Title: Assessing Hill Countys Public Health System: An Introduction
1Assessing Hill Countys Public Health System An
- Jane Smilie, MT DPHHS
- Robert W. Moon, NW Health Partners
- July 8, 2004
2Public Healths Mission
- assuring conditions in which people can be
healthy - organized community efforts aimed at the
prevention of disease and the promotion of
health. - Institute of Medicine, The Future of Public
Health, 1988
3What public health does
- Prevent epidemics and spread of disease
- Protect against environmental hazards
- Prevent injuries
- Promote and encourage healthy behaviors
- Respond to disasters and assist communities in
recovery - Assure the quality and accessibility of health
4How public health does its work
5The Essential Public Health Services
- Monitor health status
- Diagnose and investigate health problems
- Inform and educate
- Mobilize communities to address health problems
- Develop policies and plans
- Enforce laws and regulations
- Link people to needed health services
- Assure a competent health services workforce
- Evaluate health services
- Conduct research for new innovations
6This is a misperception of Montanas Public
Health System
? Federal DHHS ? Montana State Dept of PHHS ?
Local Health Departments ? Tribal Health ?
Indian Health Service
7 S C O P E O F T H E S Y S T E M
Community Coalitions
Community Service Organizations
Government Tribes As the Core of the Public
Health System
Court System
Health Care System
Environmental Health Advocacy Groups
State Government/ Public Health
Local Government/ Public Health
Mental Health Service Providers
Community Non-Profits
Federal Government/ Public Health
Tribal Health Organizations/ Public Health
Social Service Providers
Professional Associations
Individuals Families
Substance Abuse Service Providers
Private Business/ Industry
Labor Unions
Public Health System Partners
8A broad definition of health
9Health care is vital to all of us some
of the time, but public health is vital to all of
us all of the time.C. Everett Koop
10Public Health Accomplishments1900-1999
- Control of infectious disease
- Motor-vehicle safety
- Safer workplaces
- Fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease stroke
- Safer and healthier foods
- Healthier mothers and babies
- Recognition of tobacco as a health hazard
MMWR Weekly, CDC, Series of articles published in
11Life expectancy at birth,1900, 1950, 1998, U.S.
Adapted from Health United States, 1999,
National Ctr for Health Statistics, PHS
12(No Transcript)
13Benefits of conducting this assessment?
- Improves organizational community communication
- Promotes cohesion collaborative work among
system members - Provides a systems view of public health service
delivery - Provides a benchmark for PH practice
improvements - Create a system of accountability
14 Essential Public Health Services
Basic Capacity/ Infrastructure
15Public Health Performance Standards
- Vision Excellence in Public Health Practice
defined by recognized Performance Standards. - Mission To improve the quality of public health
practice and performance of public health
systems. - Goals
- Provide performance standards for public health
systems - Encourage partnerships to build a stronger
foundation for public health preparedness - Promote continuous quality improvement of public
health systems - Strengthen the science base for public health
practice improvement
16(No Transcript)
17Public Health Performance Standards
- Focus On
- All entities that contribute to the health and
well-being of the community - All public, private, and voluntary entities that
contribute to public health in a given area
Assessing more than just
the local health department !!!
18Public Health Performance Standards
- Based on the Ten Essential Public Health Services
- Provides a foundation for any public health
activity - Describe an optimal level of performance
- Each performance standard represents the gold
standard - Support a process of quality improvement
- Standards should result in identification of
areas for improvement
19Public Health Performance Standards
- Think about the focus of the question - is the
question asking about - Number of partners that contribute
- Extent of activity
- Frequency of activity
- Quality of activity
- A comprehensive picture of everything
20Determining Responses
- Think about response options as a spectrum
Low Partial
High Partial
- Where along the spectrum does
- your current level of activity fall?
21Instrument Format
Essential Service
Model Standard
22Instrument Format
Summary Questions
23Public Health Performance Standards
- Narrative
- Chart of Summary Scores
- Bar Charts by Essential Service
- Table of indicators ranked by
Substantially Met,
Partially Met, Not Met - Pie Charts
24 Public Health Performance Standards
- Moving Toward Quality Improvement!!!!
- Collectively discuss scores results
- Refer to comments and ideas made during the
assessment completion process - Identify priority areas to address
- Collectively develop strategies to
address priorities