Classroom Data Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classroom Data Analysis


Using Lincoln Labs serial Matlab generator at present ... Different algorithm from Lincoln Labs executable spec, which uses seed-growing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classroom Data Analysis

Sparse Matrices and Combinatorial Algorithms
in Star-P Status and PlansApril 8, 2005
Matlabs sparse matrix design principles
  • All operations should give the same results for
    sparse and full matrices (almost all)
  • Sparse matrices are never created automatically,
    but once created they propagate
  • Performance is important -- but usability,
    simplicity, completeness, and robustness are more
  • Storage for a sparse matrix should be O(nonzeros)
  • Time for a sparse operation should be
    O(flops)(as nearly as possible)

Matlabs sparse matrix design principles
  • All operations should give the same results for
    sparse and full matrices (almost all)
  • Sparse matrices are never created automatically,
    but once created they propagate
  • Performance is important -- but usability,
    simplicity, completeness, and robustness are more
  • Storage for a sparse matrix should be O(nonzeros)
  • Time for a sparse operation should be
    O(flops)(as nearly as possible)

Star-P dsparse matrices same principles, some
different tradeoffs
Sparse matrix operations
  • dsparse layout, same semantics as ddense
  • For now, only row distribution
  • Matrix operators , -, max, etc.
  • Matrix indexing and concatenation
  • A (13, 4 5 2) B(, 7) C
  • A \ b by direct methods

Star-P sparse data structure
  • Full
  • 2-dimensional array of real or complex numbers
  • (nrowsncols) memory
  • Sparse
  • compressed row storage
  • about (2nzs nrows) memory

Star-P distributed sparse data structure
  • Each processor stores
  • of local nonzeros
  • range of local rows
  • nonzeros in CSR form

Sorting in Star-P
  • V, perm sort (V)
  • Useful primitive for some sparse array
    algorithms, e.g. the sparse constructor
  • Star-P uses a parallel sample sort

The sparse( ) constructor
  • A sparse (I, J, V, nr, nc)
  • Input ddense vectors I, J, V, and dimensions
    nr, nc
  • A(I(k), J(k)) V(k) for each k
  • Sort triples (i, j, v) by (i, j)
  • Adjust for desired row distribution
  • Locally convert to compressed row indices
  • Sum values with duplicate indices

Sparse matrix times dense vector
  • y A x
  • The first call to matvec caches a
    communication schedule for matrix A. Later
    calls to multiply any vector by A use the
    cached schedule.
  • Communication and computation overlap.

Sparse linear systems
  • x A \ b
  • Matrix division uses MPI-based direct solvers
  • SuperLU_dist nonsymmetric static pivoting
  • MUMPS nonsymmetric multifrontal
  • PSPASES Cholesky
  • ppsetoption(SparseDirectSolver,SUPERLU)
  • Iterative solvers implemented in Star-P
  • Ongoing work on preconditioners

Sparse eigenvalue solvers
  • V, D eigs(A) etc.
  • Implemented via MPI-based PARPACK
    Lehoucq, Maschhoff, Sorensen, Yang
  • Work in progress

Application Fluid dynamics
  • function lambda peigs (A, B, sigma, iter, tol)
  • m n size (A)
  • C A - sigma B
  • y rand (m, 1)
  • for k 1iter
  • q y ./ norm (y)
  • v B q
  • y C \ v
  • theta dot (q, y)
  • res norm (y - thetaq)
  • if res lt tol
  • break
  • end
  • end
  • lambda 1 / theta
  • Modeling density-driven instabilities in miscible
    fluids (Goyal, Meiburg)
  • Groundwater modeling, oil recovery, etc.
  • Mixed finite difference spectral method
  • Large sparse generalized eigenvalue problem

Page ranking example
  • Uses power method, i.e. matvec and vector
  • Page ranking demo from SC03 on a web crawl of (170,000 pages)

Combinatorial Scientific Computing
  • Sparse matrix methods machine learning search
    and information retrieval adaptive multilevel
    modeling geometric meshing computational
    biology . . .
  • How will combinatorial methods be used by people
    who dont understand them in complete detail?

Analogy Matrix division in Matlab
  • x A \ b
  • Works for either full or sparse A
  • Is A square?
  • no gt use QR to solve least squares problem
  • Is A triangular or permuted triangular?
  • yes gt sparse triangular solve
  • Is A symmetric with positive diagonal elements?
  • yes gt attempt Cholesky after symmetric minimum
  • Otherwise
  • gt use LU on A(, colamd(A))

Combinatorics in Star-P
  • A sparse matrix language is a good start on
    primitives for combinatorial computing.
  • Random-access indexing A(i,j)
  • Neighbor sequencing find (A(i,))
  • Sparse table construction sparse (I, J, V)
  • Other primitives we are building sorting,
    searching, pointer-jumping, connectivity and
    paths, . . .

Matching and depth-first search in Matlab
  • dmperm Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition
  • Square, full rank A
  • p, q, r dmperm(A)
  • A(p,q) is block upper triangular with nonzero
  • also, strongly connected components of a directed
  • also, connected components of an undirected graph
  • Arbitrary A
  • p, q, r, s dmperm(A)
  • maximum-size matching in a bipartite graph
  • minimum-size vertex cover in a bipartite graph
  • decomposition into strong Hall blocks

Connected components (work in progress)
  • Sequential Matlab uses depth-first search
    (dmperm), which doesnt parallelize well
  • Shiloach-Vishkin algorithm
  • repeat
  • Link every (super)vertex to a random neighbor
  • Shrink each tree to a supervertex by pointer
  • until no further change
  • Hybrid SV / search method under construction
  • Other potential graph kernels
  • Breadth-first search (after Husbands, LBNL)
  • Bipartite matching (after Riedy, UCB)
  • Strongly connected components (after Pinar, LBNL)

SSCA 2 -- Overview
  • Randomly sized cliques
  • Most intra-clique edges present
  • Random inter-clique edges,gradually 'thinning'
    with distance
  • Integer and character string edge labels
  • Randomized vertex numbers
  • Scalable data generator
  • Kernel 1 Graph Construction
  • Kernel 2 Classify Large Sets (Search)
  • Kernel 3 Subgraph Extraction
  • Kernel 4 Graph Clustering / Partitioning

HPCS Benchmark SpectrumSSCA 2
Scalable Data Generator
  • Produce edge tuples containing the start vertex,
    end vertex, and weight for each directed edge
  • Hierarchical nature, with random-sized cliques
    connected by edges between some of the cliques
  • Interclique edges are assigned using a random
    distribution that represents a hierarchical
    thinning as vertices are further apart
  • Weights are either random integer values or
    randomly selected character strings
  • Random permutations to avoid induced locality
  • Vertex numbers local processor memory locality
  • Parallel global memory locality
  • Data sets must be developed in their entirety
    before graph construction
  • May be parallelized data tuple vertex naming
    schemes must be globally consistent
  • Data generator will not be timed
  • Statistics will be saved to be used in later
    verification stages

Kernel 1 Graph Construction
  • Construct the multigraph in a format usable by
    all subsequent kernels
  • No subsequent modifications will be permitted to
    benefit specific kernels
  • Graph construction will be timed

Kernel 2 Sort on Selected Edge Weights
  • Sort on edge weights to determine those vertex
    pairs with
  • The largest integer weights
  • With a desired string weight
  • The two vertex pair lists will be saved for use
    in the subsequent kernel
  • Start set SI for integer start sets
  • Start set SC for character start sets
  • Sorting weights will be timed

Kernel 3 Extract Subgraphs
  • Extract a series of subgraphs formed by following
    paths of length k from a start set of initial
  • The set of initial vertices will be determined
    from the previous kernel
  • Produce a series of subgraphs consisting of
    vertices and edges on paths of length k from the
    vertex pairs start sets SI and SC
  • A possible computational kernel for graph
    extraction is Breadth First Search
  • Extracting graphs will be timed

Kernel 4 Partition Graph Using a Clustering
  • Apply a graph clustering algorithm to partition
    the vertices of the graph into subgraphs no
    larger than a maximum size so as to minimize the
    number of edges that need be cut, e.g.
  • Kernighan and Lin
  • Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Chen, and Chua
  • The output of this kernel will be a description
    of the clusters and the edges that form the
    interconnecting network
  • This step should identify the structure in the
    graph specified in the data generation phase
  • It is important that the implementation of this
    kernel does not utilize a priori knowledge of the
    details in the data generator or the statistics
    collected in the graph generation process
  • Identifying the clusters and the interconnecting
    network will be timed

Concise SSCA2
  • A serial Matlab implementation of SSCA2
  • Coding style is simple and data parallel
  • Our starting point for Star-P implementation
  • Edge labels are only integers, not strings yet

Data generation
  • Using Lincoln Labs serial Matlab generator at
  • Data-parallel Star-P generator under construction
  • Generate edge triples as distributed dense

Kernel 1 Graph construction
  • cSSCA2 K1 30 lines of executable serial
  • Multigraph is a cell array of simple directed
  • Graphs are dsparse matrices, created by sparse( )

Kernel 2 Search in large sets
  • cSSCA2 K2 12 lines of executable serial
  • Uses max( ) and find( ) to locate edges of max

ng length(G.edgeWeights) number of graphs
maxwt 0 for g 1ng maxwt max(maxwt,
max(max(G.edgeWeightsg))) end intedges
zeros(0,2) for g 1ng intstart intend
find(G.edgeWeightsg maxwt) intedges
intedges intstart intend end
Kernel 3 Subgraph extraction
  • cSSCA2 K3 25 lines of executable serial
  • Returns subgraphs consisting of vertices and
    edges within specified distance of specified
    starting vertices
  • Sparse matrix-vector product for breadth-first

Kernel 4 Partitioning / clustering
  • cSSCA2 K4 serial prototype exists, not yet
  • Different algorithm from Lincoln Labs executable
    spec, which uses seed-growing breadth-first
  • cSSCA2 uses spectral methods for clustering,
    based on eigenvectors (Fiedler vectors) of the
  • One version seeks small balanced edge cuts
    (graph partitioning) another seeks clusters
    with low isoperimetric number (clustering)
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