Title: MINERvA MC modification
1MINERvA MC modification
Look at event before nuclear rescattering If a
single pion Record pion and nucleon
charges Record pion and nucleon kinematics
Single Pion spectra before nuclear interactions
Single pi spectra after nucint from above
Single pi spectra after nucint not from above
4Final pi momentum vs initial pi momentum
5Just inner detector
Pi0 pi pi-
Initial single pi
Full detector CC
Surviving singlepi
New single pi
Full detector NC
Inner detector
7Q2 1 GeV2
Backward electroproduction of pi0
8A radical but perhaps clean cut
Select backward tracks and pi0's Gives high p to
forward nucleon Should be able to understand
angluar distributions in piN CM.
Lower E pi's more subject to rescattering Some
backward pi's are rescattered forward pi's.
9Backward Pions
10Pi0 pi pi-
Backward angle CC
Backward angle NC
11Efficiency analysis - in progress Assume muon
identified Select events with 1, 2, or 3 hadron
'tracks' pi counts as one track from
truth. Forget truth. Identify tracks with gap
between vertex and closest raw hit. Identify gap
tracks as neutrons or pi0 Identify pi vs N by
angle and energy Look for pi's that stop and
decay to help