Title: Robert Shore, General Manager
1Southern Dairy Conference
New Marketing Coalitions
February 6, 2001
- Robert Shore, General Manager
- Maryland Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative,
2- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
3- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
4- Industry Consolidation
- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
- Federal Order Consolidation
5- Industry Consolidation
- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
- Federal Order Consolidation
- More Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
6Dairy Industry Consolidation
7Customer Estimates Sales (billions)
of U.S. Grocery
1. Kroger/Fred Meyer 43.1 9.7 2.
Albertsons 35.7 8.1 3. Wal-Mart 32.0 7.2
4. Safeway 25.0 5.6 5. Ahold 23.5 5.3 6
. Winn-Dixie 13.9 3.1 7. Publix 12.1 2.8
8. AP 10.5 2.4 9. Food
Lion 10.2 2.3 10. Meifer 8.6 1.9
Total 214.6 48.4
8(No Transcript)
9Top 10 Co-ops in 1990
Volume member milk (bil. Lbs.)
Dairy Cooperative
- Associated Milk Producers, Inc. 17.30
- Mid-America Dairymen, Inc. 8.18
- Dairymen, Inc. 4.94
- Farmers Union Milk Marketing Co-op 4.90
- Land OLakes, Inc. 4.30
- California Milk Producers Association 4.13
- Milk Marketing, Inc. 3.71
- Northwest Dairymens Association 3.66
- Dairymens Cooperative Creamery 3.30
- Atlantic Dairy Cooperative 3.25
10Top 10 Co-ops in 2000
Volume member milk (bil. Lbs.)
Dairy Cooperative
- Dairy Farmers of America 34.896
- California Dairies, Inc. 13.200
- Land OLakes, Inc. 11.656
- Northwest Dairy Association 5.700
- Dairylea Cooperative, Inc. 5.382
- Foremost Farms USA 5.359
- Associated Milk Producers, Inc. 5.100
- Family Dairies USA 5.059
- Manitowoc Milk Producers Cooperative
3.660 - Maryland Virginia Milk Producers 3.141
11Producers vs. Milk
12- Industry Consolidation
- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
13New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
14Southeast Milk, Inc. 230 2.8
billion Maryland Virginia 1,600 3.3
billion Land OLakes 2,600 3.6
billion SEMMA 260 840 million
Total 4,690 10.5 billion
15New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
- Advantage Dairy Group (ADG)
- Dairy Marketing Services (DMS)
16Dairy Marketing Services - DMS
- DFA/Dairylea Joint Venture
- One Northeast Milk Marketing Program
- 10 Billion Pounds Annually
17- Industry Consolidation
- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
- Federal Order Consolidation
18(No Transcript)
19Federal Order Consolidation
- Fewer, Larger
- Geographically Closer
- Liberalized Pooling Rules
- New Economic Incentives to move milk
- (Class I Utilizations, Class III vs Class IV)
20- Industry Consolidation
- New Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
- Federal Order Consolidation
- More Marketing Coalitions Between Dairy Farmers
21Regional Agencies Between Cooperatives
- Maximize Supply Efficiencies
- Maximize Net s to Farmers-
- Federal Order and Over Order