Title: 1% of microbes are culturable
1Ecogenomics A New Frontier
- lt 1 of microbes are culturable
- Many unculturables live in interdependent
consortia of considerable diversity - Ecogenomics applying the tools of genomics,
proteomics, etc to ecology - Can we recover genome-scale sequences and reveal
metabolic capabilities? - What is the structure of natural microbial
populations? How do they interact? Are they
interdependent? - Can we harness their metabolic capabilities?
2Ecogenomics Studying an environment with
minimal microbial complexity
Iron Mountain - microbially mediated toxic metal
discharge Superfund Site, pH lt 1
- Biofilm with a few uncultured organisms
- Identification, through genome assembly, of
the organisms present and responsible - Understanding of microbial interactions,
roles and molecular mechanisms could lead to
biochemical solutions
3Microbial Solutions from
the Sargasso Sea?
- Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives
- Collection of 200 L samples with shotgun
sequencing - Preliminary analysis suggests presence of 1,600
- Identification of gt1.3 million new genes
- Discovery of 800 distinct rhodopsin homologs
(light-sensitive photoreceptors) - Understanding the genetic and biochemical
diversity in our oceans may lead to new methods
for carbon sequestration or alternative energy
4Environmental Sample
Purify High Molecular Weight DNA
Fosmid Library Construction
Shotgun Library Construction
Fosmid Insert End Sequencing
DNA Sequencing
Assembly Annotation
5Environmental Sample
Purify High Molecular Weight DNA
When possible culture isolates
Fosmid Library Construction
Fosmid Insert End Sequencing
DNA Sequencing
Assembly Annotation
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