Title: REC Powerpoint template
1(No Transcript)
2The Regional Environmental Center for Central and
Eastern Europe (REC)
- is a non-partisan, non-advocacy,
not-for-profit international organisation with a
mission to assist in solving environmental
problems () - The REC is legally based on a charter signed by
the governments of 29 countries and the European
Commission - Head Office in Szentendre,
Hungary - Offices in 17 countries
- Annual turnover in 2006
- around EUR 10 ml
- 300 projects in 2006
- 190 staff (some 30 nationalities)
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3REC beneficiaries
- Turkey
- Balkan Countries
- New EU members Bulgaria and Romania
- EU countries Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
- European Commission
- The governments of Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the
United States - Other inter-governmental and private institutions
5RECs motto Building bridges
- The REC bridges decisions and actions
- The REC bridges stakeholders
- The REC bridges regions
- The REC bridges donors and beneficiaries
6The REC bridges decisions and actions
- The REC works in the field to facilitate
political decisions in its beneficiary regions - Over 3500 projects since 1990
- Environmental information
- Environmental policy
- Environmental law
- NGO support
- Climate Change
- Capacity building
- Public participation
- Sectoral integration
- Environmental education
7The REC bridges stakeholders
Local Governments
Local Governments
8The REC bridges regions
- The RECs inputs have became an integral part of
key international mechanisms and partnerships. - Contribution to European and Global Processes
- International Mandates / International
Secretariat support - Partnerships
9The REC bridges donors and beneficiaries
- The REC serves as a unique mechanism for
implementing political decisions - Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme
for South Eastern Europe - Local Environmental Action Plans
- Strategic Environmental Assessments
- Legal support EU harmonisation
- Implementation of the Aarhus Convention
- Public Participation
- Renewable Energy
- Biodiversity Projects
- Capacity building, NGO trainings
- Education for Sustainable Development
10Partnership in focus
- The REC fulfils this mission by promoting
cooperation among non-governmental organisations,
governments, businesses and other environmental
stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange
of information and public participation in
environmental decision making - The REC has developed, promoted and implemented
numerous varieties of models and tools to address
environmental challenges, such as stakeholder
engagement, clearing house mechanism, capacity
building and regional/international partnerships - The REC aims to support the implementation and
the enforcement of the acquis communautaire in
the new EU member states and transfer the lessons
learned about building environmental democracy to
countries in the CEE region
- EEA Several topic centers of the European
Environment Agency - EC - Environmental Experts Group on Structural
Funds (DG Env.) - OECD - EAP Task Force, Development Assistance
Committee Working G. on SEA - UNDP - Danube and Black Sea Task Force
- UNEP - Finance Initiative Task Force, Joint work
on the Carpathians Convention, Partnership for
Clean Fuels and Vehicles - CSD Commission on Sustainable Development
- UNECE - Cooperation with UNECE on the
implementation of the Aarhus Convention, the
Espoo Convention, the International Water
Convention, the International Accidents
Convention and related protocols - ICPDR - International Commission for the
Protection of the Danube River - MEDREP Mediterranean Renewable Energy Programme
Initiative - E3G, HBLF, VIU, CEU, Agroinnova, Bellagio Forum,
- REC carries out projects with the support of
the country and field office network with
programmes, topic areas and funds - TAs were introduced in 2004 as a tool to better
organise and manage the existing expertise and
knowledge within the network of 16 Country
Offices of the REC. - The topic areas are managed by REC experts based
in different countries - This development is a direct result of the
continuous efforts over the last years to
strengthen the synergies within the organisation,
to build on the accumulated experience and
knowledge and fully use the available in-house
13Operation of the REC beyond CEE
- EECCA, Asia, Africa, Latin-America
- Transfer of experience, e.g.
- enforcement and compliance
- strategic environmental assessment
14Climate Change Department
- Capacity-building activities to support the
implementation of the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol in all
beneficiary countries - Promotion of flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto
Protocol (JI, CDM, IET) - Support of the implementation of the EU
activities in the field of Climate Change - Adaptation
- Support the development of new mechanisms (Green
Investment Schme)
15Green Investment Scheme an instrument to
achieve sustainable economic growth
- GIS facilitates foreign investment into the
country - GIS Fund (Ecological Investment Agency Ukrainian
case) channels the money towards the projects
reducing the GHG directly or indirectly - As a long-term financing mechanism GIS can cover
small scale projects as well as non-quantifiable
GHG reduction projects - Less complicated procedures compared to JI. For
instance, the rules for baselines and monitoring
can be simplified.
16Ukraine and GIS challenges ahead
- Ukraine is in the beginning of the process
- Assigned Amount Units is an asset needing proper
management over the two Kyoto Commitment periods - Legislative and regulatory framework is be be set
up - Institutional framework first step done
(Ecological Investment Agency) - REC is happy to support this workshop which
hopefully contributes towards the establishment
of GIS - Funds came through the Japan Special Fund (JSF)
established by the Government of Japan within
the REC.
17- Thank you for your attention!