Title: Sparse Recovery Using Sparse Random Matrices
1Sparse Recovery Using Sparse (Random) Matrices
Joint work with Radu Berinde, Anna Gilbert,
Howard Karloff, Martin Strauss and Milan Ruzic
2Goal of this talk
3Linear Compression(learning Fourier coeffs,
linear sketching, finite rate of innovation,
compressed sensing...)
- Setup
- Data/signal in n-dimensional space x
- E.g., x is an 1000x1000 image ?
n1000,000 - Goal compress x into a sketch Ax ,
- where A is a m x n sketch matrix, m ltlt n
- Requirements
- Plan A want to recover x from Ax
- Impossible undetermined system of equations
- Plan B want to recover an approximation x of
x - Sparsity parameter k
- Want x such that x-xp? C(k) x-xq
( lp/lq guarantee ) - over all x that are k-sparse (at most k
non-zero entries) - The best x contains k coordinates of x with the
largest abs value - Want
- Good compression (small m)
- Efficient algorithms for encoding and recovery
- Why linear compression ?
4Linear compression applications
- Data stream algorithms
- (e.g. for network monitoring)
- Efficient increments
- A(x?) Ax A?
- Single pixel camera
- Wakin, Laska, Duarte, Baron, Sarvotham,
Takhar, Kelly, Baraniuk06 - Pooling, Microarray Experiments Kainkaryam,
Woolf, Hassibi et al, Dai-Sheikh, Milenkovic,
5Constructing matrix A
- Choose encoding matrix A at random
- (the algorithms for recovering x are more
complex) - Sparse matrices
- Data stream algorithms
- Coding theory (LDPCs)
- Dense matrices
- Compressed sensing
- Complexity/learning theory
- (Fourier matrices)
- Traditional tradeoffs
- Sparse computationally more efficient, explicit
- Dense shorter sketches
- Goal the best of both worlds
6Prior and New Results
7Prior and New Results
Very Good
8Recovery in principle (when is a matrix good)
9dense vs. sparse
- Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) - sufficient
property of a dense matrix A - ? is k-sparse ? ?2? A?2 ? C ?2
- Holds w.h.p. for
- Random Gaussian/Bernoulli mO(k log (n/k))
- Random Fourier mO(k logO(1) n)
- Consider random m x n 0-1 matrices with d ones
per column - Do they satisfy RIP ?
- No, unless m?(k2) Chandar07
- However, they can satisfy the following RIP-1
property Berinde-Gilbert-Indyk-Karloff-Strauss08
- ? is k-sparse ? d (1-?) ?1? A?1 ?
d?1 - Sufficient (and necessary) condition the
underlying graph is a - ( k, d(1-?/2) )-expander
Other (weaker) conditions exist, e.g., kernel
of A is a near-Euclidean subspace of l1. More
- A bipartite graph is a (k,d(1-?))-expander if for
any left set S, Sk, we have N(S)(1-?)d S - Constructions
- Randomized mO(k log (n/k))
- Explicit mk quasipolylog n
- Plenty of applications in computer science,
coding theory etc. - In particular, LDPC-like techniques yield good
algorithms for exactly k-sparse vectors x - Xu-Hassibi07, Indyk08, Jafarpour-Xu-Hassibi-Ca
11Proof d(1-?/2)-expansion ? RIP-1
- Want to show that for any k-sparse ? we have
- d (1-?) ?1? A ?1 ? d?1
- RHS inequality holds for any ?
- LHS inequality
- W.l.o.g. assume
- ?1 ?k ?k1 ?n0
- Consider the edges e(i,j) in a lexicographic
order - For each edge e(i,j) define r(e) s.t.
- r(e)-1 if there exists an edge (i,j)lt(i,j)
- r(e)1 if there is no such edge
- Claim 1 A?1 ?e(i,j) ?ire
- Claim 2 ?e(i,j) ?ire (1-?) d?1
12Recovery algorithms
13Matching Pursuit(s)
- Iterative algorithm given current approximation
x - Find (possibly several) i s. t. Ai correlates
with Ax-Ax . This yields i and z s. t. - xzei-xp ltlt x - xp
- Update x
- Sparsify x (keep only k largest entries)
- Repeat
- Norms
- p2 CoSaMP, SP, IHT etc (dense matrices)
- p1 SMP, this paper (sparse matrices)
- p0 LDPC bit flipping (sparse matrices)
14Sequential Sparse Matching Pursuit
- Algorithm
- x0
- Repeat T times
- Repeat SO(k) times
- Find i and z that minimize A(xzei)-b1
- x xzei
- Sparsify x
- (set all but k largest entries of x to 0)
- Similar to SMP, but updates done sequentially
Set zmedian (Ax-Ax)N(i) . Instead, one
could first optimize (gradient) i and then z
15SSMP Running time
- Algorithm
- x0
- Repeat T times
- For each i1n compute zi that achieves
- Diminz A(xzei)-b1
- and store Di in a heap
- Repeat SO(k) times
- Pick i,z that yield the best gain
- Update x xzei
- Recompute and store Di for all i such that
- N(i) and N(i) intersect
- Sparsify x
- (set all but k largest entries of x to 0)
- Running time
- T n(dlog n) k nd/md (dlog n)
- T n(dlog n) nd (dlog n) T nd (dlog
16SSMP Approximation guarantee
- Want to find k-sparse x that minimizes x-x1
- By RIP1, this is approximately the same as
minimizing Ax-Ax1 - Need to show we can do it greedily
SSMP is ran with S10000,T20. SMP is ran for 100
iterations. Matrix sparsity is d8.
- Even better algorithms for sparse approximation
(using sparse matrices) - State of the art can do 2 out of 3
- Near-linear encoding/decoding
- O(k log (n/k)) measurements
- Approximation guarantee with respect to L2/L1
norm - Questions
- 3 out of 3 ?
- Kernel of A is a near-Euclidean subspace of l1
Kashin et al - Constructions of sparse A exist
Guruswami-Lee-Razborov, Guruswami-Lee-Wigderson - Challenge match the optimal measurement bound
- Explicit constructions
This talk