaction alcgender
- can be calculated from the variance components of
the respective effects
42Calculating the effect sizes cont.
a of levels of variable A b of levels of
variable B n number of subjects per condition
- ???? (a-1) (MSA - MSR)
- nab
- ???? (b-1) (MSB - MSR)
- nab
- ????? (c-1) (MSB - MSR)
- nab
variable A gender variable B alcohol
43Calculating the effect sizes cont.
a of levels of variable A b of levels of
variable B n number of subjects per condition
- ???? (3-1) (1666,146 83,036) 65.96
- 8x3x2
- ???? (2-1) (168,75 - 83,036) 1.79
- 8x3x2
- ????? (3-1) (989,062 - 83,036) 37.75
- 8x3x2
variable A alcohol variable B gender
44Calculating the effect sizes cont. Total
variance estimate
- ??total?????????????? ????? MSR
- 65.96 1.79 37.75 83.04
- 188.54
- The single effect sizes are the variance
estimates of the respective effect divided by the
total variance estimate.
45Calculating the effect sizes cont.
- The single effect sizes are the variance
estimates of the respective effect divided by the
total variance estimate. - ?2effect ??efffect /???total?
- ?2alcohol ??alcohol/?????total? 65.96 /
188.54 .35 ? - ????
- ?2gender ?2gender /????total??
1.79/?????188.54 .009 - ????
- ?2alc x gender ??alc xgender?????total???
37.75/188.54 .20
46Calculating the effect sizes cont.
- Now the ?2 values have to be multiplied by the
square root so as to receive simple ?'s - ?alcohol ? .35 .59 ? large effect??
- ??????
- ?gender ? .009????? .09 ? tiny effect
- ????????
- ??alc x gender ? .20 .45 ? large effect
- ?????????
47Calculating the effect sizes for the simple
- For the simple effects, only two parts of the
variance were compared, hence the df 's are
always 1. - For the simple effects, the F-values can be
converted into r by the following equation - r ? F(1, dfR)
- F (1,dfR) dfR
48Calculating the effect sizes for the simple
- rgender (no alc) ? 1.01 .15
- 1.01 44
- rgender ( 2 pints) ? 0.49 .10
- 0.49 44
- rgender ( 4 pints) ? 12.35 .47
- 12.35 44
Small effect
Small effect
Large effect
49Reporting the results of 2-way ANOVA
- 1. Significant main effect of 'alcohol', F (2,
42) 20.07, p - 2. Non-significant main effect of 'gender', F (1,
42) 2.03, p .161, ?2 .009. - 3. Interaction alcoholgender, F (2, 42) 11.91,
p affected differently by alcohol. - Attractiveness of partners was similar in males
(M 66.88, SD 10.33) and females (M 60.63, SD
4.96) after no alcohol. Attractiveness was also
similar for males (M 66.88 SD 12.52) and
females (M 62.50, SD 6.55) after 2 pints.
However, attractiveness of partners was
significantly lower for males (M 35.63 SD
10.84) than for females (M 57.5, SD 7.07)
after 4 pints.
50Factorial ANOVA as regression(simplifying the
model to only 2 levels of alcohol none and 4
- Outcomei (Modeli) errori
- Attractivei (b0 b1Ai b2Bi b3ABi) ?i
- Attractivei (b0 b1Genderi b2Alcoholi
b3Interaction) ?i - How is the interaction represented? As b3. It is
a literal product of both variables, AxB.
51Coding scheme for factorial ANOVA
- The interaction is the product of the dummy
variables for Gender x alcohol
52Factorial ANOVA as regression(simplifying the
model to only 2 levels of alcohol none and 4
- With our regression model, we can predict values
of the dep var. Let's take men with no alcohol - Attractivei (b0 b1Genderi b2Alcoholi
b3Interaction) ?i - ?X Men, None b0 (b1 x 0) (b2 x 0) (b3 x
0)? - b0 ?X Men, None
- b0 66.875
- ? The constant in the model represents the mean
of the group with only zero's in the coding
scheme, here, men with no alcohol.
53Factorial ANOVA as regression(simplifying the
model to only 2 levels of alcohol none and 4
- Consider women with no alcohol
- ?X Women, none b0 (b1 x 1) (b2 x 0) (b3
x 0)? - ?X Women, none X Men, None b1
- b1 ?X Women, None - ?X Men, None
- b1 60.625 66.875
- b1 -6.25
b1 difference between (male, no alc) and
(female, no alc)?
54Factorial ANOVA as regression(simplifying the
model to only 2 levels of alcohol none and 4
- Consider men with 4 pints
- ?X Men, 4 Pints b0 (b1 x 0) (b2 x 1) (b3
x 0)? - b0 ?X Men, None b2
- b2 ?X Men, 4 Pints - ?X Men, None
- b2 35.625 66.875
- b2 - 31.25
- ? b2 represents the difference between having no
alcohol and having 4 pints in men.
55Factorial ANOVA as regression(simplifying the
model to only 2 levels of alcohol none and 4
- Consider females with 4 pints
- ?X Women, 4 Pints b0 (b1 x 1) (b2 x 1)
(b3 x 1)? - b0 b1 b2 b3
- b3 ?X Men, None (?X Women??4 Pints?? Men,
None ) - ?X Men, 4 pints - ?X Men, None ) b3
- ?X Men, None - ?X Women??none?? ?X Women??4
Pints???X Men, 4 pints - b3 66.875 60.625 57.5 - 35.625
- b3 28.125
- ? The interaction looks at the
- effect of alcohol in men compared to women
56Running ANOVA as a regression(using
Analyze ? regression ? Linear Dep Var
Attractiveness of Date Independent Variables
Gender, Alcohol, Interaction dummies
Gender n.s alcohol interaction
Gender n.s alcohol interaction
Gender n.s alcohol interaction
Same coefficients as we calculated!