Title: Office of Regulatory Assistance Sunset Review
1Office of Regulatory Assistance Sunset Review
- Preliminary Report
- Presented by Karen Barrett
- Joint Legislative Audit Review Committee
- November 29, 2006
2The Sunset Act Frames This Study
- A sunset review is an evaluation of the continued
need for a program to exist and is triggered when
the Legislature adds an agency to Chapter 43.131
RCW. - The Office of Regulatory Assistance (ORA) is
scheduled to expire July 1, 2007, unless
legislative action is taken to sustain it. - Under the Sunset Act, an evaluation assignment
falls to JLARC the calendar year prior to that
decision. This mandate is the subject of todays
3and Todays Report
Guided by Sunset Act evaluation criteria, we
report back the degree to which we found ORA has
- Complied with legislative intent (statutory
directives) - Reached its own performance goals and targets
(front-end data plan) - Operates in an efficient and economical manner
(delivery of environmental services) - Undertakes activities otherwise duplicated by
another state agency or the private sector
4About the Office of Regulatory Assistance
- The Offices historic role has been to assist
those who apply for environmental permits - Help scope projects, facilitate pre-application
conferences and upon request coordinate
environmental reviews that span federal, tribal,
state and local authorities. - May include behind-the-scenes work on matters
that arise in permitting which make it difficult
for either government or applicants to proceed.
5About the Office of Regulatory Assistance
- Regulatory mission is broader today due to
actions of the 2003 and 2006 Legislatures. - Exists as a single place to understand how
rule-making, regulations, and requirements could
apply in particular circumstances - Given new budget-driven improvement tasks
reinforced by Executive Order (06-02) - Additional duties are in progress and not the
focus of JLARCs Sunset Review.
See page 3 of the report, and Appendix 3 for
6Additional Background JLARC Sunset Review Focus
is ORA Execution of Statutory Duties
- Approaching 2,000 callers a year
- Assisted 88 projects during the study period of
July 2002 through July 2006
71. ORA can demonstrate compliance with some, but
not all ten duties in statute.
- Compliance Demonstrated
- Maintain a help desk, handbook, and web site
- Develop a range of permit assistance options to
benefit project applicants - Review certain transportation permitting
initiatives to determine if beneficial for other
types of projects - Develop informal processes for dispute resolution
- Validate projects qualify for expedited,
coordinated appeals before State Hearings Board
ORA has a responsibility to provide links to
agency rules and this presents coordination
challenges. See JLARC comments on page 5 of the
8Review of Duties (continued)
- Partial Compliance
- Facilitate and scope projects for project
applicants (all required elements 60-days) - Coordinate processing of permits upon request
(identifying functions performed) - Conduct customer surveys to gauge effectiveness
(help desk but not facilitation)
See JLARC comments in Table 1, pages 5-7 of the
9Review of Duties (continued)
- Out of Compliance
- Coordinate implementation of voluntary
cost-reimbursed permitting agreements - Provide biennial reports documenting
- ORA performed services and customer satisfaction
- Avoidable statutory or regulatory conflicts
encountered and - Agencies use of outside consultants to perform
tasks executing voluntary cost-reimbursed
permitting agreements.
See JLARC comments in Table 1, pages 5-7 of the
102. ORA conducts its activities and the public has
increasingly made use of this service
See page 8 of the report for fully noted exhibits
on this and the next slide.
11but quality and outcomes not measured.
The finding here mirrors what weve said about
ORA ability to demonstrate compliance. The
agency has not been investing adequate time to
centrally record and track information necessary
to convey outcomes for its efforts.
123. Workload-to-cost trend is positive but unable
to make a definitive statement about efficiency
- Compared with its workload over the four year
study period, we found costs per service unit
declining. - Not possible to determine if the quality of
service clients have been receiving remained the
same or changed with time (see page 9 of the
Estimates of cost per open project are case
sensitive to ORA involvement that is periodic and
episodic over the permit process.
134. ORA doesnt appear to duplicate activities of
other departments or private sector agents.
- ORA services are presently available statewide
for a wide range of projects. - Agencies or applicants could hire private sector
contractors, but the perspective changes. - ORAs duty is to ensure the process to reach
decisions does not stall for lack of constructive
communication or vital information. - ORA regional leads remain neutral and hold
no stake in the permitting outcome.
- ORA can demonstrate it fully or partially
complied with eight out of ten statutory duties
as assigned. - Performance data shows the public has
increasingly used this discretionary service.
However, we cannot yet evaluate the Offices
efficiency. - ORA has been doing its work but has not invested
adequate time to record and track sufficient
details and outcomes. - JLARC does not have evidence indicating ORA
duplicates others activities. Some stakeholders
report ORA adds value to the process.
See page 11 of the report.
15JLARC Recommends
- The Legislature should repeal the June 30, 2007,
sunset date (Chapter 43.131 RCW) which has the
effect of reauthorizing ORA, and consider
establishing a future sunset review in 2011. - ORA should develop an implementation plan by next
March to remedy the agencys lack of information
about its activities, and report to the
Legislature on the results of this plan by June
2008 to demonstrate its performance and
compliance with statutory duties.
16Contact Information
- Karen Barrett, JLARC Analyst
- 360-786-5181
- barrett.karen_at_leg.wa.gov