Phylogeny of the Immune System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Phylogeny of the Immune System


... B cells capable of producing two or more molecular classes of antibodies ... Have a C3 homologue, a Bf/C2 homologue, and a MASP homologue ... MHC class II ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Phylogeny of the Immune System

Phylogeny of the Immune System
Yufang Shi
Evolution of Adaptive Immunity by M. F.
Flajnik http//
Flajnik/IVIS.pdf http//
Phylogeny of the Animal Kingdom
Annelida Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata Chordat
Body Organization
Parazoza Sponge
3-germ layers No body cavity
2-germ layers
Kinship of Chordates
Adaptive immunity
Sea Squirt
Jawless Fish
Bonny fish
Big Events in the Evolution of the Immune System
  • Compare with important evolution events/stages
  • Cellular analysis
  • Allograft recognition
  • Genome Analysis
  • gene duplication
  • domain shuffling

Ag Receptors, MHC, TLR, Complements, Cytokines
(No Transcript)
"Big Bang" of gene duplication
  • Jawless fish to jawed fish
  • Make the formation of vertebra and tissue
    specificity possible
  • (form gene clusters such as HOX genes)
  • Mechanisms
  • 1. Whole Genome Duplication (not fully supported
    by genome sequencing)
  • Tendon or segmental duplication
  • Continuous small scale gene duplication.

Phylogeny of Chordates and the Major Events in
the Evolution of Adaptive Immunity

Genome Duplication Large-scale gene duplication
and subsequent reshuffling of exons lead the
emergence of new genes
TRENDS in Immunology Vol.25 No.2 February 2004
  • In jawless vertebrate (lamprey hagfish),
    protochordate (amphioxus and sea squirt) and
    other invertebrates

variable lymphocyte receptors, TCR-like protein,
Lymphocyte -like cells (Nature, 2004)
V region-containing chitin-binding protein
family, proto-MHC region (Nat Immuol Nat Genet,
innate immunity related molecules, proto-MHC
region. Protocytokines
sea squirt
Immunoglobulin Domain
Immunoglobulin Domain
TLRs expansion and innate immunity (Science,
sea urchin
Types of Immune Recognition
Self and non-self Recognition
Every organism is capable of innate defense.
  • Exist in both animals and plants
  • In some plants
  • Plants developed more and longer lateral roots
    towards neighboring roots of different plants
    than towards other roots of the same plant. Het
  • Pollen recognition, self-incompatibility
    (prevent inbreeding) s-locus polymorphism
  • In animals
  • Define the characteristics of individual
    organisms from those of similar kind.
  • Identify self and prevent self-reactivity.
    Defend organisms from their predators
  • Recognize and destroy viruses, bacteria or
    infected cells.
  • Recognize Pathogen Associated Molecular
    Patterns (PAMPS) through Pattern Recognition
    Receptors (PRRs)

Pattern Recognition Receptors
Strategies of Immune Reaction in Invertebrates
  • Anti-microbial peptides
  • Interference RNA
  • Phagocytic cells/cytolytic cells
  • Lysozymes
  • Production of toxic oxygen and nitrogen
  • The most advanced defense mechanisms are C3 and
    Toll receptors.
  • Critical for self-nonself discrimination, even
    exist in Amoeba
  • Complement in Cnidaria
  • Toll receptors are well described in Drosophila.
    Recognition of infecting micro-organisms
  • Activation of intracellular signaling cascades,
    especially the NFkB pathway, which leads to the
    expression of a vast array of antimicrobial
    effector molecules that attack microorganisms at
    many different levels.

Immunoglobulin Domain
  • An IgG molecule consists of a total of 12
    immunoglobulin domains. Found in many other
    proteins that play key roles in the immune
  • Consist of a pair of ß sheets, each built of
    antiparallel ß strands. A single disulfide bond
    bridges the two sheets.
  • Most prevalent domains encoded by the human
    genome. Can be found in nemotodes.
  • The conserved beta barrel structures making up
    each immunoglobulin domain along with the beta
    turns and helical turns at the ends of the beta
  • Key for Ig, TCR, costimulation molecules and MHC

MHC Origin
  • Origin not known
  • Class II first?
  • Class I first as a result of a recombination
    between an immunoglobulin-like
  • C-domain and the peptide-binding domain of an
    P70 heat-shock protein
  • Not in jawless fish, but both class I and class
    II can be seen in shark.
  • Generation of polymorphism
  • (1) a high mutation rate
  • (2) gene conversion or interlocus genetic
  • (3) overdominant (balancing) selection
  • (4) frequency-dependent selection.
  • Maintenance of polymorphism
  • (1) Pathogen-driven
  • (2) Non-pathogen-driven
  • inbreeding depression
  • mate selection
  • selective fertilization

Generation of Antigen Receptor Diversity Most
vertebrate animals use the way as humans. In
all animals, antigen receptors require RAG
proteins. TCR in most species uses similar
rearrangement strategies. There are differences
in the ways Ig molecules are generated. In
chickens and rabbits, the recombined V region is
diversified by gene conversion (one piece of DNA
is donated from one chromosome to another) in the
bursa of Fabricius (in chickens) or another
intestinal lymphoid organs (in rabbits). Sheep,
in its ileal Peyer's patch, generates diverse
repertoire by somatic hypermutation of a fairly
invariant recombined V region. Sharks have
multiple copies of discrete VL-JL-CL and
VH-DH-JH-CH cassettes, and activate rearrangement
in different copies.
  • Evolution of the Adaptive Immune Response.
  • The evolution of adaptive immunity is one of the
    greatest biological mystery.
  • Adapt genes for MHC, immunoglobulin, RAG and TCR
  • By the invasion of a putative immunoglobulin-like
    gene by a retroposon with the ability to undergo
    gene rearrangement. The T-cell receptor a, ß, ?,
    and d chain loci and the immunoglobulin H, ?, and
    ? loci
  • The Key is the RAG genes (lack introns), which
    was recently found to catalyze transposition
    events. It was found that the stretch of DNA
    containing the recombination signal sequences was
    being inserted into other DNA fragments!!
  • Adaptive immunity appears abruptly in jawed fish
    and thus can mount an adaptive immune response.
  • Hagfish and lampreys lack all signs of an
    adaptive immune system no lymphoid tissue, no
    primary immune responses, and no immunological

Major steps of the phylogeny of the immune system
Level 1 Cell or species-specific aggregation
plants, sponges and protozoans. Level 2
Specific immunorecognition/ immunoimcompatibility
Cnidaria not MHC mediated differentiated
leucocytic cells exist Level 3 cell-mediated
immunity with at least short-term memory
annelids, arthropods, echinoderms and possibly,
mollusks. Level 4 Integrated cell and humoral
antibody immunity first evolved in advanced bony
fishes. helper T cells and B cells capable of
producing two or more molecular classes of
antibodies thymus found in fish and
amphibians Bursa of Fabricius in the
reptilian-avian branch of the phylogenic
tree Level 5 multiple classes and subclasses of
immunoglobulins and heterogeneous T and B
repertoires birds and mammals.
  • Protozoa
  • Amoeba
  • Pattern recognition Food particles, not other
    amoeba or own pseudopods
  • Prototype of Macrophages?

Mouse macrophage
  • Sponge
  • 1. Separated cells aggregate only with their
    own kind. Thus are able to distinguish between
    "self" and "non-self,"
  • 2. Phagocytes

  • Clonal animals, such as sea anemones, can attack
    individuals belonging to different genetic clones
    while avoiding attacking individuals of the same
  • Phagocytes and Cnidocyste for defense.
  • C3 like molecules can be detected in some species

  • Pattern Recognition
  • Constitutive components anti-microbial or
    digestive peptides
  • Inducible Components a TGFb-like pathway, a p38
    kinase pathway, a programmed cell death pathway,
    and an insulin receptor-like pathway
  • Related to Stress?

In earthworms, the coelomocytes (leukocytes)
located in the coelomic cavity. Humoral
Arthropoda, Example Drosophila
  • Defense response can be activated by TOLL
    (Activate NFkB) or Imd (a family of TNFR like
  • Primarily through the secretion of antimicrobial
  • Lectins and serine proteases in hemolymph
    function like complement and blood-clotting. 
    Coagulation in response to LPS (horseshoe crab)
  • Very beginnings of complement-mediated immunity
    as well as blood-clotting
  • molecules capable of making covalent linkages to
    pathogens called TEPs. Able to induce
    opsonization. Thus opsonization may be the oldest
    function of complements.

The Similarity between TOLL Receptors and
TOLL-like Receptors
  • Drosophila Toll recognize fungi, 18wheeler
    recognize bacteria
  • TOLL Like Receptors and IL-1 receptor in mammals
  • strong homology to TOLL

  • C3/C4/C5-like gene was discovered in sea urchin.
    Can be upregulated upon exposure to LPS.   Act
    primarily as an opsonin.
  • C2/Bf-like gene was also identified
  • The prototype of the alternative complement
    pathway. The alternative pathway is the oldest
  •   Therefore, the first appearance of a
    complement-mediated immune system.  Thus, possess
    effective phagocytosis.
  • TLR

Urochordates (sea squirt)
  • C3/C2 homologues have been identified and can
  • The complement system seems to be more complete
    due to the existence of MASP, a component of the
    lectin pathway
  • (TNF) and IL-8 homologue was found.

Amphioxus (lancelets)
  • The closest relative to the vertebrates. 
  • A C3-like gene and a C6-like gene were found.
  • C6 like protein is involved in the lysis of
    foreign pathogens
  • Some prototype cytokines MIF, TNF, IRF
  • Death Domain
  • Lymphocyte like cells, V and C domains
  • Several TLRs

Jawless Fish (lampreys and hagfish)
  • most ancestral vertebrates. 
  • no rearranging antigen receptors or MHC genes
    have been found.  No Rag. V and C domains
  • No adaptive immune system
  • Have a C3 homologue, a Bf/C2 homologue, and a
    MASP homologue (All vertebrates except jawless
    fish share the human complement systems)
  • Have CD59, an inhibitor of the lytic pathway of
    the complement system
  • No secondary lymphoid organ. May have
    lymphocytes, but since lymphocytes in all other
    vertebrates utilize rearranging antigen
    receptors, their role in lamprey immunity remains
    unclear. Immunization lead to increase in
    proteins in lymphocytes containing leucine-rich
    repeats (LRR). Existence of an adaptive immunity?
    (Nature. 2004 Jul 8430(6996)174-80. )

Rearranging antigen receptors of jawless and
jawed vertebrates.
The lamprey mature VLR gene consists of the
signal peptide (SP), N-terminal LRR (LRRNT),
first 18-residue LRR (LRR1), variable number of
24-residue LRR (LRRV), a connecting peptide (CP),
C-terminal LRR (LRRCT) and threonine/proline-rich
stalk. Portions of LRRNT and LRRCT that are not
encoded in the germline VLR are hatched.
Gnathostome antibody genes are assembled via
random joining of Ig gene fragments consisting of
variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J)
elements, and Ig constant (C) domains.
--Zeev Pancer, University of Maryland
  • Cartilaginous Fish
  • Oldest animals have Ig/TCR/MHC/Rag based adaptive
    immune response.
  • Their B cells resemble CD5 B cells and T cells
    resemble gamma/delta T cells.
  • Mostly IgM some IgNAR (new antigen receptor) and
  • Heavy-chain genes in the cluster-type
    organization (V, 2 - 3 D, 1 J and C). Gene
    rearrangement seems to occur only within a
    cluster. High levels of N-region addition.
  • Three L chain isotypes, also in the cluster
  • IgNAR is a covalently linked dimer without L
    chains. The V domains in the dimer are free and
    flexible and each V interacts with antigen.
  • TCR genes. Secondary lymphoid tissue has
    segregated into discrete T and B cell zones. TCR
    genes are in the translocon organization (not
  • Polymorphic MHC class I/II molecules
  • No known cancer.

Ontogeny of thymus
  • During ontogeny, thymic epithelial cells are
    derived from the third endodermal pharyngeal
    pouch and the third ectodermal branchial cleft.
  • The ectodermal cells proliferate extensively to
    cover the endodermal cells.
  • Thus, cortex epithelial cells are ectodermal
    origin, while the medulla is endoderm

  • Teleost Fish
  • IgM (in a tetrameric form).
  • Some species have IgD
  • No class switch. Alternative splicing leads to
    IgD from IgM.
  • Heavy-chain genes are in the same organization as
    primates/rodents. Light-chain genes are cluster
    organization like that in the cartilaginous fish
    (cluster organization is more primitive?). There
    2 to 4 light-chain isotypes.

  • Amphibians
  • IgM and IgY (four C-domains) isotypes-IgY emerged
    in an immediate ancestor of the amphibians).
  • Start to have the isotype switch,
  • very low MHC class II polymorphism.
  • Some species such as Xenopus have high MHC
    polymorphism and robust T-dependent responses.
  • IgX in the intestine, mucosal immunity? IgM and
    IgX are present in thymectomized animals, while
    IgY production is strictly T-dependent.
  • Major changes during metamorphosis, prevention of

  • Reptiles
  • IgM and IgY.
  • Turtles have a large number of V genes. Thus,
    the generation of diversity more like
    primates/rodents than birds.
  • All ectothermic vertebrates have no germinal
    centers. Thus no affinity maturation and no high
    affinity antibodies.
  • Need more studies.

  • The Endotherms Birds and Mammals
  • Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) species
    chickens, rabbits, sheep, cows, and pigs. A small
    number of V genes (only one in birds) is
    rearranged and then modified by gene conversion
    or somatic hypermutation. There are dedicated
    organs for B cell development the bursa and
  • B cells are continually produced throughout life
    in the primates/rodents group, but only during
    early in development in the GALT species (bursa
    and appendix degenerate afterward).
  • In all jawed species, T cell development is
    conserved all rearange the TCR gene families (a,
    ß, ?, and d). The GALT species have more g/d T

The Mammalian Type Adaptive Immune System
  • Ig and TCR as antigen receptors
  • RAG-Mediated Recombination
  • Primary and secondary lymphoid organs
  • MHC
  • Somatic mutation
  • Memory
  • Cytokines
  • Do not exist in invertebrates or jawless fish.
    Might start in placoderms.

Camel antibodies
VH-D-D-J-Cn L-J-Cn,
Shark IgNAR
Chicken IgY
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