Title: e-Scheduling
To access a recorded audio presentation
- Call 1-800-945-5496
- Access Code 1851
- Please allow 30 minutes for the audio presentation
2Presentation Terminology
- Audio Conferences referred to as voice
conferences by NASA - Conference Coordinator also referred to as
Conference Operator - Conference Types
- Unattended Conferences that do not require
Operator assistance. Participants can access
unattended conferences by dialing a toll or toll
free phone number and entering a numeric pass
code. The Operator is available at anytime for
technical assistance by pressing 0. - Attended These conferences require Conference
Coordinator or Operator assistance either to
initiate the conference or during the session.
Attended conferences are also known as Standard
Service conferences. - Access Types
- Meet Me Participants call in to join the
conference. - Dial Out Conference Coordinator calls the
- E-Scheduling provides
- A single point of access, via the web, for
scheduling Audioconferences and any additional
features - Real-time web based and e-mail confirmations
- Ability to track details, modify and cancel your
conferences - A convenient way to e-mail conference details to
4Key Capabilities
- Secure logon via unique login id and password
combination - Schedule, modify, and cancel one-time or
recurring Audioconferences - Unattended - up to 20 participants
- Attended - up to 100 participants
- View all conferences scheduled for up to a 2-week
period - Modify scheduled conferences
- Delete scheduled conferences
5User Requirements
- Login Name and Password
- Internet Connection
- PC Compatible Workstation
- Macintosh not supported at this time
- Standard Browser
- Microsofts Internet Explorer - version 4.01 or
higher - Netscape Navigator - version 4.06 or higher
6E-Scheduling Options
Quick Scheduler Unattended Audio Features
Complete Scheduler Unattended and Attended Audio
E-Scheduling Tools Compatible with Microsoft
7Step by Step Scheduling Process
8Access e-Scheduling applications from the
e-Meetings web site
- Select e-scheduling
- Chose the Quick Scheduler or Complete Scheduler
from the e-Scheduling menu
9Quick Scheduler
10Quick Scheduler Logon
TWO Next, select the Quick Scheduler button.
ONE First, run your mouse over the e-Scheduling
THREE Finally, logon with your login name and
11First, enter your login name, password and
scheduling details. Then chose the submit button.
Use the Quick Scheduler to schedule your one-time
operator unattended audioconferences.
Tip Chose Reset to clear the form.
12A summary of conference details and billing
information will be displayed. Click on submit to
continue scheduling.
Tip Verify your billing information.
13Reservation Complete! Receive a summary of all
conference details via the web and e-mail.
Tip Exit confirmation or schedule another
14Complete Scheduler
15Complete Scheduler Logon
TWO Next, select the Complete Scheduler option.
THREE Finally, logon with your login name and
ONE First, run your mouse over the e-Scheduling
16A list of all existing conferences scheduled for
a 2-week period will be displayed after you
Tip You can create, modify or cancel any
conferences directly from this window. Click on
the close button in the upper right corner to
return to the main e-Scheduling screen.
17Complete Scheduler
Scheduling Options are enabled based on leaders
profile. Select the Audio button to begin
scheduling an audioconference call
18Complete Scheduler
Scheduling Options are enabled based on leaders
19Verify your contact and billing information
Tip All contact and billing information will be
All general Contact and Billing information will
be displayed in the General tab.
Check this box if you are the Conference Leader.
Click here to verify that your billing
information is correct
Or, click here to indicate another billing option
for this conference
20Scheduling a conference call for someone else
Enter the conference leaders e-Scheduling login
name into the red box. Then click on the button
to display the remainder of the information.
21Select your Scheduling Options
Select ASAP to indicate that your conference
should begin within 20 minutes after scheduling.
Chose a conference start time from the drop down
Select your Conference Duration by using the
or - buttons. Select your future conference
start date from the calendar.
Select your current time zone.
Select Recurring Conference to set up a series
(daily, weekly, monthly) of conferences
Select Set up Call Pattern to establish the
dates/times of your recurring conference pattern.
22Scheduling a Recurring Conference
23Scheduling a Recurring Conference
Recurring conference details will be displayed in
this window.
24Select your conference access type or chose
dial-out options
Use the and - buttons to indicate the total
number of conference participants. Up to 20 lines
can be reserved for operator unattended
conferences. Up to 100 lines can be reserved for
attended level features.
Indicate your conference access type. Either toll
free, or toll number.
A list of all dial out participants will be
Select the Dial-Out option to indicate that youd
like the conference coordinator to dial-out to
one or more conference participants
Select Add Participant to add names and contact
25If dial-out is selected, indicate participant
Select the participants title from the drop down.
Enter the participant first and last name.
Enter participant phone number information
including country code, and primary area
code/phone number.
Enter any specific comments or notes for the
Conference Coordinator
Select OK once you have completed all required
26Participants Called by a Conference Coordinator
Participants called by a Conference Coordinator
will appear in this screen.
To edit participant details or delete a
participant, simply click highlight the name and
click on the appropriate button.
27Select any additional audio (standard or premier)
Indicate how you would like participants to join
your call
Receive detailed information about a feature by
clicking on the question mark.
Select a check box to add an audiconference
feature to your call.
Select the Enter Details option to complete
scheduling and feature options.
28Send an e-mail confirmation
Select this check box if youd like to receive a
copy of your confirmation via e-mail
Tip Type in a customized subject line and
message for your participants.
Type in a customized subject line and additional
comments for participants
The conference contacts e-mail will
automatically appear in this box
Select this option to send a copy of the
confirmation via fax.
Type in a fax number
29Complete Your Reservation
Tip Click on Schedule Audiconference to complete
your reservation. You will receive a web
confirmation within 5-15 seconds.
30Review your Web Confirmation
Tip Click on View as Web Page to print a copy
of your web-based confirmation.
31Review your e-mail and/or fax confirmation
Tip Your fax confirmation will be very similar
to your e-mail confirmation.
32Modifying or Canceling Your Conference
From the main e-Scheduling interface, click on
List Existing Conferences
Highlight the conference youd like to cancel and
click on the Cancel button.
Click on Cancel this Conference.
Complete e-Scheduling User Account
Request http//www.nisn.nasa.gov/Doc_Repos/vots/in
Logon and Begin Scheduling
Receive real-time web and e-mail confirmations
34VoTS Information
- More VoTS Information is Located on the VoTS web
site - http//www.nisn.nasa.gov/Doc_Repos/vots/index.html
- Questions
- Contact the NASA Help Desk
- 1-800-424-9920
- Helpdesk.msfc_at_msfc.nasa.gov
35Thank You!