Title: Diapositiva 1
Pilar Sánchez Mateo
2Which is The world's largest desert (about
9.000.000 km2)? a. Kalahari
b. Gobi c. Namibia
d. Sahara
3Tuareg is a novel written by a famous Canarian
writer. Who? a. Tomás Morales
b. Fernando Delgado c. Alberto
Vázquez - Figueroa d. Domingo
4In 1985, the film Out of Africa won the Oscar for
Best Music (Original Score) Do you remember the
name of the composer? a. John Lennon
b. Vangelis c. John Williams
d. John Barry
5Death on the is a famous mystery written by
Agatha Christie a. Rufiji
b.Niger c. Nile
d. Congo
6 In which year was The President of The
African National Congress, Nelson Mandela,
awarded The Nobel Peace Prize? a. 1995
b. 1993 c. 2001
d. 1998
7"Abwenzi" means "friends" in Chichewa. Chichewa
is the national language of Which
country? a. Mozambique
b. Zambia c. Rwanda
d. Malawi
8- About how much does a baby elephant weigh
- at birth?
- 5 kg b. 90 kg
- c. 1000 kg d. 20 kg
9The Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and
Scientific Research 2003 was given to Jane
Goodall, a pioneer in the Ethology (the study of
animal behaviour ) of primates in the wild. In
which African country is The Gombe Stream
Research Centre where she works? a. Namibia
b.Burundi c. Uganda
d. Tanzania
10The Nobel Prize in Literature (2003) was awarded
to the South African writer a. Nadine Gordimer
b. John Maxwell Coetzee c. Naguib Mahfouz
d. Imre Kertesz
11- What is the name of this animal?
- Rhinoceros b. Hippoptamus
- c. Impala d. Giraffe
12In 1855 the explorer David Livingstone
discovered a. The Victoria Falls
b. The Niagara
Falls c. The Serengeti
d. The Great Rift Valley
13 In which country is Africas highest mountain,
Mount Kilimanjaro, located? a. Tanzania
b. Botswana
c. Egypt
d. Uganda
14Of these four African football players who play
in the Spanish League of Professional Football
(2003/2004) there are two who were born in
Cameroon. Who are they? a. Etto
b. Naybet c.
Makukula d.
15Complete the sentence .. lies across
the equator on the East of the African continent.
Neighbouring countries are Ethiopia to the North,
Somalia to East, Tanzania to South, Uganda to
West and Sudan to North-West. a. Madagascar
b. Ghana c. Kenya d.
16Only if we understand can we care. Only if we
care will we help. Only if we help shall all be
saved. Jane Goodall