Title: Invasive Species: How You Can Help
1- Invasive Species How You Can Help
Presented By Sue Tangora Date 06/06/09
2- States Role
- Other high threat invasives
- Success
- Next steps
3States Role
- Natural resources, environment and agriculture
- Invasive Species Legislation
- Prohibited and restricted species
- DNR Wildlife Division Strategy on Invasive Plants
4Other High Threat Invasive Species
- Garlic mustard
- Common and glossy buckthorn
- Swallow-wort
- Japanese knotweed
- Leafy spurge
5- Alternate, triangular,
- toothed leaves
2) Small, white, four-parted flowers and n
arrow sickle-shaped seed pods
3) Rosettes of rounded, toothed,
basal leaves smell like garlic
garlic mustard Alliaria petiolata
6Glossy buckthorn Rhamnus frangula
often invades open wetlands
7Glossy BuckthornRhamnus frangula
1) Entire oval, alternate leaves
2) Small berries turning from red to black
3) Bark with white lenticles
Photo by John M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy
8Common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica
1) Tall shrub with finely serrated
leaves arching veins
3) Prolific bluish-black fruits
1) Twining herbaceous vine
2) Opposite, entire, elongated leaves
3) Dark purple flowers and narrow green seed pods
10Swallow-wort infestation
11Japanese knotweedPolygonum cuspidatum
1) Broad cuspidate leaves
2) Clusters of tiny white flowers
3) Hollow stems in clonal clusters
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13What next..
- Contact county coordinators
- Share information
- Elected officials
- Let us know what works, what doesnt
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28Thank you
Great Lakes, Great Times, Great Outdoors