Title: Using Graphs in Unstructured and Semistructured Data Mining
1Using Graphs in Unstructuredand Semistructured
Data Mining
- Soumen Chakrabarti
- IIT Bombay
- www.cse.iitb.ac.in/soumen
- C. Faloutsos, CMU
- W. Cohen, CMU
- IBM Almaden (many colleagues)
- IIT Bombay (many students)
- S. Sarawagi, IIT Bombay
- S. Sudarshan, IIT Bombay
3Graphs are everywhere
- Phone network, Internet, Web
- Databases, XML, email, blogs
- Web of trust (epinion)
- Text and language artifacts (WordNet)
- Commodity distribution networks
Protein Interactions genomebiology.com
Internet Map lumeta.com
Food Web Martinez1991
4Why analyze graphs?
- What properties do real-life graphs have?
- How important is a node? What is importance?
- Who is the best customer to target in a social
network? - Who spread a raging rumor?
- How similar are two nodes?
- How do nodes influence each other?
- Can I predict some property of a node based on
its neighborhood?
5Outline, some more detail
- Part 1 (Modeling graphs)
- What do real-life graphs look like?
- What laws govern their formation, evolution and
properties? - What structural analyses are useful?
- Part 2 (Analyzing graphs)
- Modeling data analysis problems using graphs
- Proposing parametric models
- Estimating parameters
- Applications from Web search and text mining
6Modeling and generatingrealistic graphs
- What do real graphs look like?
- Edges, communities, clustering effects
- What properties of nodes, edges are important to
model? - Degree, paths, cycles,
- What local and global properties are important to
measure? - How to artificially generate realistic graphs?
8Modeling why care?
- Algorithm design
- Can skewed degree distribution make our algorithm
faster? - Extrapolation
- How well will Pagerank work on the Web 10 years
from now? - Sampling
- Make sure scaled-down algorithm shows same
performance/behavior on large-scale data - Deviation detection
- Is this page trying to spam the search engine?
9Laws degree distributions
- Q avg degree is 10 - what is the most probable
10Laws degree distributions
- Q avg degree is 10 - what is the most probable
11Power-law outdegree O
Exponent slope
O -2.15
- The plot is linear in log-log scale FFF99
- freq degree (-2.15)
12Power-law rank R
Exponent slope R -0.74
Rank nodes in decreasing outdegree order
- The plot is a line in log-log scale
- Let A be the adjacency matrix of graph
- The eigenvalue ? satisfies
- A v ? v, where v is some vector
- Eigenvalues are strongly related to graph
14Power-law eigenvalues of E
- Eigenvalues in decreasing order
Exponent slope
E -0.48
Rank of decreasing eigenvalue
15The Node Neighborhood
- N(h) of pairs of nodes within h hops
- Let average degree 3
- How many neighbors should I expect within 1,2, h
hops? - Potential answer
- 1 hop -gt 3 neighbors
- 2 hops -gt 3 3
- h hops -gt 3h
16The Node Neighborhood
- N(h) of pairs of nodes within h hops
- Let average degree 3
- How many neighbors should I expect within 1,2, h
hops? - Potential answer
- 1 hop -gt 3 neighbors
- 2 hops -gt 3 3
- h hops -gt 3h
17The Node Neighborhood
- N(h) of pairs of nodes within h hops
- Let average degree 3
- How many neighbors should I expect within 1,2, h
hops? - Potential answer
- 1 hop -gt 3 neighbors
- 2 hops -gt 3 3
- h hops -gt 3h
WRONG x 2!
avg degree meaningless!
18Power-law hop-plot H
of Pairs
H 2.83
H 4.86
of Pairs
Dec 98
Hops Router level 95
- Pairs of nodes as a function of hops N(h) hH
- Q Intuition behind hop exponent?
- A intrinsicfractal dimensionality of the
N(h) h1
N(h) h2
20Any other laws?
- The Web looks like a bow-tie Kumar1999
- IN, SCC, OUT, tendrils
- Disconnected components
- How to generate graphs from a realistic
distribution? - Difficulty simultaneously preserving many local
and global properties seen in realistic graphs - Erdos-Renyi switch on each edge independently
with some probability - Problem degree distribution not power-law
- Degree-based
- Process-based (preferential attachment)
22Degree-based generator
- Fix the degree distribution (e.g., Zipf)
- Assign degrees to nodes
- Add matching edges to satisfy degrees
- No direct control over other properties
- ACL modelAielloCL2000
23Process-based Preferential attachment
- Start with a clique with m nodes
- Add one node v at every time step
- v makes m links to old nodes
- Suppose old node u has degree d(u)
- Let pu d(u)/ ?wd(w)
- v invokes a multinomial distribution defined by
the set of ps - And links to whichever us show up
- At time t, there are mt nodes, mt links
- What is the degree distribution?
24Preferential attachment analysis
- ki(t) degree of node i at time t
- Discrete random variable
- Approximate as continuous random variable
- Let ?i(t) E(ki(t)), expectation over random
linking choices - At time t, the infinitesimal expected growth rate
of ?i(t) is, by linearity of expectation,
m degrees to add
Total degree at t
Time at which node i was born
25Preferential attachment, continued
- Expected degree of each node grows as square-root
of age - Let the current time be t
- A node must be old enough for its degree to be
large for ?i(t) gt k, we need - Therefore, the fraction of nodes with degree
larger than k is - Pr(degree k) ? const/k3 (data closer to 2)
26Bipartite cores
- Basic preferential attachment does not
- Explain dense/complete bipartite cores (100,000s
in a O(20 million)-page crawl) - Account for influence of search engines
- The story isnt over yet
Number of cores
23 core (nm core)
log m
27Other process-based generators
- Copying model KumarRRTU2000
- New node v picks old reference node r u.a.r.
- v adds k new links to old nodes for ith link
- W.p. a add a link to an old node picked u.a.r.
- W.p. 1a copy the ith link from r
- More difficult to analyze
- Reference node ? compression techniques!
- H.O.T. connect to closest, high-connectivity
neighbor Fabrikant2002 - Winner does not take all Pennock2002
28Reference-based graph compression
- Well-motivated pack graph into limited fast
memory for, e.g., query-time Web analysis - Standard approach
- Assign integer IDs to URLs, lexicographic order
- Delta or Gamma encoding of outlink IDs
- If link-copying is rampant, should be able to
compress Outlinks(u) by recording - A reference node r
- Outlinks(r) ? Outlinks(u) the correction
- Finding r whats optimal? practical? Adler,
Mitzenmacher, Boldi, Vigna 20022004
29Reference-based compression, contd
- r is a candidate reference for u if
Outlinks(r)?Outlinks(u) is large enough - Given G, construct G in which
- Directed edge from r to u with edge cost number
of bits needed to write down Outlinks(u) ?
Outlinks(r) - Dummy node z, z has no outlinks in G
- z connected to each u in G
- cost(z,u) bits to write Outlinks(u) w/o ref
- Shortest path tree rooted at z
- In practice, pick recent r 2.58 bits/link
30Summary Power laws are everywhere
- Bible rank vs. word frequency
- Length of file transfers Bestavros
- Web hit counts Huberman
- Click-stream data Montgomery01
- Lotkas law of publication count (CiteSeer data)
- Generators
- R-MAT deepay_at_cs.cmu.edu
- BRITE www.cs.bu.edu/brite/
- INET topology.eecs.umich.edu/inet
- Visualization tools
- Graphviz www.graphviz.org
- Pajek vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/pajek
- Kevin Bacon web sitewww.cs.virginia.edu/oracle
- Erdös numbers etc.
32R-MAT Recursive MATrix generator
- Goals
- Power-law in- and out-degrees
- Power-law eigenvalues
- Small diameter (six degrees of separation)
- Simple, few parameters
- Approach
- Subdivide the adjacency matrix
- Choose a quadrant with probability (a,b,c,d)
33R-MAT algorithm, contd
- Subdivide the adjacency matrix
- Choose a quadrant with probability (a,b,c,d)
- Recurse till we reach a 1?1 cell
- By construction
- Rich gets richer for in- and out-degree
- Self-similar (communities within communities)
- Small diameter
34Evaluation on clickstream data
Count vs Indegree
Count vs Outdegree
Singular value vs Rank
Left Network value
Right Network value
R-MAT matches it well
35Topic structure of the Web
- Measure correlations between link proximity and
content similarity - How to characterize topics?
- Started with http//dmoz.org
- Keep pruning until all leaf topicshave enough
(gt300) samples - Approx 120k sample URLs
- Flatten to approx 482 topics
- Train a text classifier
- Characterize new document d as a vector of
probabilities pd (Pr(cd) ?c)
Test doc
36Sampling the background topic distrib.
- What fraction of Web pages are about
/Health/Diabetes? - How to sample the Web?
- Invoke the random surfer model (Pagerank)
- Walk from node to node
- Sample trail adjusting for Pagerank
- Modify Web graph to do better sampling
- Self loops
- Bidirectional edges
- Start from pairs of diverse topics
- Two random walks, sample from each walk
- Measure distance between topic distributions
- L1 distance p1 p2 ?cp1(c) p2(c) in
0,2 - Below .05 .2 within 300400 physical pages
38Biases in topic directories
- Use Dmoz to train a classifier
- Sample the Web
- Classify samples
- Diff Dmoz topic distribution from Web sample
topic distribution - Report maximum deviation in fractions
- NOTE Not exactly Dmoz
39Topic-specific degree distribution
- Preferential attachment connect u to v w.p.
proportional to the degree of v, regardless of
topic - More realistic u has a topic, and links to v
with related topics - Unclear if power-law should be upheld
40Random forward walk without jumps
- Sampling walk is designed to mix topics well
- How about walking forward without jumping?
- Start from a page u0 on a specific topic
- Forward random walk (u0, u1, , ui, )
- Compare (Pr(cui) ?c) with (Pr(cu0) ?c) and with
the background distribution
41Observations and implications
- Forward walks wander away fromstarting topic
slowly - But do not converge to thebackground
distribution - Global PageRank ok alsofor topic-specific
queries - Jump parameter d.1.2
- Topic drift not too bad withinpath length of
510 - Prestige conferred mostly bysame-topic neighbors
- Also explains why focused crawling works
W.p. d jump toa random node
W.p. (1-d)jump to anout-neighboru.a.r.
High-prestige node
42Citation matrix
- Given a page is about topic i, how likely is it
to link to topic j? - Matrix Ci,j probability that page about topic
i links to page about topic j - Soft counting Ci,j Pr(iu)Pr(jv)
- Applications
- Classifying Web pages into topics
- Focused crawling for topic-specific pages
- Finding relations between topics in a directory
43Citation, confusion, correction
From topic?
Classifiers confusion on held-out documents can
be used to correct confusion matrix
To topic ?
True topic?
From topic?
To topic ?
Guessed topic ?
44Fine-grained views of citation
Prominent off-diagonalentries raise
designissues for taxonomyeditors and maintainers
Clear block-structure derived from coarse-grain
Strong diagonals reflecttightly-knit topic
45Outline, some more detail
- Part 1 (Modeling graphs)
- What do real-life graphs look like?
- What laws govern their formation, evolution and
properties? - What structural analyses are useful?
- Part 2 (Analyzing graphs)
- Modeling data analysis problems using graphs
- Proposing parametric models
- Estimating parameters
- Applications from Web search and text mining
46Centrality and prestige
47How important is a node?
- Degree, min-max radius,
- Pagerank
- Maximum entropy network flows
- HITS and stochastic variants
- Stability and susceptibility to spamming
- Hypergraphs and nonlinear systems
- Using other hypertext properties
- Applications Ranking, crawling, clustering,
detecting obsolete pages
48Importance/prestige as Pagerank
- A node is important if it is connected to
important nodes - Random surfer walks along links for ever
- If current node has 3 outlinks, take each with
probability 1/3 - Importance steady-stateprobability (ssp) of
visit - Maxwells equationfor the Web
49(Simplified) Pagerank algorithm
- Let A be the node adjacency matrix
- Column normalize AT
- Want vector p such that AT p p
- I.e. p is the eigenvector corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue, which is 1
- A as vector transformation
- By defn., eigenvectors remain parallel to
themselves (fixed points)
- Usually, fast
- depends on ratio
- l1 l2
53Eigenvalues and epidemic networks
- Will a virus spread across an arbitrary network
create an epidemic? - Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS)
- Was healthy, did not got infected
- Was infected, got cured without further attack
- Was infected, got cured immediately after attack
- Cured nodes immediately become susceptible
54The infection model
- (virus) Birth rate b probability than an
infected neighbor attacks - (virus) Death rate d probability that an
infected node heals
55Working parameters
- pi,t prob. node i is infected at time t
- Was healthy, did not got infected
- Was infected, got cured without further attack
- Was infected, got attacks from neighbors and yet
cured itself in this time step
somewhat arbitrary
56Time recurrence for pi,t
- Assuming various probabilities are suitably
small - Recurrence of the probability of infection can be
approximated by this linear form - In other words, the (symmetric) transition matrix
57Epidemic threshold
- Virus strength s b/d
- Epidemic threshold of a graph is defined as the
value of t, such that if strength s b / d lt t,
then an epidemic can not happen - Problem compute epidemic threshold
58Epidemic threshold t
- What should t depend on?
- avg. degree? and/or highest degree?
- and/or variance of degree?
- and/or third moment of degree?
- Eigenvectors of S and A are the same
- Eigenvalues are shifted and scaled
- From spectral decomposition
- A sufficient condition for infection dying down
is that
60Epidemic threshold
- An epidemic must die down if
epidemic threshold
recovery prob.
ß/d ltt 1/ ?1,A
largest eigenvalue of adj. matrix A
attack prob.
Proof Wang03
b/d gt t (above threshold)
b/d t (at the threshold)
b/d lt t (below threshold)
- Primal problem topology design
- Design a network resilient to infection
- Dual problem viral marketing
- Selectively convert important customers who can
influence many others - Will come back to this later
63Back to the random surfer
- Practical issues with Pagerank BrinP1997
- PR converges only if E is aperiodic and
irreducible make it so - d is the (tuned) probability of teleporting to
one of N pages uniformly at random (0.10.2 in
practice) - (Possibly) unintended consequences topic
sensitivity, stability
64Prestige as network flow
- yij surfers clicking from i to j per unit time
- Hits per unit time on page j is
- Flow is conserved at
- The total traffic is
- NormalizeCan interpret pij as a probability
- Standard Pagerank corresponds to one solution
- Many other solutions possible
65Maximum entropy flow Tomlin2003
- Flow conservation modeled using feature
- And the constraints
- Goal is to maximizesubject to
- Solution has form
- ?i is the hotness of page i
66Maxent flow results
?i ranking is better than Pagerank Hiranking
is worse
Two IBMintranetdata setswith knowntop URLs
Depth up to whichdmoz.org URLs areused as
ground truth
Averagerank (106) of knowntop URLswhensorted
(Smaller rank is better)
Average rank (108)
67HITS Kleinberg1997
- Two kinds of prestige
- Good hubs link to good authorities
- Good authorities are linked to by good hubs
- In matrix notation, iterations amount towith
interleaved normalization of h and a - Note that scores are copied not divided
68HITS graph acquisition
- Steps
- Get root set via keyword query
- Expand by one move forward and backward
- Drop same-site links (why?)
- Each node assigned both ahub and an auth score
- Graph tends to be topic-specific
- Whereas Pagerank is usually run on the entire
Web (but need not be)
69HITS vs. Pagerank, more comments
- Dominant eigenvectors of different matrices
- HITS Eigensystems of EET (h) and ETE (a)
- Pagerank eigensystem ofwhere
- HITS copies scores, Pagerank distributes
- HITS drops same-site links, Pagerank does (can?)
not - Implications?
70HITS Dyadic interpretation CohnC2000
- Graph includes many communities z
- QueryJaguar gets auto, game, animal links
- Each URL is represented as two things
- A document d
- A citation c
- Max
- Guess number of aspects zs and use Hofmann 1999
to estimate Pr(cz) - These are the most authoritative URLs
71Dyadic results for Machine learning
Clustering based on citations ranking within
72Spamming link-based ranking
- Recipe for spamming HITS
- Create a hub linking to genuine authorities
- Then mix in links to your customers sites
- Highly susceptible to adversarial behavior
- Recipe for spamming Pagerank
- Buy a bunch of domains, cloak IP addresses
- Host a site at each domain
- Sprinkle a few links at random per page to other
sites you own - Takes more work than spamming HITS
73Stability of link analysis NgZJ2001
- Compute HITS authority scores and Pagerank
- Delete 30 of nodes/links at random
- Recompute and compare ranks repeat
- Pagerank ranks more stable than HITS authority
ranks - Why?
- How to design more stable algorithms?
HITS Authority
74Stability depends on graph and params
- Auth score is eigenvector for ETE S, say
- Let ?1 gt ?2 be the first two eigenvalues
- There exists an S such that
- S and S are close SSF O(?1 ?2)
- But u1 u12 ?(1)
- Pagerank p is eigenvector of
- U is a matrix full of 1/N and ? is the jump prob
- If set C of nodes are changed in any way, the new
Pagerank vector p satisfies
75Randomized HITS
- Each half-step, with probability ?, teleport to a
node chosen uniformly at random - Much more stable than HITS
- Results more meaningful
- ? near 1 will always stabilize
- Here ? was 0.2
Randomized HITS
76Another random walk variation of HITS
- SALSA Stochastic HITS Lempel2000
- Two separate random walks
- From authority to authority via hub
- From hub to hub via authority
- Transition probability Pr(ai?aj)
- If transition graph is irreducible,
- For disconnected components, depends on relative
size of bipartite cores - Avoids dominance of larger cores
77SALSA sample result (movies)
HITS The Tightly-Knit Community (TKC) effect
SALSA Less TKC influence (but no reinforcement!)
78Links in relational data GibsonKR1998
- (Attribute, value) pair is a node
- Each node v has weight wv
- Each tuple is a hyperedge
- Tuple r has weight xr
- HITS-like iterations to update weight wv
- For each tuple
- Update weight
- Combining operator ? can be sum, max, product, Lp
avg, etc.
79Distilling links in relational data
80Searching and annotating graph data
81Searching graph data
- Nodes in graph contain text
- Random?Intelligent surfer RichardsonD2001
- Topic-sensitive Pagerank Haveliwala2002
- Assigning image captions using random walks
PanYFD2004 - Rotting pages and links BarYossefBKT2004
- Query is a set of keywords
- All keywords may not match a single node
- Implicit joins Hulgeri2001, Agrawal2002
- Or rank aggregation Balmin2004 required
82Intelligent Web surfer
Probabilityof teleportingto node j
Probability of walking from i to j wrt q
Relevanceof node k wrt q
Pick out-link to walk on inproportion to
relevance oftarget out-neighbor
Querysetof words
Pick a query word per some distribution, e.g. IDF
83Implementing the intelligent surfer
- PRQ(j) approximates a walk that picks a query
keyword using Pr(q) at every step - Precompute and store Prq(j) for each keyword q in
lexicon space blowup avg doc length - Query-dependent PR rated better by volunteers
84Topic-sensitive Pagerank
- High overhead for per-word Pagerank
- Instead, compute Pageranks for some collection of
broad topics PRc(j) - Topic c has sample page set Sc
- Walk as in Pagerank
- Jump to a node in Sc uniformly at random
- Project query onto set of topics
- Rank responses by projection-weighted Pageranks
85Topic-sensitive Pagerank results
- Users prefer topic-sensitive Pagerank on most
queries to global Pagerank keyword filter
86Image captioning
- Segment images into regions
- Image has caption words
- Three-layer graph image, regions, caption words
- Threshold on region similarity to connect regions
87Random walks with restarts
- Find regions in test image
- Connect regions to other nodes in the region
layer using region similarity - Random walk, restarting at test image node
- Pick words with largest visit probability
88More random walks Link rot
- How stale is a page?
- Last-mod unreliable
- Automatic dead-link cleaners mask disuse
- A page is completely stale if it is dead
- Let D be the set of pages which cannot be
accessed (404 and other problems) - How stale is a page u? Start with p ? u
- If p?D declare decay value of u to be 1, else
- With probability ? declare decay value of u 0
- W.p. 1? choose outlink v, set p?v, loop
89Page staleness results
- Decay score is correlated with, but generally
larger than the fraction of dead outlinks on a
page - Removing direct dead links automatically does not
eliminate live but rotting pages
90Graph proximity search two paradigms
- A single node as query response
- Find node that matches query terms
- or is near nodes matching query terms
- Goldman 1998
- A connected subgraph as query response
- Single node may not match all keywords
- No natural page boundary Bhalotia2002
91Single-node response examples
- Travolta, Cage
- Actor, Face/Off
- Travolta, Cage, Movie
- Face/Off
- Kleiser, Movie
- Gathering, Grease
- Kleiser, Woo, Actor
- Travolta
92Basic search strategy
- Node subset A activated because they match query
keyword(s) - Look for node near nodes that are activated
- Goodness of response node depends
- Directly on degree of activation
- Inversely on distance from activated node(s)
93Proximity query screenshot
94Ranking a single node response
- Activated node set A
- Rank node r in response set R based on
proximity to nodes a in A - Nodes have relevance ?R and ?A in 0,1
- Edge costs are specified by the system
- d(a,r) cost of shortest path from a to r
- Bond between a and r
- Parameter t tunes relative emphasis on distance
and relevance score - Several ad-hoc choices
95Scoring single response nodes
- Additive
- Belief
- Goal list a limited number of find nodes with
the largest scores - Performance issues
- Assume the graph is in memory?
- Precompute all-pairs shortest path (V 3)?
- Prune unpromising candidates?
96Hub indexing
- Decompose APSP problem using sparsevertex cuts
- AB shortest paths to p
- AB shortest paths to q
- d(p,q)
- To find d(a,b) compare
- d(a?p?b) not through q
- d(a?q?b) not through p
- d(a?p?q?b)
- d(a?q?p?b)
- Greatest savings when A?B
- Heuristics to find cuts, e.g. large-degree nodes
97ObjectRank Balmin2004
- Given a data graph with nodes having text
- For each keyword precompute a keyword-sensitive
Pagerank RichardsonD2001 - Score of a node for multiple keyword search based
on fuzzy AND/OR - Approximation to Pagerank of node with restarts
to nodes matching keywords - Use Fagin-merge Fagin2002 to get best nodes in
data graph
98Connected subgraph as response
- Single node may not match all keywords
- No natural page boundary
- On-the-fly joins make up a response page
- Two scenarios
- Keyword search on relational data
- Keywords spread among normalized relations
- Keyword search on XML-like or Web data
- Keywords spread among DOM nodes and subtrees
99Keyword search on relational data
- Tuple node
- Some columns have text
- Foreign key constraints edges in schema graph?
- Query set of terms
- No natural notionof a document
- Normalization
- Join may be needed to generate results
- Cycles may exist in schema graph Cites
CitingCited? ? ?
PaperIDPaperName? ? ?
AuthorIDPaperID? ? ?
AuthorIDAuthorName? ? ?
100DBXplorer and DISCOVER
- Enumerate subsets of relations in schema graph
which, when joined, may contain rows which have
all keywords in the query - Join trees derived from schema graph
- Output SQL query for each join tree
- Generate joins, checking rows for matches
- Agrawal2001, Hristidis2002
- Exploits relational schema information to contain
search - Pushes final extraction of joined tuples into
RDBMS - Faster than dealing with full data graph directly
- Coarse-grained ranking based on schema tree
- Does not model proximity or (dis) similarity of
individual tuples - No recipe for data with less regular (e.g. XML)
or ill-defined schema
102Motivation from Web search
- Linux modem driver for a Thinkpad A22p
- Hyperlink path matches query collectively
- Conjunction query would fail
- Projects where X and P work together
- Conjunction may retrieve wrong page
- General notion of graph proximity
- Thinkpad
- Drivers
- Windows XP
- Linux
- Download
- Installation tips
- Modem
- Ethernet
- The B System
- Group members
- P
- S
- X
- Home Page ofProfessor X
- Papers
- Students
- P
- Q
Ps home page I work on the B project.
103Data structures for search
- Answer tree with at least one leaf containing
each keyword in query - Group Steiner tree problem, NP-hard
- Query term t found in source nodes St
- Single-source-shortest-path SSSP iterator
- Initialize with a source (near-) node
- Consider edges backwards
- getNext() returns next nearest node
- For each iterator, each visited node v maintains
for each t a set v.Rt of nodes in St which have
reached v
104Generic expanding search
- Near node sets St with S ?t St
- For all source nodes ? ? S
- create a SSSP iterator with source ?
- While more results required
- Get next iterator and its next-nearest node v
- Let t be the term for the iterators source s
- crossProduct s ? ?t ?tv.Rt
- For each tuple of nodes in crossProduct
- Create an answer tree rooted at v with paths to
each source node in the tuple - Add s to v.Rt
105Search example (Vu Kleinberg)
Quoc Vu
Jon Kleinberg
106First response
Quoc Vu
Jon Kleinberg
Organizing Web pagesby Information Unit
Authoritative sources in ahyperlinked environment
A metriclabeling problem
Divyakant Agrawal
Eva Tardos
107Subgraph search screenshot
108Similarity, neighborhood, influence
109Why are two nodes similar?
- What is/are the best paths connecting two nodes
explaining why/how they are related? - Graph of co-starring, citation, telephone call,
- Graph with nodes s and t budget of b nodes
- Find best b nodes capturing relationship
between s and t FaloutsosMT2004 - Proposing a definition of goodness
- How to efficiently select best connections
Esther Dyson
110Simple proposals that do not work
- Shortest path
- Pizza boy p gets sameattention as g
- Network flow
- s?a?b?t is as good as s?g?t
- Voltage
- Connect 1V at s, ground t
- Both g and p will be at 0.5V
- Observations
- Must reward parallel paths
- Must reward short paths
- Must penalize/tax pizza boys
111Resistive network with universal sink
- Connect 1V to s
- Ground t
- Introduce universal sink
- Grounded
- Connected to every node
- Universal sink is a tax collector
- Penalizes pizza boys
- Penalizes long paths
- Goodness of a path is the electric current it
Connectedto every node
112Resistive network algorithm
- Ohms law
- Kirchhoffs current law
- Boundary conditions (without sink)
- Solution
- Here C(u,v) is the conductance from u to v
- Add grounded universal sink z with V(z)0
- Set
- Display subgraph carrying high current
113Distributions influenced via graphs
- Directed or undirected graph nodes have
- Observable properties
- Some unobservable (random) state
- Edges indicate that distributions over
unobservable states are coupled - Many applications
- Hypertext classification (topics are clustered)
- Social network of customers buying products
- Hierarchical classification
- Labeling categorical sequences pos/ne tagging,
sense disambiguation, linkage analysis
114Basic techniques
- Directed (acyclic) graphs Bayesian network
- Markov networks
- (Loopy) belief propagation
- Conditional Markov networks
- Avoid modeling joint distribution over observable
and hidden properties of nodes - Some computationally simple special cases
115Hypertext classification
- Want to assign labels to Web pages
- Text on a single page may be too little or
misleading - Page is not an isolated instance by itself
- Problem setup
- Web graph G(V,E)
- Node u?V is a page having text uT
- Edges in E are hyperlinks
- Some nodes are labeled
- Make collective guess at missing labels
- Probabilistic model? Benefits?
116Graph labeling model
- Seek a labeling f of all unlabeled nodes so as to
maximize - Let VK be the nodes with known labels and f(VK)
their known label assignments - Let N(v) be the neighbors of v and NK(v)?N(v) be
neighbors with known labels - Markov assumption f(v) is conditionally
independent of rest of G given f(N(v))
117Markov graph labeling
- Circularity between f(v) and f(NU(v))
- Some form of iterative Gibbs sampling or MCMC
118Iterative labeling
- Sum over all possible NU(v) labelings still too
expensive to compute - In practice, prune to most likely configurations
- Let us look at the last term more carefully
119A generative node model
By the Markov assumption, finally we need a
distributioncoupling f(v) and vT (the text on v)
and f(N(v))
- Can use Bayes classifier as with ordinary text
estimate a parametric model forthe
class-conditional joint distribution between the
text on the page v and the labels of neighbors of
v - Must make naïve Bayes assumptions to keep
- cclass, ttext, Nneighbors
- Text-only model Prtc
- Using neighbors textto judge my topicPrt,
t(N) c (hurts) - Better modelPrt, c(N) c
- Estimate histograms and update based on
neighbors histograms
121Generative model results
- 9600 patents from 12 classes marked by USPTO
- Patents have text and cite other patents
- Expand test patent to include neighborhood
- Forget fraction of neighbors classes
122Detour generative vs. discriminative
- x feature vector, y label 0,1 say
- Generative method models Pr(xy) or Pr(x,y) the
generation of data x given label y - Use Bayes rule to get Pr(yx)
- Inaccurate x may have many dimensions
- Discriminative directly estimates Pr(yx)
- Simple linear case want w s.t. w.x gt 0 if y1
and w.x ? 0 if y0 - Cannot differentiate for w instead pick some
smooth loss function - Works very well in practice
123Discriminative node model
- OA(X) direct own attributes of node X
- LD(X) link-derived attributes of node X
- Mode-link most frequent label of neighbors(X)
- Count-link histogram of neighbor labels
- Binary-link 0/1 histogram of neighbor labels
- Iterate as in generative case
Local model params
Neighborhood model params
124Discriminative model results Li2003
- Binary-link and count-link outperform
content-only at 95 confidence - Better to separately estimate wl and wo
- InOutCocitation better than any subset for LD
125Undirected Markov networks
- Clique c?C(G) a set of completely connected nodes
- Clique potential ?c(Vc) a function over all
possible configurations of nodes in Vc - Decompose Pr(v) as (1/Z)?c?C(G)?c(Vc)
- Parametric form
Label coupling
Local feature variable
Label variable
Params of model
Feature functions
126Conditional and relational networks
- x vector of observed features at all nodes
- y vector of labels
- A set of clique templatesspecifying links to
use - Other features in the sameHTML section
127Toy problem Hierarchical classification
- Obvious approaches
- Flatten to leaf topics, losing hierarchy info
- Level-by-level, compounding error probability
- Cascaded generative model
- Pr(cd,r) estimated as Pr(cr)Pr(dc)/Z(r)
- Estimate of Pr(dc) makes naïve independence
assumptions if d has high dimensionality - Pr(cd,r) tends to 0/1 for large dimensions and
- Mistake made at shallow levels become irrevocable
128Global discriminative model
- Each node has an associated bit X
- Propose a parametric form
- Each training instance sets one path to 1, all
other nodes have X0
129Network value of customers
- Customer node X in graph, neighbors N
- M is a marketing action (promotion, coupon)
- Want to predict
- Broader objective is to design action M
- Again, we approximate as
Aggregatemarketing action
Response of customer i
Known response ofother customers
Product attributes
Sum over unknown neighbor configurations
130Network value, continued
- Let the action be boolean
- c is the cost of marketing
- r0 is the revenue without marketing, r1 with
- Expected lift in profit by marketing to customer
i in isolation - Global effect
131Special case sequential networks
- Text modeled as sequence of tokens drawn from a
large but finite vocabulary - Each token has attributes
- Visible allCaps, noCaps, hasXx, allDigits,
hasDigit, isAbbrev, (part-of-speech, wnSense) - Not visible part-of-speech, (isPersonName,
isOrgName, isLocation, isDateTime),
startscontinuesends-noun-phrase - Visible (symbols) and invisible (states)
attributes of nearby tokens are dependent - Application decides what is (not) visible
- Goal Estimate invisible attributes
132Hidden Markov model
- A generative sequential model for the joint
distribution of states (s) and symbols (o)
133Using redundant token features
- Each o is usually a vector of features extracted
from a token - Might have high dependence/redundancy hasCap,
hasDigit, isNoun, isPreposition - Parametric model for Pr(st?ot) needs to make
naïve assumptions to be practical - Overall joint model Pr(s,o) can be very
inaccurate - (Same argument as in naïve Bayes vs. SVM or
maximum entropy text classifiers)
134Discriminative graphical model
- Assume one-stage Markov dependence
- Propose direct parametric form for conditional
probability of state sequence given symbol
Log-linear form
Feature function mightdepend on whole o
Parameters to fit
135Feature functions and parameters
Penalizelarge params
Maximize total conditional likelihood over all
- Find ?L/??k for each k and perform a
gradient-based numerical optimization - Efficient for linear state dependence structure
136Conditional vs. joint results
Out-of-vocabulary error
Orthography Use words, plus overlapping
features isCap, startsWithDigit, hasHyphen,
endsWith -ing, -ogy, -ed, -s, -ly, -ion, -tion,
-ity, -ies
- Graphs provide a powerful way to model many kinds
of data, at multiple levels - Web pages, XML, relational data, images
- Words, senses, phrases, parse trees
- A few broad paradigms for analysis
- Factors affecting graph evolution over time
- Eigen analysis, conductance, random walks
- Coupled distributions between node attributes and
graph neighborhood - Several new classes of model estimation and
inferencing algorithms
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