Title: Texas STaR Chart School Technology and Readiness
1Texas STaR ChartSchool Technology and Readiness
Trina J. Davis Texas AM University Co-Chair, ET
AC Dr. Jackie Shepperson Richardson ISDLeader
ship Team, ETAC
2What is the STaR Chart ?
- A tool for technology planning and assessing
- Online resource for district self-assessment of
effective technology integration across the
- Indicates the districts status toward reaching
the goals of the Texas Long Range Plan for
3Critical Questions
- What is the districts current educational
technology profile?
- What evidence can be provided to demonstrate the
districts progress in meeting the goals of the
Long Range Plan for Technology?
- What areas should the district focus on to
improve its level of technology integration to
ensure the best possible teaching learning?
4Benefits to Districts
- Perform needs assessments
- Judge progress
- Set benchmarks goals
- Determine funding priorities
- Provide information for technology planning
- Measure the impact of state local efforts to
improve student learning through the use of
5Long Range Plan for Technology
- Teaching Learning
- Educator Preparation Development
- Administration Support
- Infrastructure for Technology
6STaR Chart Levels of Progress
- Early Tech
- Developing Tech
- Advanced Tech
- Target Tech
7Teaching Learning
- Focus Areas
- Impact of Technology on Teacher Role
Collaborative Learning
- Patterns of Teacher Use
- Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using
Digital Content
- Curriculum Areas
- Technology Applications TEKS Assessment
- Patterns of Student Use
8Select Levels of Progress
9Educator Preparation Development
- Focus Areas
- Content of Training
- Capabilities of Educators
- Leadership Capabilities of Administrators
- Models of Professional Development
- Levels of Understanding Patterns of Use
- Technology Budget Allocated to Technology
Professional Development
10Select Levels of Progress
11Administration Support Services
- Focus Areas
- Vision Planning
- Technical Support
- Instructional Administrative Staffing
- Budget
- Funding
12Select Levels of Progress
13Infrastructure for Technology
- Focus Areas
- Students per Computer
- Internet Access Connectivity/Speed
- Distance Learning
- Other Technologies
14Select Levels of Progress
15Sample STaR Chart Results
16STaR Chart Comparison
17Where do we go now?
- Focus on Teaching Learning
- Every education program is a technology
opportunity. by John Bailey (USDE Director)
- Redefine what it means to be educated in a
digital age
- Align goals, curriculum, instruction, assessment,
and technology use
- Align all decisions with the missions goals and
on research best practices
18Where do we go now?
- Focus on Educator Preparation Development
- Ensure ALL teachers and administrators meet SBEC
- Move ALL teachers and administrators to competent
level on districts self-assessment rubric
19Where do we go now?
- Focus on Administration Support Services
- Increase on-site technical support
- Increase technical staff to get to state goal of
one technician per 350 computers
- Increase instructional staff to get to state goal
of one dedicated campus-based instructional
technologist per 1,000 students
- Provide appropriate budget to support technology
20Where do we go now?
- Focus on Infrastructure
- Purchase more classroom computers
- Provide distance learning opportunities
- Install a file server
- Move toward a 21st century classroom model
21Administrative Reports by District Size or ESC
22Completing Campus STaR Charts
- STaR Chart brochures were mailed to campuses (can
be downloaded)
- Complete the STaR Chart Summary on page 9 of
- Go to the web site and complete STaR Chart
Summary online
- Once you have completed the online form you will
be able to view and generate summary charts and
23Campus District STaR Chart Use
24Campus District STaR Chart Use
25Campus District STaR Chart Use
- Online
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/technology/etac/campus_
- Email comments to etac_at_tea.state.tx.us
- STaR Chart T-STAR Video was developed
- Presenter Trina Davis
- tdavis_at_coe.tamu.edu
- http//eeducation.tamu.edu
27Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
28We must prepare learners for their future, not
our past.